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Goldfishes Needs Your Love.


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Hello there :)

Most recently, my local hobbyist's club has learned that a girl at ACAD did this "art piece" with glued together glass bottles. She then placed goldfish into these 2 litre death cells. After her work was completed she just left them in there without food or water changes. But a member somehow found out and quickly took in all 15 goldfish on the spot without actually tanks or setups ready for them. As a result my friend, "A" took all of them in. She has a cycled empty 75 gal who was suppose to be getting its first stocks of cichlid but obviously it didn't occur. Here is a group shot of the goldfish.


We have 4 black moors, 1 orange moor, 1 calico fantail, 2 redcap oranda and 7 orange/white fantail. They range from 2 - 3.5 inches. They under QT and parasite treatment, the healthy ones will be ready by the end of Feb or Beginning of March. If you are in the Calgary area and would like to adopt one, please PM me and answer a couple basic care questions. If you are not in the Calgary area but still wish to adopt, I can ship the goldfish to you once its warmer. The min. tank size is 30 gallons, as goldfish need at least 1 other goldfish, 20 gallons for the first and 10 gallons for each additional. There is no adoption fee needed if you can show me a picture of a setup, if not the adoption fee is $5 per goldfish. ^_^

I don't have the final say for adoption as my friend A is the foster, but I am going to help her get as many adopters as possible. Out of the 15, I also took one, which is the smallest of them all. Here is a shot of him/her (and no, he/she does not live in there, the fellow has a 16 gallon bin pond setup) in a bowl to show you how small he/she is and to see him/her clearly. Fellow is a bit skinny and is only a baby, really underweight and has some body rot but probably will recover by Feb. I would like to adopt this little moor out to a good home. PM if interested.


If this is in the wrong section feel free to move it mods. I couldn't find a goldfish section and there wasn't really an adoption section either. :huh:

Edited by Mika
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