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Essay on Government Regulation in the Fish Industry


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On the long road to achieving my bachelor degree I have been a tasked to take yet another English course on top of the 2 I've taken already. Yet this class has taken a slight turn for the better for me! I've been assigned to write an research essay on government regulation in some field I enjoy. (Obviously to lean towards one side or the other for/against) My topic of government regulation in regards to the pet industry (specifically fish!) has been approved! I was just wondering if any fish store owners, importers, exporters, or industry related people here on the board would mind sending me your view of how government intervention(preferably regarding livestock) has affected your business, your business processes, bottom lines, or any affect it has had or hasn't had ofcourse. Also your opinion on the topic as to why it is important, or why it has had a negative effect in your view would be by far GREATLY appreciated! :D Of course my views on the topic may differ from your own, and if I do choose to use your information you choose to provide, I solemnly promise to present it fairly, and simply as a counter argument to my own. Your words will not be presented in a way to warp what you have said, I will keep the information as my teacher will need to read it, and ensure that your tone or attitude towards the subject is presented as it was given to me! If you wish to remain anonymous any identifying markers will be removed( I will just present it as a local Calgarian fish importer), though if you don't mind having your name and position referenced in my works cited that is great for me too! It makes my work seem much more credible given that you'll be information from a well garnered source! (How long you've been in the fish industry would be a great help too as it'll make your word sound even more authoritative)! Any help anyone could provide me would be great help, this information will be used solely for a research paper, so it won't really be published or anything other then if it's good enough it may be used as a teaching tool by the teacher. Though in sending me such information you agree to allow me to incorporate it into my research paper and include your name and position (Unless anonymity is requested as previously stated!).

Any help would be greatly appreciated guys! Help a poor student get the A he's been gunning for after all these years of English essays! You can post them here as comments if you'd like or send me a pm,. If it's to large for a pm you could email it to me as well! Just pm me to request it!

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