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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by bosshog

  1. bosshog


    The UFA here in the Fort is good if they don't have it in stock they will bring it in for you. Try your Co-op out by the highway, or any of the livestock supply stores you will find similar items. Brad
  2. Quick update. I changed about 75% of the water this morning. I added 1tsp of aquarium salt per gallon of water in the tub. I have an airstone bubbling in the tank. The fish is somewhat lethargic but overall I think he is doing fairly well. The base of his tail is all bloodshot, you can see the blood vessels where they go into the tail. Hopefully this means it is healing not about to fall off. There is a small patch of scales missing where he was stuck to the blanket I found him on. The patch looks a little raw. He is up on top of my 110 gal away from too much activity and it is dimly lit. I'll continue on with his water changes and maybe try feeding him in a couple of days. I will also give a large dose of stress coat as soon as I go back upstairs. Thanks for all the suggestions. It's good to know how to treat something like this before it happens to an expensive rare fish. Thanks Brad
  3. It took about an hour in water for him to come around and start swimming upright. I have him in about 12 litres of water, with gentle airation. I put 1 mL of 1% melafix in the water. He appears somewhat happy, there are big gobs of slime coming off of him. I also put a few drops of stress coat into the water. Most of the fuzz and other dusty type crap that was stuck on him has fallen off. I guess time will tell. Now that I started with the melafix should I keep it up or stop it? Thanks Guys Brad
  4. Just came downstairs to feed my goldfish and koi in the basement pond. I found a goldfish lying on the floor about 10 feet from the tank. He is dry and I thought he was dead but I saw a gill move. I quickly placed him in a container of pond water. He is recovering, more gill movement and some tail movement, still on his back though. Any suggestions for treatment with antifungals, or other ideas would be appreciated. I had a koi jump from the outside pond a couple years ago and he lived for several weeks while fungus and other nasties consumed him. He was a lot further gone than this one when I found him, so hopefully this one recovers. On the bright side goldfish are just goldfish, not expensive koi. Thanks Brad
  5. The eggs are hatching!! I can see a few of the fry free swimming so I caught the male and moved him to a jar. Then I put in a little bit of green water. I can't beleive how small they are. I have no idea how many there are. I guess I will just keep feeding them green water for a few days then start feeding small amounts of fry food. Later Brad
  6. I had a 110 gal set up with blocks, ply and styro for years worked really well. There are two downsides to it though. The weight cinder blocks are heavy, and there is no storage space underneath. Other than that no worries. Brad
  7. Thanks Jason. I never thought of green water even though I do have some, not really green but should work. I have a mortar and pestle for crushing larger food I think I should be alright.
  8. Ive been trying to get my daughters fancy Bettas to breed for a couple of weeks. I've put them together and separated them twice. This time the female was kept in a jar with the male loose in the tank. They showed interest in one another, so I turned her loose. They completely ignore one another for about 2 days. I came in for lunch and see that they are breeding, I've seen the male grab the female and let her go. I know she should look crippled, she did, kinda scary. The male was then picking up the eggs and putting them in the nest. Cool. Now the male is chasing the female off so I'm going to put here back into her tank and leave the male to hatch the fry. I will put a small LED lamp in for him for night light. I'm looking for advice on what to feed the fry. I can hatch brine shrimp, I have Nutrafin fry food that I started convict fry on. Will these feeds be adequate for the fry? I have no live cultures of any kind. Thanks in advance Brad
  9. bosshog


    I use them all the time. Buy em wash em, use em, bust em, fish love em. Brad
  10. Plastic for sure. Lasts forever in the basement. They are available in a wide selection of sizes. Brad
  11. Hey Brad, Not sure about the municipal water supply in town. I bought a ro system on ebay about 4 years ago. The system is easy to install and works off of the water supply pressure, no pumps needed. It came with a pressure tank and everything needed to install. It cost me about $100 including shipping, less than the cost of 1 filter for my old system. It is a little slow but still gives good quality water. I can't remember the vendors name but I will try to find out and post tonight. Making your own water is far less expensive in the long run. Brad
  12. Where is the auction, and does anyone have an idea of the selections offered. Brad
  13. bosshog

    Hello All

    Don't really know the Duke boys but I have friends and neighbours that act a lot like them. We have a lot of fun out here in the hills!!!! Bosshog
  14. bosshog

    Hello All

    I'm a new member on the site, but have been lurking here since early summer. I live in East Central Alberta. I currently maintain only five tanks from 3 gal to 110 gal. My koi are kept in a 500 gallon stock tank in winter and a 1200 gallon stock tank in summer. I have yet to build my pond, too many small kids in the yard. I'm interested in all types of fish with emphasis on koi, and cichlids. Here's a question do convicts ever stop breeding, they are waaaayyy worse than rabbits. Bosshog
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