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Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by oscarfan

  1. you have GOT to be kidding me!!!! :boxed: you paid 300 dollars for 3 fish? :boom:
  2. very cool. thanks for posting these.it's a very nice tank. love the eels. what kind/sizes are they? haven't seen an eel tank before so this is quite interesting.
  3. yah petsmart is definitely not the place to buy fish. in fact, it's a good idea to avoid any LFS and just go straight to the specialists. sorry to hear about that man.
  4. my god.. it looks like a rhinocerous in fish form. lol
  5. hey can you post a pic of your eel tank? would love to see one.
  6. seem to be doin ok with the salt so far.. is it recommended to treat and use salt/raise temp? or can one get away without using chemicals?
  7. These are sweet fish. I have one as well. Very nice. They are from madagascar.
  8. ok. i caved and bought two pleco's and shockingly.. ick kicked in in my tank again.. i've got aquarium salt.. will my two cory cats and my weather loach be able to handle it if i put some in the tank to help fight the ick? the quick cure i used fixed 'em up last time but this time i thought salt might help. i've read cory's don't do well with salt but thought i'd ask.
  9. oscarfan

    N L S

    Question on it.. it seems to me that it sinks too fast.. most of my fish get a quick mouthful and then it's on the bottom. i have the community tank brand...it also seems that the pellets are too small. do they make a flake at all? oddly, my red empress pair go freakin nuts for it but the severums only like the flakes..and the occassional mouthful of nls. thoughts?
  10. i'd go with "Noodles" you just can't beat that.
  11. thanks all for the quick advice. raised the temp and am treating with quick cure. will hope this helps.
  12. oscarfan


    arg. ick infestation in one of my tanks. tank temp has always been 82 degrees so i don't think i can raise it. don't have aquarium salt. will regular table salt work? half dosage of quick cure is in the tank with no filters left in. help?!
  13. oscarfan


    hey there from edmonton.. how goes?
  14. this has got to be the most unusual posting i have ever seen. i should start a forum.. www.morethan10toes.com or something..
  15. Weather right now.. it's around 4 degrees or so. Not good but not too frosty
  16. First, I disagree with you (degrassi) suggesting 46G is a small tank for africans. 46G bow is more than enough for a community of them. True, africans and south americans shouldn't normally be kept together, however, considering Golds have been raising cichlids and specializes in them for a number of years.. I am hard pressed to quickly dismiss their opinion. Currently the severum and the red empress pair (2") are doing fine.. if issues develop I will move one or the other. We also need to focus on the fact that these fish are most certainly not full grown at the moment ergo there is plenty of tank space. What I find very frustrating is how often someone's simple question turns into an arguement on these boards. This particular post was handled quite well.. with everyone stating their opinions and leaving it at that. I really find it exhausting to continually see people told their tanks are too small for the fish, etc.. when they didn't solicite the information in the first place. If I was overstocking the heck out of my tank and had an insane amount of fish and it was inhumane.. then for sure tell me. Considering, however, that I actually asked for ideas on how to decorate the tank and what fish to add.. and i have 3 fish in a 46 gallon tank.. i think i'm doing ok at the moment. I am a responsible fish owner, if I see issues, I jump on it. I have no plans on upgrading my tank, i simply wanted to create a show tank. I need advice on what fish you would normally stock. Let's put aside for a moment the fact that there is a severum in there as well and assume that i'm looking at creating an african tank setup of about 10-12 or so fish (perhaps a little less). What species would you recommend? I'm still trying to get suggestions on the tank setup as well (overall point of this post initially). Thank you for not starting fights on this topic.. I wasn't trying to incite rage.. just trying to find out whether to use coral or substrate or what the best options are for me. Suggestions welcome.
  17. Wow. So i'm getting poor information from Golds? Why on earth would he suggest this setup if it's so obviously not the right maneuver?
  18. AHA! Red Empress. Sweet.. I just added a male/female into my tank and didn't recognize the colouring. Very nice..
  19. Thanks for the advice. As for the frontosa's. I can agree that long term it's not a great setup for frontosa's.. But being that they grow exceptionally slow and were recommended by Albert (golds) for the tank, I felt relatively comfortable adding them.. provided they are added at a small size. But long term.. absolutely not a good fit for them. I was primarly asking how to setup the tank.. ie: coral, driftwood.. etc.. or is my current setup a good one? I'm only putting in low agression fish. Red empress were recommended as a fine option by Albert, hence the reason for adding them in. You are absolutely correct on being cautious about which ones to add however. If you have more thoughts on a good mix, i'd be happy to hear them.
  20. very very nice. I especially like the 3rd pick.. which one is that?
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