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About rolandocalgary

  • Birthday 03/20/1981

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    calgary alberta canada

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  1. plecos are awesome...i have a few different types but yes, they usually eat the plants. i find almost any synodontis to be a great bottom feeder....corys are great too....both come out way more then any pleco too....synodontis petricolas are a big fav....
  2. clown loaches + anything with an exoskeleton= bad news!
  3. hey all, hoping someone here has some help for me with this...ive been on the net looking for info for over a month! i go to Chile every couple of years and have made lots of friends....one of them being related to a fish importer that lives off the Venezuela\Columbia boarder by the Orinocco river. ivs seen pics of his stock as well as a long list of seasonal fish, housing methods, and web sites of other importers (in Europe and the UK) that vouch for him, and enough other info that has led me believe this is a legit buisness and a good hook up to want to give it a shot. the plan is to have him send me a box or two of something....inexpensive. i would hope customs has no problem with this. haha, i doubt it. i would imagine there are licences or something to have them pass customs. i just dont know and i dont want to send a few little fish off to their death and pick up a small coffin instead of a box of fish...you get the idea. any help in this would be very helpful. thanks again. Rolando
  4. i noticed your pics of the new rays. they look nice. mine are about a year old. doing well too....
  5. a 180 gal...same tank the arrow is in
  6. i scored a couple a few months back at riverfront....i gave one away and the other is over seven inches already.
  7. just a few of my critters and such.....
  8. it depends on the size and types of rays. i currently have two motoros and i used to keep mine with a bunch of clown loaches and two royal plecos. i now have them with some raphiel cats, a pair of tukishen? cats and a whack of other south aricans. the trick is to keep a close eye on how they react and get along with each other. i even had frontosas with them for a couple of months. i would mix the stingrays and fish on a day you have plenty of time to watch them mingle. if you have any in mind you could always post and see if you get anyone with experiece on that combination.
  9. most exellent!! congrats!! id love to be on the list when they are for sale.
  10. thank you evryone for the info...hes doing well now and has colored a little better. the info was right and it loves shrimp and anything with a shell. is also an awsome hunter, i was keeping him with eight feeder guppys (less then an inch) and he catches most of them within a day. i will have to keep him alone i think. thanks again.
  11. Hope this is a good place to post this! so i was at petland the other day and happend to catch them during feeding time. i noticed they were feeding a baby (frozen) mouse to a fish. i thought, what kinda fish eats mice. im not sure what kind of puffer he is but hes not very active and not very aggressive (ive had him in with feeder fish for weeks now and the odd one will go missing but i usually have to place krill or shrimp right in front of him for him to eat). he's dark green/brown body with dark green spots and slightly red eyes. just wondering what he is, water conditions, im not really sure how much salt for a brackish tank, the kids at the store told me two tablespoons per fiver which is what im using now. tho two smaller green puffers have gone to the big bucket in the sky(they werent doing any better at the store). and what kind of food would be benificial (i just dont know of any swimming mice!) . he seems to be doing ok but im sorta wondering if hes supposed to be more active. once in a while at night he comes out of his cave for a swim but not much more then that. thanks.
  12. id say in about thirty to fourty hours....tho there were a coupla late bloomers. they are all hatched now and you can even see some tiny eyes. they like to keep to the side, black silicone, and are all lined up vertical...sorta makes it easy to count. id say at least fifty! (thats from two mums). im feeding crushed nls and brine shrimp.
  13. anyone know what to feed these guys or when for that matter (they still have the embryo sacks on em). ? i have crushed pellet food...any other suggestions?
  14. im currently trying two different methods...the flowerpots and marbels seems to be a good place to play but no luck yet. the second method is covering one flowerpot with a mesh or net type material so that the egges fall thru but the fish dont and inverting a second pot over the first. i had a couple of eggs deposited there but they were not fertilized.
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