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Everything posted by FishManTy

  1. Wow, thats wicked. Picked out an order, and now Im almost tempted to order from them... So cheap!!! 50%-80% off!! Books for a 1.90 The only thing that kills is the shipping cost... being impatient makes me want to get the express!! ugh. Anyone in Calgary interested in ordering and combing shipping with me?
  2. Yikes! He gets huge!, and aggressive! Would never have guessed cause he was doing just fine in my tank!, didn't pick on anyone. Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll be a baby :baby: and won't swallow your fish!
  3. Looks good! I actually like the wood with those rocks on it, but maybe thats just me! Wish I lived in Edmonton to pick up some of those plants. Looked great and still does, update it when the plants fill in.
  4. Current Breeders: Labidochromis caeruleus: 1 group of 4 (2m, 2f), another group of 8 (3m, 5f, had only one brood so far) Aulonocara sp. (dunno the type... forgot), group of 3 (1m, 2f) Aulonocara stuartgranti "Rubescens" (Ruby Red): group of 4 (1m, 3f.. only 1 female has started to breed... still quite young) Aulonocara stuartgranti (Red shoulder): group of 3 (1m, 2f)... haven't started yet in my tank Fry: 9 peacocks (2 of the unknown type, 7 ob's) 7 Electric Blues 28 Electric Yellows 12 Guppies! muwhaha
  5. LoL, did it work?? When I was breeding bettas I started with veils, mainly because they are less expensive, and when a male beats up a female a bit and she doesn't make it (You really don't know what to expect the first time you breed), its not a huge loss. Its still a life and it makes me mad to lose one, but money wise, its good to learn on less expensive... see if you have the patience to do it with more expensive, or the experience.
  6. Can u specify the Depth and Height? My 150gallon (5'x2'x2') after drilling and tops... must have cost... 450? I don't know cause it came with stand, sump, wood, etc
  7. Ok well... Im a bad size guesser. Im gonna approximate that he is a smiggin over 6inches... He just seems so much bigger when you see him swim past the other females.
  8. He is a monster, Jennifer9821 just saw her and thought he was quite large. I can try to measure him up... If he comes out of his cave. Im thinking about buying another tank... so that'd be purrrrrrrrrrrrrfect! If not... Im gonna consider selling the group. Im actually gonna go try to measure him. I'll be back!
  9. I dunno... 8inch? a full 2 inch bigger than any I have seen picture wise on this site.
  10. The only problem with a clay pot... is that my Male is huge. I wouldn't be able to fit a pot big enough in there for 2 to enjoy the space... What kinda veg's would you suggest? I've heard cucumber, zucinni, peas(without shell)... Right now the dom male has taken control of the cave... and has started to dig the sand out, enough to show spots of glass. Ya think the rock cave is a good enough spot for this male to breed?
  11. I keep my 150gallon with just cheap play sand, and I haven't had a problem. I just make sure I stir it up every week or 2. For the hard to reach places, I just let my cichlids and pleco's stir it up. Hey Rahim, do you have a picture of this coral in your tank that you use?
  12. Im guessing that just heat and size are my biggest problems... Im gonna try to turn both heaters(33gallon down to 76 and 150gallon down to 79), and see if I can get anything from the 4 yellows in my 33gallon. The dominant male is huge, so I think the downsize from his old 70ish to the 33, has changed his move. Ugh, so frusterating... the temptation to buy another tank, and sell the 30gallon tall. Maybe a 55 gallon would make him happy. Decisions Decisions Decisions... I'll try temperature for now. I think Im gonna remove the driftwood, get some more slate, and work on making big open caves, and with the most swimming room. The driftwood takes up a large chunk. Man, I need to find that camera. Ty
  13. Holy crap, those pictures are nice! Convicts looking good. What kinda of camera do you have btw? I just have an old one(MIA right now), and been thinking of buying a newer more improved one! No flash back from the glass, my old camera is terrible for that!
  14. Can we get a full shot of that tank? Nice Yellows, Im hoping my younger ones will grow up nicely and look similar to those! I got some yellows from the auction, were these yours by any chance? Ty
  15. Thanks, I'll try to drop the temp down to 82, my only concern is the heater sucks at keeping a temperature near constant. I'll see what happens tomorrow night... Storm coming in eh? Cool, I'll try to drop the temp, see what happens. The sub-dom male was out for not even a week, maybe... 6 days max. This breeding group was in... Jezz, what did she have? 77 gallon? With a good amount of rocks, and a bigger breeding group of I think peacocks. I'd put em in my 150 but its already to its capacity. hmm... I can hope I find the funds to buy another bigger tank... Maybe sell the 33gallon, its just so darn expensive to upgrade. Thanks for the Advice, I'll keep ya posted. Maybe even pics if my Camera shows up! Ty
  16. Alrighty, so I gave them a large amount of Protein Flakes, dropped the water level a bit, pulled the end of the fluval up a bit to splash around a bit, and then I found my bottle of blackwater extract, so I put a half dose in. Im not gonna feed em much, if any. Haven't decided. I've heard that Bloodworms are bad for electric yellows, causing digestion problems, and before knowing this, I had a trio that was being fed half flakes, half worms, and there stomachs were "collapsing" in, or so it looked. Is this true?, or did I just have a bunch of messed up yellows? I surprisingly don't have a calendar(with moon phases), so also, does anyone know when the next full moon is, I think I might try that one next? What about temps? I know for bettas and such, that certain temperatures work wonders. Are yellows the same? My group of 4 has been at 80, and my other tank actually runs at 84.5 (Electric therm) (Helps keep the clowns happy, and the other cichlids don't seem to mind). Thanks for the advice btw, hopefully I'll be stripping them in a month or so! I want fry from them! I hope they aren't getting to old!! :mad:
  17. Hey thanks, Now I just need to work on remembering those, and spelling them as well :bang1:
  18. FishManTy

