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Jack Dempsey Rescue Fish


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I'm new to this site and could use some information regarding a fish I took in about 2 years ago. It's a male Jack Dempsey named Bubba. He was in a small tank and the owner wanted him to move to a bigger one so I adopted him off of Craigslist. He has lived in a 55 gallon since I brought him home. He was slightly bent (hard to describe and I don't have a camera but his head and tail are low and he's bent in on his underbelly) and it's been getting worse the longer I've had him. He's pretty lethargic and sits for hours at the bottom of the tank. I bought him a girlfriend thinking that might cheer him up some but now they're both sitting together. Is this old age? I've been feeding him gold cichlid pellets and dried krill. The previous owner said he liked green peas but I've never tried it. Anything else I should be feeding him?

Please give me your advice here. I cleaned the tank again yesterday and he always seems perkier for a brief time when I do that. Could the water be causing the bend? I put in a new heater as well in case there was any electrical current coming out of the last one. Please help me!!! Thank you Nancy

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