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Everything posted by tbemis

  1. P.S. Thanks Tbemis for making me move that pleco!!! Looks like we may both get some little fish out of the deal. Good luck!
  2. Very cool guys to watch they are always rearranging in the tank. Anytime I get close to the tank the dominant male lets me know he is watching me.
  3. tbemis


    :welcome: to AA!
  4. :welcome: to AA. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on here in different areas, but definitely lots of cichlid keepers with a wealth of knowledge.
  5. Second picture not sure if the spots seen on the shell are eggs or not, but the female has been spending alot of time inside the shell. Hope you enjoy.
  6. There is always the manual option.
  7. You can try the assassin snail I know they are available on Aquabid. Very interesting snail, haven't tried any myself but have done some reading on them. There are lots of forums where people have tried them.
  8. Not really, the only thing that I have noticed is that I have a Platty that chases this particular species around. No fighting amongst the Rainbow fish with in the same species or amongst the other species.
  9. I have six rainbow fish two different species, three of each. Today I noticed on one of my rainbows that it has what appears to be an enlarged spot (cyst looking thing) on one side near the tail. Upon closer inspection I noticed that one of the gills looks like it has possibly an open sore, it looks red. I would post pics but it doesn't hold still long enough to take a picture. It was also eating fine when I fed them earlier today. Any initial thoughts on what this may be? Should I treat the tank with something? This is my 70g display tank. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, Trevor
  10. I set up a 20g a week or two ago and moved my Cockatoo Apistos out of the display tank into the 20 to see if they will breed for me. Yesterday I noticed the female guarding a "cave" and I looked inside and noticed a bunch of eggs on the bottom. Needlesss to say I was very excited as this is my first time that I know of with potential babies. I just checked now and almost all the eggs are gone. Did they get eaten? How do I prevent this from happening next time? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks, Trevor
  11. You do not necessarily need CO2 to grow plants. Having a deeper tank is a little more challenging but not difficult. My tank is 24" deep and my plants grow just fine. I am running 1 WPG and my plants are growing well. However, when I had my smaller tank running I was using a DIY CO2 plus about 2 to 2.5 WPG and my plants were growing like crazy. Once you get started with the plants you can also add Excel which is another source of Carbon. Just be careful as some plants are sensitive to this. Hope this helps. Trevor
  12. I am sure there are some more knowledgeable people that will post some comments, but in my opinion you could use a DIY setup for your tank. A DIY is more cost effective than a tank and diffuser, but using a pressurized tank and diffuser you can regulate the amount of CO2. I would suggest trying the CO2 to see if it helps (it did on my 20g and I was running 2 wpg). If you don't like the results or want more control go with the pressurized system. Hope this helps. Trevor
  13. I just bought a bag of peat from Canadian Tire and used some of it in my tank. I checked to make sure there were no added chemicals or anything prior to buying.
  14. When I do a water change, I empty out x amount of water using a dedicated mop bucket. I then replace the water by taking the same bucket and filling it up with tap water add a small amount of Prime then right into the tank. I have been doing this every week or every two weeks (depending on if I am home or not) for four years and never had a problem. Hope this helps. Trevor
  15. Congrats on the growing additions and soon to be.
  16. Nice photos and tank looks good. Be cool to see when it starts to fill in more.
  17. Working on it, they don't hold still long enough for a decent photo.
  18. To be honest I am not sure. The guy in Germany I was dealing with had a list of invertebrates he was selling. I don't know if these are tank bred or wild caught.
  19. Congratulations. Hopefully everything works out.
  20. Nice very Nice!! Where did you find them? ... I imported them from Germany along with a couple of Mexican Dwarf Crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis). They came in about 10 calendar days.
  21. These are some of my new additions. I received these guys about a week ago. Enjoy.
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