    Hello All

    Hello everyone. Bit about myself eh?... Im currently taking Engineering at Mount Royal College, been into fish for 2 years or so now. Great hobby, very addictive. Started with a 5.5 gallon, led to a 30gallon, which led to 3 33gallons, 4 10gallons, and my most recent 150gallon. My tanks: (only the ones currently filled) 5.5 gallon --planted-- few guppies, Bronze Cory, and a baby Ghost knife waiting to be moved to a friends 29gallon --- Fluorscent lights, Co2 system, AC mini 10gallon #1: 4 small angels and Bronze Cory---sponge filter 10gallon #2: Fry tank. In a net I got 8 Electric yellows (1cm) and 2 peacocks (1cm). In the tank, Bronze Cory, 8 Ob Peacocks (2cm), 5 electric blue (2.5cm), and about 20 1.5cm electric yellows. (Overstocked a bit, but electric yellows are for sale, for best offer) --- spounge filter 30gallon: 4 red-shoulder Peacocks, 1 gold nugget pleco ---eclipse 3 system 33gallon: breeding group of Electric yellows. 2m, 2f. --- fluval 404 150gallon: mostly Electric Yellows and clownloaches (Most people disagree with the loaches in there... But they have been problem free... so please, just PM me if you're concerned). Few electric blues, red zebras, albino zebras... peacocks... reg Pleco... Lots --- has overflow to a 33gallon sump, with a mag-drive 1200, and a Fluval 4 plus inside to get water moving upward. Tank is filled with Val. (Still alive some how), driftwood, and lava rock. As some of you may have noticed... I don't use specific names for my fish, mostly because I don't remember them. Im working on transferring my whole vocab over to specific names... I live in S.E. Calgary, Bonavista to be extact. Anyone else in or near Bonavista? Seems like a great forum! Local! just what I've been looking for!!! Ty
  19. I lived in Drayton Valley for 2 years a while back! Great Town (Or City nowadays)? I haven't had the time to get out that way for quite a long time.
  20. Just got a few questions, having a few problems. I have a 5.5 gallon, with a little piece of driftwood, and a few small plants and mosses. I got a small sword (not sure of name, Im not a plant genious), some small val's, some java moss attached to the driftwood, and then some other plant I don't know the name of. These are all basic cheap plants from local petstores, because Im just experimenting as of now. For the lighting, I have some fluorescent bulbs (2 of them at 14watts a piece), a AC mini, a sub. heater at 79 degrees, and a Hagen Natural Plant system (Co2). The plants were growing well, until I decided to add the driftwood about a month ago, and then I had to replace the old bulbs with new ones. I had to buy a new type cause I couldn't remember where the old ones came from. Since then, my algae has been way up, and my plants are turning yellow, shriveling up a bit, and fast. What is going on? Are the lights burning the plants? I need suggestions on how to turn this tank into a masterpiece, before I lose all the plants. I can get a picture soon, I just gotta find my camera... Thanks
  21. Just got a few questions for those cichlid experts. about 3 months ago I bought 4 electric yellows (2f, 2m, proven breeders) from a Calgary Society Member. Moved them into their new home, a 33 gallon with driftwood, carefully planned lava rock to give excellent caves, a fluval 404 keeping it sparkling, and a few silk plants for great cover. I feed them a mixed blend of food (Spurlina mixed with Omega 1 flakes) twice daily. Since moving into that home (yes, I know its a bit small but I don't want them joining the other yellows in the 150gallon yet, as they are in attempts of breeding and I don't wanna interupt that), they have refused to breed. Now, I need some advice on ways I can try to encourage them to breed. I've tried increasing and decreasing food consumptions, lowering the water, increasing and decreasing the filter speed, taking out the non-dominant male, and still no bones. If none of the suggestions work, anyone interested in swapping males in an attempt for a stronger stock for your, and a few babies for me. (I know they are proven breeders cause one of the females gave babies during transport... got 30 strong fry from it, still growing, almost an inch now) Helpp!! please. :well:
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