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Everything posted by BigA

  1. Maybe a hydra? Usually they occur in very very clean tanks. http://naturalaquariums.com/inverts/hydra.html
  2. What about some type of stingray? motoro maybe?
  3. I would say tinfoil barb. Gold or red color morph.
  4. Another great place to check out the local fish is the undersea gardens. Not tropical, but it's a lot of local flora and fauna.
  5. Well, the weekend has ended and so far so good. The only fish I'm worried about is my male krib still. He's been hiding in his cave since I refilled the tank, and is very pale. I'm kinda concerned because he seems to have abandoned the batch of fry that he was guarding prior. Not sure what's going to happen.........
  6. Thanks again for everyones help. As of this morning Everyone was acounted for except for my male krib, but he could be hiding somewhere. I was running late a didn't have a lot of time to investigate. But all the other fish seems to have made it through ok.
  7. Thanks everyone with the ideas. I shut off all of the airpumps and filters. Didn't want to chance a bit of a leak.... And then wrapped the tanks up with industrial pallet wrap. It's a little more heavy duty than regular saran wrap. Now the waiting game. Hopefully it all goes well........... P.S. I have to do it all again in a month. They have to come back and make a second application to make sure they get all of the eggs.....
  8. BigA


    When breeders in asia are trying to propogate these fish, it is done in lagoons that are 15,000 - 20,000 gal. These fish when fully grown will be 3 ft or more and are canivorous and therefore produce a ton of waste. I don't think 500 gal would be enough. Not to mention heating the water and keeping it prime temperature and feeding the fish enough to keep them in optimal shape. If you ever have a chance to see this in action in asia, go to one of the farms. It's amazing.
  9. Welcome to the group!!!
  10. Nice looking tank. Great job!!!!
  11. Hey everyone. Just got home from work. There was a notice under our door saying that on thursday a pest control company has been called in to our building to spray for cockroaches!!!! Now, as I am completely sure that our suite IS roach free, I can't exactly call and tell them that. They left a set of instructions saying that all pets must be removed from the apartment while they are spraying. A sub note on that says that fishtanks must have the pumps shut off and have any openings sealed. I was thinking saran wrap, but am aprehensive about leaving them here at all. Does anyone have any options? Has anyone gone through this before? If I seal them with saran, will they be ok for the day? Not overheat? Or should I just pray and hope that all my fish make it through unscathed? Pls help. I need to have a plan in place before I go to bed on Wednesday as I leave for work at 730 thursday morning and won't have time in the morning to implement it.
  12. As far as right now you have 2 options. Wait for a week or so without touching it and let it settle, or take it out and start over. Play sand is very commonly used in tanks ( I have it in my 29g) but it needs to be washed thoroughly before use. Put it in a bucket and run it in the bathtub mixing it around untill the water comes clean. Once it is clean, put it in the tank and place a large bowl or plate on top of the sand. Slowly pour water into the plate and let it overflow onto the sand. This keeps the silt and dust to a minimum and doesn't disturb the sand either.
  13. Super Red Arowana. Maybe a couple cats or clown loaches to compliment it.
  14. Ok. If I were to cover the tank for 3 or 4 days, what are the effects going to be on my plants that are in the tank too? Are they going to die with the algae, or will they come out ok? And I have put carbon in the filter now. Will the carbon absorb the good trace elements from the fertilizer in the water? Do I have to take the carbon out when I want to fertilize with my next water change? Can I leave it in?
  15. BigA


    Wow. That was a great article. Thanks!
  16. Does anyone know anything or have a great link to info about Severums? Has anyone ever kept them? I've gone to all the usual places like the krib and badmans, but am looking for something a lot more in depth. Is there a good book I can purchase that would have info on it? Thanks for any help you can give!!!
  17. Where does one find daphina?
  18. Hey guys.... I bought some Flourish on thursday to enhance my plants and now have a major microalgae bloom in my 65gal. I have changed the water twice since friday, both 50% changes, without adding any more flourish, but don't see an improvement in the tank. The water is very green and cloudy. Not sure what the levels of the tank ar at. I am going to the LFS to pick up a test kit this afternoon. Should I keep up with the daily water changes? Is there another path I should follow to clear it up?
  19. I may have to try that......
  20. How did you attach the cheese cloth? String? Silicone?
  21. I got home from work yesterday and decided to clean my tank. Do the usual. Clean glass and change the water. Decided it about time to change my filter media as well. Lo and behold when I look at the canister for the filter (Rena XP3) I see something moving erratically in it. Ok. maybe it's some sort of gunk caught in a current of some sort. Upon closer inspection (...these are loafers! Remember Ranier Wolfcastle simpson fans?) I find out that I have not 1 but two different species of fry in my canister. Krib fry from when I was priming this filter on their tank about 6 weeks ago, and 1 lonely platy fry. Now here''s where I need help. How can I prevent this from happening again? Is it possible to get a guard or sponge of some sort to put over the intake? Should I separate my female platy's into breeding traps or another tank to grab the rest of the fry if one of them is dropping? Or wait 3 or 4 weeks, assuming that no more fry made it and then move them? How do I know which one it is? I tried to ID the preggers one a few weeks ago, but to no avail, I couldn't tell. Thanks for any help you can give.
  22. I tried that. They killed them off. Anyway, I put her in the 65 for now and everything seems ok.
  23. Has there been a ransom demand made yet???
  24. cool. I'll try putting her in the 65. If that doesn't work, I may take up up on the babysitting offer. Thanks a lot.
  25. By taking one out, will it reduce the aggression of them any? I originally had planned for them to be in a community tank, but their aggressiveness during breeding forced me to keep it as a species tank. Will that go down as they are not in the same tank anymore? Or could they be extra mean anyway?
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