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  1. beautiful fissh but relativly agressive too
  2. nchips

    uv sterilizer

    thanks everyone i will look into changing my bulbs they are about a year old. and i do have a couple of plecos 1 bn which i NEVER EVER see and a "Crocodile pleco" which is always busy but never seems to clean the glass? thanks again
  3. nchips

    uv sterilizer

    i have a slight brown algea that i cannot seem to shake. no matter what i do. it is: - an established tank 1 year. - not overloaded -fish not overfed water parameters are all zero. 30-45 waterchange weekly with 1 tbsp ocean salt per gal. and no direct sunlight. i am sick of seeing brown in the tank that is all. thought this may help.
  4. nchips

    uv sterilizer

    what can you guys tell me about these little babys? are they worth it or just a bunch of "magic snake oil"? thanks sam
  5. archers WILL eventually recognize you as a "food source" and spit at you even when you are just in the room. a tight fitting lid is a great investment with them
  6. check out "the puffer forum" for LOTS of great info in the pufferpedia. being a puffer it needs a good diet ofr "crunchy" food to keep their teeth in order and worn down. (i dont know about mice) snails (about equivilent to the size of its eye), krill, frozen mysis shrimp. as they get bigger you can start feeding them larger shell on shrimp from the grocery store. Monotrete Turgidus Date: 16/08/06 Owner: PufferPedia Admin Size: 2 items Common Name: Brown Puffer Family: Tetraodontidae Distribution: Mekong Basin, Thailand, Laos Water Parameters: Temp: 23 - 26C (74 - 80F); pH:6.0 - 7.8 Personality/Temperament: Agressive. Activity: Hunter. Nocturnal and twilight activity mostly. Max. Size: 6 inches (15 cm) Estimated Lifespan: Not known Sexual Dimorphism: None shown Diet: Feeding and Diet article Care: Pufferfish are extremly sensitive to nitrites and ammonia and should only be introduced into a fully cycled aquarium. Due to their messy eating habits, overfiltration is recommended. Breeding: Awaiting information Minimum Tank Size: 20 US gallons (75 liters) Other Notes: A member of the "Target Group".
  7. does anyone here know anything about this product?? on another board i have been on EVERYONE raves about it. is bio-spira available here? and is it worth investing in for a new tank
  8. - guess I'm gonna have to set up ANOTHER 10 gal... i guess you are heart broken about this
  9. thanks i'll keep an eye on him. just first tank jitters. thanks for all of your time today at the store .
  10. I bought a bristle nose this mornning. i got home from work and it is a milkier version of my gold severum. (yellowish white) is this normal? my tank is a 20 gal @ 78 degrees i have been doing 4-6 gal water changes regularly (about every 4 days) while i have been cycling my tank. ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0.25 nitrate is 0 ph is 7.6-7.8 I hope that this is just stress it is swimming normally, does not seem lethargic and it is eating. please tell me that i am just worrying over nothing sam
  11. well i did it i finaly got my first tank going and i got myself a gold and a green severum for my first fish. they survived the first night (and so did i) so i'm pretty happy
  12. [quote What have you decided on for substrate? Phil sand and river rock only
  13. it is only a 30 gal but it was free. as for a fishless cycle i have done nothing yet it will most likley be at least a month until i am back in town (work related_) and my little woman cannot be bothered with doing ANYTHING with it. but i am excited. . . green terror, clown loaches, bristle nose, and ??? here i come
  14. so I finally got my first tank I am so excited it will be a coupla weeks to a month iuntil i can ste it up. it is REALLY dirty is there any thing i shouls avoid using to clean it before i put water in it? i was thinkin water and vinegar or something safe? now all i need is a lid and a heater
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