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breeding rams


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I think it would be your pleco or snail eating them all. You could manually transfer the eggs the next time they hatch. Just keep on the maintenance of removing the fuzzy eggs. If you start tracking when they last breeded, you can predict when they will breed next and move the parents to a quarantine tank before hand.

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On the subject, I've had a pair of GBR spawn a couple times but never gotten the eggs to hatch. They are either eaten up by the parents within a day or they get a fuzzy mold on them. The pair is in a well planted 20 gallon long with cardinals and a bristlenose pleco. I have a spare 10 that I could easily setup as a fry tank. Any suggestions or tips on how to increase the success of hatching and raising the fry?


I'd just give them some time, mine did that on the first couple attempts before they got it right, I had a BN in with then too and they were pretty good at chasing him off... :boxer:

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On the subject, I've had a pair of GBR spawn a couple times but never gotten the eggs to hatch. They are either eaten up by the parents within a day or they get a fuzzy mold on them. The pair is in a well planted 20 gallon long with cardinals and a bristlenose pleco. I have a spare 10 that I could easily setup as a fry tank. Any suggestions or tips on how to increase the success of hatching and raising the fry?


Use the 10 to breed them in, without the bristlenose.

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