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Slough Shark

Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Slough Shark

  1. Slough Shark


    :welcome: :guns: -ham-
  2. The name "Back To Nature" is very familiar, I spend hours drooling over their stuff, thanks for the tip canuckkle head, I will check it out if the prices are reasonable like you say. I will be using the black screens if I decide to DIM, hopefully I can buy a nice back from Aquagiant, they have a nice place. Thanks for all the replies! :guns: -ham-
  3. hmm... damn well I guess I'll be skipping the plants, I did plenty of research on Silver Dollars, and I beleive that they will do fine in my 29 Gal. In my first question, i was just saying that behind the styrofoam, I only need room for a heater and an aquaclear 70. Yes, I am going to be carving it out myself and I will also be doing the siliconing myself. I had a long look at some other's work and I think it'll be relatively easy, I'm up for a challenge. How can you become an expert if you don't start somewhere? :guns: -ham-
  4. Slough Shark


    Hey Im new here too! :welcome:
  5. I have a 29Gal tank that will eventually be turned into a small amazonian biotope. I was wondering how much space would be left for my 2 Silver Dollars, 8 Marcae Silver Hatchets, and 5 Bronze Cories with a styrofoam realistic backing on the tank? I just need room for my heater and aquaclear 70. Does anyone have experience in this field, I really must know! Also what substrate would be appropriate for the biotope? I was thinking maybe EcoComplete? :guns: -ham-
  6. Hey Adam I know you :poo: <----- That will make you laugh I'm sure!
  7. Slough Shark


    I am situated in little Spruce Grove which much to my acrimony is growing at a pace that is distressing to me. When we first moved here I enjoyed the quiet ambience of the Grove, oh well it was inevitable. I am in grade 10 also if anyone cares to know.
  8. Slough Shark


    Hello fellow Albertans! I have been searching for a while for a forum just for Albertan fish-keepers (or even canadians for that matter) just learnt of this forum site today and joined just as quick. I have 3 dogs- a black lab/golden retreiver, yorkie/bichon (who attacks fish and rodents of any kind), and a foolish fluffy dog of unknown origins (actually he's a bichon/cocker, but I like the other description better). I am planning an amphibian or reptile 10 gallon terrrarium or aquaterrarium also. I have 1 set up 29 gallon aquarium that contains: Common Goldfish, Japanese Koi, Common Pleco, weather loach, 2 bronze cories, albino cory, medusa head pleco, and 2 silver dollars. Bad stocking, I know, but the Cyprinids and the Common Pleco will be removed as soon as I find homes for them. I am planning a 30 Gal nature tank and a 10 gallon Malabar Puffr tank. I look forward to recieving and giving lots of advice here! tr :ph43r:
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