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Picasso Trigger

Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Picasso Trigger

  1. ok well i really needyour guy's help i've been looking for help everywere ok my ideal stocking list for my 90 gallon tank is 1-yellow tang (non-negotiable as he is aalredy in the tank) 1-Picasso Triggerfish (non-negotiable as i have wanted one for my entire life) 1-Dragon wrasse 1-Dwarf lionfish or Fu manchu lionfish I really need to know if this will work and sugestions as to how i could make it better it has 12.5 pounds of liverock in it and all conditions are stable. and if possible i would like a price range in Canadian Dollars and although im sure i would love to drive all the way down to calgary to get a fish if possible try to keep the lookout in edmonton
  2. yeah i love going through and pulling up old threads and trying to breath life into them sometimes it works sometimes it dosent
  3. actually the oscar never took a go at him the convict which was 1/3 the size of my oscar kicked hs @$$ almost all the time the convict atually sent the oscar carpet surfing (luckily the oscar survived)
  4. OK well a while ago my convict cichlid kicked the bucket (not unusual I have had a couple go carpet surfing and one that borrowed its way under an ornament and starved to death) but the symptoms of this ones death were strange it scared me first I notice that it had fin rot on its anal fin then I notice it has the beginnings of ick then I notice two open sores on its body one directly above the other I don't know what that was. then I realise that hes bleeding from the gills so I was pissed I took him out and put him into a hospital tank the opperculum ended up going into the fishes skull on both sides now normally thiss enough would make me consider euthanising the fish but my dad said no so it went into convulsions and died what could have caused this and why didn't it effect my oscar or pleco as well
  5. That looks asthough it is a brown morray eel and 2 feet is about all they grow to be in captivity youve snagged quite a catch thats the second of those that i ever saw extremely rare fish almost never come into the hobby
  6. not to make this thread about freshwater but my oscar refuses to eat pellets ive bought just about every kind of pellet and he just refuses to eat them when i first got him january of this year i fed him exclusively on cichlid gold pellets and he ate those until october now ive been feeding him all sorts of goodies and he is actually more healthy than he used to be i took him to the vet and he was haveing problems in his stomach and GI tract he was very greedy with the pellets so they were expanding in his belly then his digestive system wasnt working well so the pellets were rotting in his GI tract now hes on krill and daphina and all sorts of other goodies he even eats the occasional cricket therefore in my experience pellets are bad
  7. Gross White/Green junk that sways in the water current has replaced the gross brown algae What is this stuff my tank is 90 Gallons saltwater FOWLR with just a yellow tang and 12 1/2 pounds of live rock in therewhat is that gross stuff and how do i get rid of it
  8. a great site for reference and stuffs www.liveaquaria.com
  9. i have both in my sump i bought a 5-6 puond piece of live rock and just broke it up with a hammer ina big plastic bag i took out a layer of bioballs and put in a layer of LR so for my sumps filtration ive got the pan thing at the top a layer of bioballs a layer of live rock and another layer of bioballs then ive got the standard bubble difuser
  10. thank you all for all of this wonderfull advice
  11. well im thinking about putting mudskippers in my 30 gallon tall tank the only problem is the fact that it is tall i was thinking about using styrofoam as i heard you can carve it ou in the shape i want then painting it (need color sugestion) with fishsafe paint and floating it in the tank i was gonna have roots and stuff for the mudskippers to climb onto the platform will this work??? if not i need suggestions as to how to make this work because i :heart: mudskippers
  12. yeah that stuf is kinda gross -01- so i dont like to touch it so i use a stick and flick it back in the tank and best yet i dont have to worry about getting contanimants in my tank because i have all my filtration and stuff like that in the sump under the tank and no pets other than my wet friends
  13. as i lack the funding to get a brown bird wrasse i am forced to replace it with a dragon wrasse
  14. :thumbs: ive got a Yellow tang (hes already in there) and im thinking Foxface lo, Brown Bird wrasse, Picasso Triggerfish :P i was wondering if this would work?? -01- i have pics of all of the fishes attached
  15. nevermind im ditching the far east biotope and im just gonna do 2 discus fish, 9-10 neon tetras, and a pearl gourami
  16. thanks for all of the advice and my tank is a 30 Gallon dropping the killstream loaches
  17. thank you for the advice i will take it into great consideration
  18. this is my stock list for my biotope Fish • 5-6 White Clouds • 1 male Pearl Gourami • 5 Glass Cats • 4 Chinese Hillstream Loaches • 5 Kuhli Loaches Plants • 2-3 bunches of Cryptocoryne • 3-4 bunches of Hygrophila • 2-3 bunches of Rotala i would greatly appreciate some constructive critisism
  19. its his desision to keep the type of fish that he wants he doesnt have to take this. those are his fish and if you dont like it too bad theres nothing you can do about it so stop trying i dont mean to sound like a jerk but reading stuff like that after a person has put so much money into a tank and haveing him get interigated about it just angers me most people on the 2nd page good on you support this guy dont get mad at him i :bow: to you.
  20. my oscar is gettin the :cuss: kicked out of him by a convict 1/3 of his size i was wondering if there is anything i can do to get them to co-exist peacefully
  21. im getting a picasso triggerfish withe a foxface a yellow tang and 2 flame angels im so happy
  22. i have 1 Albino tiger oscar (getting to big must sell) and 1 pink convict :boom: (dont want anymore its an jerk of a fish)
  23. Picasso Trigger


    im new to the site my name is Adam im 15 i love fish i have a 30 gallon freshwater tank with an Oscar a convict and a pleco and i have a 90 gallon saltwater tank with 1 small yellow tang but that wont be all im also getting 1 foxface, 2 flame angels and 1 picasso triggerfish
  24. theres this gross brown algea all over the inside of my 3 week old 90 gallon saltwater tank -01- ive tried everything to get rid of it even scraping it off but it keeps on comming back (all that did was scare my new yellow tang half to death) how can i get rid of it at the LFS they say that its useing up the nutrients from the tap water and will die off in 3-4 days but that was a week and a half ago please help me.
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