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Posts posted by bigfishal

  1. So does anyone know if the BigAls sale is still on and and has anyone found any good deals there?

    just got hosed from big als so called boxing day sale, picked up some food & a couple pleco^s, golden nugget for 32.00 & a royale for 42.00 that was there so called sale prices & went to golds & the exact same food was 3 dollars cheaper & there prices for the plecos was 25.00 & 30.oo & then i read harolds fairdeal prices & i had to shoot myself for getting really hosed. the food i picked up was the omega one super colour pellets, & some frozen bloodworms & frozen shrimp.

    Ya the Royal plecos have always been $42 each they have been that whey for about a year now. And still not selling! Hmmm wonder why they are rising the prices and the putting them on sale to the regular price LOL.

  2. If you visit Canreef there is a guy that hoked up his entire saltwater setup to a high end touch screen computer and it automatically monitored everything for him. I believe he may have had some setting on it to do some things automatically for him!

    You should check it out!


  3. I'd say $400-$700 a month depending on how many pregnant rays and baby's I have. I've got 19 adults and 13 baby's/sub adults.

    WOW 19 adult rays!! We would all probably love to see some pics of your setups! Do you have anything posted already?

  4. I have kept many different kinds of small plecos with all kinds of African cichlids so you should be fine just be sure the pleco has somewhere to hid and also keep everyone happy and fed and it will be fine. And yes it looks like a clown pleco but a much better colored one then I'v seen in awhile!

  5. I have done the other way many time were I only rplacedthe shaft as itd the first thing that starts to wear down. Usually the $3 fix works fine for me I rarly ever need to replace the impeller. But I guess anyway works as long as you replace something.

  6. There are cheaper HOB filters out there but the thing with them is they only last about a year or less and if something goes wrong with them you cant fix them and something always goes wrong with them. AC's are only about $20 more then the cheaper ones and it is a much better choice. My oldest ones are about 8 years old now! And my grandfather has some of the very first ones that they started making and is still running them!

  7. The shafts are about $3 at big als but the impellers are cheaper at golds so just ask dennis at golds to match the shaft to big als price im sure he will. I have fixed tons of my AC's that way they are the one and only best filter! Once you fix the impler and shaft it will last you anouther 5-8 years!

  8. I was wondering what would be a better choice to go with in my 33 gal salt tank that I will be setting up.

    I am looking at either going with the koralia powerheads or the new Zoo med sweep powerheads.

    Also how many of each and what size should i go with?

    Thanks for the info!!

  9. Big Al's has been delayed for a bit due to the back up on construction. I did get to get in and take a peek on how everything is coming along and boy let me tell you the wait is sure going to be worth it!!! It is looking AWESOME!!!

    Way better then the last store up south.

  10. You bet we would all love to have a 300 gallon aquarium in our home! In order for me to get one I would have to probably sell all 24 tanks I own just to get one!! LOL

    I would recommend that if you were looking to keeping many rays to just build a really large pond in your home to house them. That is currently in the works for myself. And then I am hoping to house a lease 6 rays. Pond dimensions are going to be 4' X 10' X 30" approximately 550 gallons. :thumbs:

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