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Posts posted by bigfishal

  1. Personally I much prefer HOB filters from canister. I have tried using canister filtration before and

    found that they dont give off as much circulation in the water.

    For your 90 gallon 2-110 AC is plenty good enough.

    I have 19 tanks running and they all have HOB filtration and I have never had a problem.

    Also the HOB's are very quick to clean just pull the basket out and rinse and put it back in!

  2. I have just recently picked up an aquarium that had very bad leaking problems and decided that I am going to

    attempt to fix it. I have fixed small leaks before but never one like this.

    I have already stripped all the old seal out and am going to put new stuff all throughout it all over again.

    I was wondering if anyone here has done this and if they could give me any pointers that will save me a huge


    Any info would be greatly appreciated!


  3. Just be careful about the gold fish you buy! Don't get anything fancy just a plain comet will do better then a fancy

    gold fish. Koi love to suck out the eyes of the fancy ones and the comets can also have very week immune systems

    and usually carry a great number of parasites. If you can get another Koi that would be your better choice.

    Good luck!

  4. Koi are very hardy fish so you don't need to get to worried about the water chemistry but it is still a good idea to

    keep your eye on it as with every fish tank.

    I have been keeping koi for about 12 years now and when it comes to tank size for them believe it or not you can put

    more koi in a tank then most people think! As long as you have the right filtration. If you have ever seen a Koi pond in

    japan where they come from. A koi pond is normally so full that you can barely see the water that they are swimming in!

    My grand father has been keeping Koi for about 15 years and has kept 11 7-13inch Koi in a 130 gallon aquarium and have all lived just fine.Myself I have kept them in ponds and aquariums right now I have 10 Koi in a 180 gallon and should be adding about 2 or 3 more.

    As for your 1 Koi in a 40 gallon at three inches if you are planing to get a larger tank I would get 2 or 3 more for the tank

    and they should be good for about 4-6 months in it. Your Koi is very likely just stressed being alone. With experiences Koi are much more comfortable with lots of them together. He will be glued to the glass because that is the only place he will feel safe since he has been moved to such a large tank. It would also be a good idea to add a good chunk of fake vined plants to make the tank more comfortable.

  5. Good luck on the pond they can be really nice!

    I had a 225 gallon pond in my basement before I moved about 2 months ago but had to

    give it up in the new place as it is a finished basement and figured that it may not be a good idea

    due to moisture problems.

    You are most likely going to need to start using your 2 big dehumidifiers full time after you get this thing

    ready as I had one going that was desighned for 2500 sq feet and the humidity reading was still at about 45%

    without it was 79%!! And that was only a 225 gallon pond with waterfall. Without a heater. I also have about 600-700 gallons of tanks on the go as well.

    So 800 gallons might be an issue. Are you going to be having a heater?

    Not trying to discourage you or anything just trying to save you a large amount of trouble since I had experienced

    many situations when I was setting up my pond. So if you do it right it will turn out wonderful! I am still trying to figure

    out a way to put a larger pond type in my new finished basement...

    Good luck and cant wait to see more pics and let us know about the progress.

  6. I have the same kind of rocks in some of my tanks and the same thing purple algae grows on them to as well

    as some of the other different kinds of rocks that I have. Never seems to ever bother the fish at all though.

    But in one of my tanks I have a Chinese algae eater and he loves the stuff so much and ended up with

    purple lips looks pretty funny but he loves the stuff!

  7. The Labeotropheus Trevawasae are a species whose looks almost the same as the Labeotropheus Fulleborni . They share a great facial feature with Fuelleborni, a large rounded mouth that gives the appearance of a big nose. However the Trevawasae is a more slender fish. The males can be a combination of red and blue to all blue depending on which part of lake malawi they originate from but the females are usually orange and often blotched. As the OB Labeotropheus Fulleborni are more chunkier then the other species. If i'm getting what you are asking the OB kind don't fit in with either as they are there own separate kind.

    The ones you have are the OB Labeotropheus Fulleborni.

  8. Well looks like I have had just about enough of the 48inch T5's. Just had 2 more go on me!!!!!

    I went to turn 1 of and got a nice boost of energy strait through my arm!!!! :boom:

    I think it's about time to go back to the old way I always did it and buy a $10 light fixture and

    just put the aquarium lighting in those.

    Good luck on the people that have not had any problems yet.

  9. I have a 130 held up by a metal stand and a 180 held up by a wooden stand and they are both the same for being sturdy.

    and all my other aquariums are supported by wood stands that I have made. Really I prefer wood since it is cheaper

    and holds just fine. I have wooden tank stands as old a 25 years old and still holding strong! Wood can be stronger then you think.

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