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Everything posted by darkangel

  1. You could try and silicone a small piece of plexi on the bottom of the outflow.
  2. The one on the left is a female flowerhorn, Very nice looking fish, But will eventually be the only one you have in yhat tank. From my experience with flowerhorns, they are very nasty. Who knows, yours might be pretty laid back, I know mine was, until I added a male. Within minutes the rest of the fish in the tank looked like they got caught in a boat prop.
  3. Thanks, It was burried under the substrate except for the very top of the leaves. Just made It's way out about 3 or 4 weeks ago. In the pic it's only about 1.5 cm tall & about a 3" dia. Now it's about 2 cm tall & about 5" dia.
  4. Thank you. Trying to keep it from from covering the tank with leaves is a challenge tho.
  5. I have about 6-8 bolbitis in my planted tank. While fiddling around in the tank, straightening out plants, I noticed that one of the stems on a plant has a small rhyzome with 4 leaves on it that has formed on the end of one of the stems. So basicly it has the stem coming off the main rhyzome and at the end of the leaf is where the new plant is forming. Is this normal or is it just another strange occurance in my tank. Over the last month I've had a lot of strange stuff happening. Such as plants that I have not had in the tank for over six months are showing up everywhere. Swords, Crypts, Pygmy chain sword, Lotus, Alternanthera reineckii-roseafolia. Any comments are welcome.
  6. Welcome back. I have a 20 gal waterhome tank that I'm not using. It only has a single 16 inch T-8 flourecent light, and I don't know if you could rig something else up as the canopy doubles as the top trim. Comes complete with A/C 50, heater and pea size natural gravel. Also have a 20 gal hagen tank and I think a glass lid, heater and A/C 50. PM me if you're interested.
  7. I just have to get in on this :cuss: contest. I also have an axolotl, Bought it a year ago. It was about 2" long. I have tried to feed it everything from soup to nuts, and all he/she will eat is NLS pellets. It is now 7" long. I also use NLS, But I also use a variety of other foods in flake form such as veggie, shrimp, earthworm, spirulina, and freeze dried brine shrimp all mixed together in one big bag. I also feed frozen foods such as blood worms, tubifex, and brine shrimp. If you would like the best food for your fish, You can set up a fish room just to raise the food that they eat in the wild, (not very cost effective or practical) That brings us back to NLS. The best, most practical and cost effective food on the market IMO. I don't think this is a heavy push for fish keepers to use NLS, It only states the best most practical and cost effective dry fish food on the market today. This reply comes from a hobbyist that started out when major high tech filtration for a home aquarist was an air pump and an in tank box filter. ( I HAVE EVOLVED )
  8. Upon closer inspection and the fact that Sue pointed them out. I don't have eggs, I do have little wigglers tho. Yes, A school of cardinals would have been nice. Still weeping a bit over that one. I do have other hungry fish that wiil take care of them. I may grow a few out just to see the coloration I get from them. No orange or yellow, they become food, Maybe for a lungfish lurking around the Gibbons area.
  9. Thanks a lot Nick, I don't really want a pair. I will be in no shape to be raising fry very soon.
  10. A friend took some great pics of our tanks thought I would share this with you.
  11. Wanted to share this, a friend of my wifes took some awsome pics.
  12. I can't really see anything that looks like eggs, But they sure are protective of that spot.
  13. Other than size they both look identical. The only difference I see is the smaller one that is digging/fanning has no markings/lines on it's face. I don't really want to stress them out netting and venting at this point.
  14. Don't know if this is the right place for this but here goes. I have 5 heros sp, 2 rotkeil red shoulder and 3 rainbow. One of the rainbows is down in the corner of the tank beside some rocks and fake plants. It is constantly fanning the gravel and picking it up and spitting it out on the other side of the tank, it has a pretty good size pit dug up. It also chases the others away from that spot. Tonite I was digging up some MTS for my planted tank, and every time I got within 6" of him/her it would attack my hand very aggressivly. These fish are normaly very tame and will take pellets from my fingers. Is this a breeding/spawning ritual or is it something else,(fish turning into a real a$$hole). I did notice that every now and then it will allow one of the other rainbows to get close, and then it gets chased away. I have never bred severums and have no intention of starting now as I don't think there is a high demand for them except for feeders.
  15. Sent in pics last night. Also sent in a cool shot of my Hemianthus callitricoides pearling, First time that plant has ever done that.
  16. I've had synos in my comunity planted tank for about 3 years with no problems.
  17. I just got word that a friend is coming over to take pics of the tank for me. (professional photogrpher). I hope nobody says I'm cheating.
  18. I will be sending pics tonite, Even if they are crappy.
  19. The problem could be that you're testing the water when you do a water change. If you do a W/C on the weekend, Do your test in the middle of the week. It could also be that your test kit has expired and you are getting false readings. Personally I use the neon method. If the neons are alive everything is ok. I still test my water once a week to be sure.
  20. After a closer look at the pics, They don't look like FH at all. How long have they been in the same tank? If they are in fact FH I would guess after about a week in the tank together one of them would be dead by now, Most likely the female regaurdless of size. I had to keep my pair separated from day one. To breed them I placed a piece of slate under the divider 1/2 on the males side & 1/2 on the females side. I then placed a small fountain pump on the male side with the flow toward the females end of the tank.
  21. Nice job, Let me guess first batch, About 300 to 500 eggs. IME breeding FH it would be a good idea to put a divider between the male & female unless you want one of them killed by the other. My male would constantly knock down the divider and beat the living crap out of the female. Almost killed her on one occasion. He was also famous for smashing through a 1/4 glass top and pulling the family cat into the tank. You can leave the eggs on the females side of the tank, But use an eggcrate divider so the male can also take part in caring for the fry. The eggs should hatch in 3 to 5 days, If you decide to keep & raise the fry, remove most of them to another tank after about 6 days free swimming and be sure to leave about a dozen in with the parents to avoid stressing them out. If you don't want to raise the fry just leave them in the tank and within a week or two they will be gone (snacks).
  22. A little problem for the angel fish. It's about to be lunch.
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