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Ontario Member
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Everything posted by shawntraviss

  1. Theyre are dempseys and yea theyre fighting :bang1:
  2. :rofl: sorry the idea of doing a fish c section is funny, but she migt not be able to give birth, you might actually have to ummm gut her and let the babies go
  3. That happened to me today, i went to my lfs, and on my way home i noticed there was a piranha in the back seat and $80 was gone
  4. I not sure of this but here goes....as most fish tend to be able to regrown fins and ckunks of their body if bitten or how ever injured id guess the same would happen here, as long as barbels wernt taken out with the chunk of face theyre attached to, size the barbel cells are still there i cant see why they wouldnt regrow
  5. I love that color, i wanted some but they were all sold, so i had to get a orange one with red eyes
  6. Catching your own fish makes you a true blue fish geek? ive done that 5 times this month, including today, cuz the girl was doing....well exactly what you said lol
  7. A zebra pleco? a real one? wow theyre supposidly on the endangered list from over fishing
  8. 1) how hard is it for the to form a pair - About as hard as any other agressive cichlid, so keep a divider handy. 2) what is the size they can pair off at - 4" and up. 3) if they are together before they are big enough to pair off when they do will it be easier? - not really, if they arnt compatable they arnt compatable. 4) what is he term for an f0 cross f1? - first captive spawn F0 and F1 is the first captive spawns, spawn....i think. 5) do you think golds or riverfront would sponser a breeding program and give me a bunch of males on loan for 5 months with a down payment? - ummm i dunno lol. 6) how many festaes should I purchase? - all depends on the tank size. 7) who is more likely to kill whom the mother or the father? - Depends on the fish, its a 50/50 area 8) what other questions do I need answered? - What are your going to do with all the fry, most places wont take them before 1", is your tank big enough, can you get a compatable pair, will you have room for fish that arnt compatable at least until you can sell them, do you have the right set up for this, are you willing to use a very large tank for just two fish etc. :beer:
  9. I hope your home made stuff works better then the real stuff :shifty:
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