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Posts posted by HOSStile

  1. The heaters that say they are submersible are just that, I believe there is a question of certification when used in that manner in Canada. I tried to look it up under C.S.A. but got nothing specific. What can be confusing is that hob heaters have a line that marks maximum depth of the unit and others it is the minimum depth. I submerge my submersible heaters to the point where I can still make temp changes from the top.

  2. I see one major problem with your idea, the diverting of water on an intermittent basis (underground sprinkler) and not blowing out your filters when you are not watering the lawn. I did a similar thing with a 2000 gph pump. I deverted a half inch line to my miniature water wheel (flour mill) using a valve on the main line after the diversion. I could then control the amount of water that actually goes to the mill and the filter. Your problem is at 5000 gph, I can almost guarantee you will overwhelm your filters when the water is only going to the barrels. What you can do is put a diversion in the line going to the sprinkler which you could open to divert the water back to the pond when you are not using the sprinkler. You could probably get a solonoid controlled valve working opposite to the one going to the sprinkler, in other words the one valve would open when the other valve closed. Again I think using 1.5 inch pvc will not provide enough volume of flow using that large of a pump. You could probably do the same thing with a pump half that size.

  3. Kyle how many gallons are you contemplating, I think I will go with the rubbermaid idea with my 1000 gal. pond. I was using a 5 gal pail with filter material previously but it has to be cleaned out every couple of weeks because I am pumping 2000 gph through it. I may have a line on white plastic barrels, let me check.

  4. Here is my usual crappola pictures of my guys in the 55. I think I am about to reach critical mass in this tank as I have no idea how many of each are in there. I think there are more Julies but more junior demasonis are popping out. As soon as I get rid of my bigger Africans I will start to weed out this tank. I imagine I will have over a hundred by the time I pull out the rocks.

  5. When I lost a couple of fish one night, almost lost them all, this was the scenario.

    I had just done a water change and had overfilled it a little, right up to the top brace. 55 gal.

    I usually leave one lid open but my wife closed both of them after feeding.

    A rock rolled down and pinched off my airline.

    At the time I was running 2 203s with the spray bars under water.

    I came downstairs for something at 4 am. the 2 severums had died and the rest of the fish 5-6 were gasping.

    I now run one 203 with an ac-300.

    We should remember that the water is not only agitated by the HOB, it also is exposed to air as it runs over and through the filter media.

    I personally run air in every tank I have, one for peace of mind, the other for the looks the bubbles make.

  6. If all yellow labs that have barring on them are hybrids. Then every yellow lab that I've seen in the last 20+ years is a hybrid.

    Kyle said that it had barring like a saulosi, not that labs couldn't have barring. It is as far as I know a sign of less than optimal bloodline though for a lab to have prominent barring, especially in older fish.

  7. Couple of things I would like to say.

    Get some plants such as water lettuce or water hyacinth. They grow like crazy are cheap and spread across the water. This does 3 things, uses nutrients that algae would otherwise use to bloom, shades the water which also slows algae growth, and provides shade for the fish you choose to keep.

    For a small pond like you have, koi are not recommended, and I would agree that the "engineered short digestive tract, goldfish are a little harder to keep. I kept Ranchus in my pond for a while. Consider if you fill your pond after last frost, guppies or other cooler water small fish. If I were you, I would for a first attempt, buy some healthy feeders, (not as easy as it sounds) but can be done, and pick and choose different colors if they would let you. These fish will triple their size in a season and have a lot of personality as they chase each other around. I would besides filtration, include aeration. I personally have a thousand gallon pond out back I just checked on them and spotted my comets and koi swimming around under the ice. Can't wait untill the ice melts completely to see how my guys are doing.

  8. Welcome to A-A Just had my pair of Red turquoise plaster a bunch of eggs on the glass yesterday, today they were gone :cry: I still have a faint hope that they were relocated. Anyway great to have another discus fan.

  9. Holy crap HOSStile, did you take the day off to think that one up?!?!?! -roll-

    I'm all for it, just numbers to me, maybe we should replace it with a title. Maybe it could be a ranking of the member's helpfulness overall. There could be Advisors, Novice, and whatever anyone else thinks there should be.

    This way, the new members would be striving to make the advisors title instead of reaching the two-tang level.

    Uh no, I am just naturally witty. Only it would seem to be more than numbers to some people, the people that just don't "get it", that quality is more than quantity. To say that they agree with someone with vastly superior knowledge is really saying nothing at all. I wish these people would find a chat room somewhere so that they can type meaningless drivel to their hearts content, and maybe just maybe they will find someone to respond to them in kind. I have an idea.... Let's talk about fish.

  10. Darcy, my wife is off my back about them and for that I still owe you a beer or 3. I enjoy raising fish up from babies, but I realize that there comes a time when my guys should move on to bigger and better tanks. I believe these guys have. And for the local guys who never even asked about the festaes I have this to say.. -01- -01- -01-

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