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Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by corrosionjerry

  1. I noticed that as well / think a couple of the Mods have lost interest! It may be time for a few new mods , to be added to the team ... people who have stuck with the site over time...
  2. I have sent the seller a question about mixing the bulbs.... to see if they will configure it in this scheme... 2/3 1/6 1/6 as you stated Jason... If they will at no extra charge I am going to order two and experiment with it on a 24" cube that I started up for growing plants etc.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/225-WHITE-LED-Aquarium-Grow-Light-Panel-120-240-Volt-/230549981564?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35add9897c
  4. I had another look at this add... price is actually under 30$ per 12 inchx12inch 260bulb unit and you can get mixed red and blues or whites... what ever you like...
  5. This sells for under a hundred bucks / what do you think ? Is it throwing away money 225 WHITE LED Aquarium Grow Light Panel 120 or 240 Volt Click to Enlarge Product Code: 2501WH ALL WHITE LED Aquarium and Grow Light Panel 225 LED 110 Volt PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION:Quality built ALL White 225 LED Aquarium and Grow Light Panel This 12 by 12 inch LED panel has 225 super bright white LEDs. It is powerful enough to light a room yet consumes only 13.8 Watts ! FEATURES: Solid state, Cooler running, High efficiency, Wide angle, all WHITE LED Aquarium and plant light. BENEFITS: This panel has no ballasts to burn out like other aquarium or plant lights. It runs at a warm temperature rather than very hot which is common with most other inefficient plant lights. This more controlled running temperature reduces water evaporation and keeps rooms with tanks and plants from getting uncomfortably hot in the summer months requiring additional air conditioning. They save electricity dual fold. This state of the art WHITE LED panel tank and plant light is extremely energy efficient paying for itself many times over each year in electricity savings. It saves 50% to 90% in energy consumptioncompared to incandescent bulbs or fluorescent tubes. Wide angle projection insures uniform coverage. This specialty all WHITE LED Aquarium and grow light panel is designed to allow you to custom tailor the light spectrum for maximum growth and breeding condition. The purity and power of this all WHITE LED panel has been scientifically designed to provide large illumination coverage of 2 square feet. 14 to 16 hours per day is all that is necessary for maximum fish metabolism and plant health by accelerating activity and plant photosynthesis. The typical white plant lights that run at high temperatures consume excessive electricity, wasting money. LEDs turn on instantly and can be turned on and off by hand each day or work well with all standard lamp timers. We also carry ALL BLUE grow light panels for bulking up the size of plants to increase their flower carrying capacity and all RED grow light panels to trigger maximum bud development, flower blossoming and fruit growth.We also have blended Red and Blue LED grow lights that have both wavelengths that are for accelerating growth and flowering. These LED light panels are perfect as all year permanent Aquarium and Plant lights for Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, Insects and Plant tanks and benches. They are especially productive for spring vegetable and flower seedling development.
  6. Hi/ Did Jason get back to you on the snails...


  7. I have noticed some fish are discribed as Lamprologus and Neolamprologus / is there a difference? why Neo on the front of Lamprologus / I am sure it must have something to do with Latin....
  8. Try (trixie) on this site / he offered me his 90G a few months back... I wasnt interested... He is quite an old guy just getting rid of a big tank that he can not care for anymore... mention my name and if he has it still he may give it to you.


  9. That would be great Ray.... Let me know the cost
  10. I am looking for some Val / jungle / americana or simular type / if you have some and are coming to the meeting let me know and I will purchase some from you... Also looking for a shell dweller of some type non agressive / small group and a few shells... Jerry
  11. You can count on me for a group order if you go that way... Let me know the details and I could pay you and pick it up the next time I am in Calgary /
  12. Thanks for posting that link... I need to replace my unit and this one is quite economical...
  13. Does this tank come with everything a person needs to have a small sw setup that will last? What would a dummy who has never set up a salt water tank need to get it up and running?
  14. It was a good turn out / full house Good variety of fish... and lots of good socializing amongst friends who have been in the hobby forever!
  15. Well... I was unable to go to the first two meetings of the year / Can I buy my membership before the auction from someone so I can put some lots in the upcoming auction? Need some bags as well.... Jerry
  16. I cant make the meeting as I will be out of town.
  17. Thank You for setting the record strait.... you seem to know your shrimp... I read at least a couple of links that say differently, they state that blues and others are from cherries...
  18. Yes Blue are from cherries and so are crystals from what I understand... Just mutations that have been line bred
  19. Looky looky / I have a mutation amongst my green shrimp.... I believe it is a male that is very dark brown or black //// Hopefully some of the offspring will carry this gene... we will see
  20. Great looking tank / I agree with your comments about clarity as I have noticed the same with my acrylic compared to the glass tanks I have
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