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Online tropical plant index with pics?


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We sure would like to get a few red-colored plants to mix up in our 29g. tropical fish tank. Our twin tube 30" T5 fixture includes a colormax and 6500K mix of light, one commentor called that "medium" light. Do you know of a reference online with pictures of actually used plants? Maybe you even have a plant to sell?

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this might be a good resource: http://www.aquaticcommunity.com/tr/ click on each plant name to see photos and description, etc.

found this one too, nice that you can plug in your specifics: http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/forumap...inder/index.php

would have to say my favourite plant with red is the echinodorus 'rose'. gorgeous red leaves if it's 'happy' in the tank. mine grows a new leaf weekly under 40 watts with no ferts or co2 in a 55 gal moderately planted tank that's just a tad overstocked at the moment.

Edited by BettaFishMommy
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Ludwigia repens is an easy plant that when healthy it will turn red.it is also common and easy to find. Petsmart has it most of the time. An ozelot sword is a nice looking, fairly easy plant to grow. Sometimes not that easy to find.

Most red plants need ferts to stay red. Mostly iron. But they would grow better with all of the proper ferts. Also if you buy a sword plant from a pet store they are usually grown above water. So when you put them under water they will loose the leaves that are grown above water. And new leaves will grow. So don't get discouraged if the leaves on your sword plants die within a few weeks of getting it

Also a E. Rose can fill up a 29 gallon tank. They can be 2 feet high and cover 2 sq feet

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Plantgeek.net also has a good plant guide.

Keep in mind that most red plants need quite high light levels. Rotala rotundifolia might be a good choice- it's an easy plant that will grow beautiful pinkish red tips.

Also a E. Rose can fill up a 29 gallon tank. They can be 2 feet high and cover 2 sq feet

They can get bigger than that... :smokey:

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Thank you all for the great references. Purchased four new plants including a red one that can survive in medium light from Nature's Corner (very helpful). Tank apparently may have a bit of a bloom on as it has all these tiny particles that look like dust does in the air when seen in sunlight. The plants will help as will the Excel and Conditioner added today. We have this hairy looking algae over much of our plants.. hoping to rid our tank over the next few weeks of the "hair" in order to add a few Angel fish.

Better lighting may be in the future for better plants.

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