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Everything posted by johnsmith

  1. I have a small female sajica that looks a little skinnier than her male tankmates. She hides a lot so I thought the males were stressing her out. I just took her out of the tank and put her in another tank. As she was swimming around I was looking closely at her belly and it looks like she has roundworm. There's something red and "spikey" sticking out of her butt area. It pretty much looks like this: Taken from: http://www.fishpalace.org/Disease.html So my questions are: 1. is this probably roundworm or could it be something else? 2. is it contagious? 2. how should I treat this? I have three tanks: 90g planted with tetras, angels and this sajica 25g bare bottom w. three sajicas and a few kribs (these fish are all <2") 10g betta (at work) EDIT Okay so after a bit of reading it's apparent that this IS contagious. I've taken her out and she's in a bucket for now. She was only in the other tank for 30min or so so hopefully that tank's fine. Obviously I can't keep her in a bucket for long and her original tank is probably already affected. Still I'll wait 30min to see what you guys have to say.
  2. Not that any remembers my initial question :P but I asked about the water changes just because this tank's at work I thought if I can get away without them then I will.
  3. I've also seen backgrounds with a couple of holes w. black screens around the filter intake area to increase circulation. On the ones I've seen the black screen blends in fairly well, esp. once you get some algae growing on it. Have you come across these in your research: Back to Nature ? That's a great site for some inspiration.
  4. Went for about $6-$7 a bag at the CAS auction in Sept. Are you sure? I seem to remember giving up at $10.00.
  5. I'm pretty sure another strike against those silver dolllars is that they're little lawnmowers. I think they'd eat any plants in the tank.
  6. A couple of questions about these guys: 1. I really don't think any food hits the bottom of my tank and there isn't a lot of algae, will they eat dying plant leaves and that stuff that lives on driftwood (assuming tiny edible things live on driftwood) and any food residue that the fish spit out? 2. If they're in a tank with a betta will an algae wafer once in a while suffice? (different tank than the one mentioned above) 3. Do they need any type of supplement to make their shells strong and healthy?
  7. I like the green background :thumbs:
  8. I have a betta alone in a 10g with 3 stems of lucky bambo (the leaves are emmersed), duckweed, najas grass and a powerhead with a prefilter containing ceramic bio-rings (from an est. tank). Due to evaporation I'd say I'm "replacing" 100% of the water every month or so. I know evaporation doesn't take care of nitrates but with all that plant matter and only one little fish do you think I could get away with topping up the water but never doing any actual water changes? I guess a test kit could answer this question, but until I get mine back from my friend what do you think?
  9. Wow, that tank is clean. I think this if the first time you've posted something other than a tub.
  10. My preference is for fewer larger schools rather than a big mix. I think the impact of a big school is greater than seeing a few fish here and there. I'm not sure what the max number you could handle would be but I would suggest: 1. as many neons as possible (~ 12?) 2. as many harlequins or rainbowfish as possible (~ 12?) 3. as many cories as possible (~10?) 4. your betta * I forgot to mention that ottos are really good at cleaning algae. They should be kept in a school (~5) plus 5. maybe an angel or two as centerpiece fish (I don't think they'll eat your neons if you get the typical small angels to begin with.) or 6. something else peaceful that will stand out and add a little variety - I'd suggest some type of gourami but I don't think they'll get along with your betta. - Golds has several types of apistos, though they're so small they would sort of get lost in your tank. Still, they'd add a little something different
  11. I've been running 3 Stealths on 3 different tanks for months and haven't had any problems. I like that they're black and durable. The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is that they don't have an indicator light to let you know they're on but the temp dial is bright red. Why not have a light that comes on once in a while and make the dial black - I think we would be able to find it.
  12. I was just reading degrassi's post about tankmates for a betta and I'm thinking I would like to add some shrimp to my 10g betta tank. If I threw in some ghost shrimp or something else at Riverfront what would I feed them? There is some najas grass in there so I suspect they'd spend some time finding stuff in there. What else should I feed them? PS - the bettas gets a few nls pellets per day.
  13. and don't forget in increase surface aggitation with an airstone or by lowering your water level. I raised the heat to 86* and that seemed to be high enough to take care of the problem for me (along with salt).
  14. Apparently they have them in Ed right now. That's Edmonton, not the other e.d..
  15. Right next to the big-but-not-quite-as-huge sorta SA tank :P . When you're walking towards the fish area look to your right. I guess you've either been in "the zone" heading straight for the fish or you're always distracted by the plastic castles on the left .
  16. I think most of us have a really high pH. That shouldn't be the problem, but you never know. Usually messing with pH levels using chemicals isn't recommended. The pH swings that could potentially happen will be worse than a high pH. I think stability is the key factor as fish will adjust to a high pH. Neons can be pretty fragile fish, you might have better luck with cardinals. I'd wait till some others chime in b/f you start buffering.
  17. Here's another good link: Shelldweller corner Chances are you'll only find: Lamprologus ocellatus Neolamprologus brevis Neolamprologus caudopunctatus Neolamprologus multifasciatus here in Calgary. At least, those are the only ones I've ever seen. Riverfront has some sunspot brevis if you want to try to get a pair going. The one you just got is an F1 so it has some pretty good genes :hey: J/k, I doubt that matters much. I know for sure they also have ocellatus at Riverfront. Multies will raise multiple generations in their tank so that's kinda cool. Ocellatus seem to be the most aggressive. I had a male terrorize large julies before. Brevis are probably the most tolerant of tankmates. The pair I had always ate their fry though, which is why I only had one. The shellies I've always coveted: stappersii and comp.
  18. Did you do anything with the sharp edges or were they not really that sharp?
  19. I'll have to look around the garage to see what's out there that I can use. I guess at a $1.00 each I can afford to break one or two.
  20. How do you break/cut terra cotta pots without destroying them?
  21. I dont' go to Franco often but they do have a lot of nice sized colourful fish in their display tanks. The truth is, I'm pretty much impressed with any tank that's huge. I forgot about that one at Pisces. Some of those fry are looking pretty big, relatively speaking. They already have attitute, chasing each other around a lot. The last time I was there the female was getting pretty aggressive with the pacus so I wondered if they were going to go at it again.
  22. Golds usually has the best display tank but these days they're sort of going the community tank route. The Deerfoot Meadows Petland, on the other hand, has finally put one of those big display tanks to good use. It has a nice big jag, two chunky GTs, a bunch of convicts and tinfoil barbs, some sort of gar and two big Oscars. And, I could be forgetting something. McLeod Tr Petland has their tank full of male guppies and albino congo tetras - they're the best looking tetras I've ever seen. That tank a certain "striking" factor to it. DM Petland is worth checking out if you're like me and don't have the tank space for those kind of cichlids.
  23. Anyone know their hours? I was by at noon and they were closed and didn't have hours posted.
  24. Okay, another question. I know this stuff spreads like crazy so what happens if I put some in a 10g and never take any out?
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