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Everything posted by darkangel

  1. I'll let you know if it grows ok for me Val. Just planted it today.
  2. Plants look really good, full thick and healthy, Greens are green and reds are red, Fish are very active and have great color, they stay pretty much to the bottom and mid point of the tank. The fish come to the surface whenever I get within 3ft of the tank, But thats only because they think they're getting fed. I only feed once a day and only enough that can be eaten within 3 to 5 min. I have been using the neon method, if the neons are ok most likely the tank is ok.
  3. Overkill seems to be the norm for me, I do have a powerhead on that tank the only problem now is finding the Co2 diffuser behind all the plants and moving it under the powerhead. I think I'll leave it the way it is for now and just keep checking the ph readings every day for a while. It seems that the leave it alone method works well for me, but thanks for the tip Jason.
  4. I have a 72gal planted tank, 2.25 watts per gal of light, 3 bbls per sec Co2, grossly over filtered. Co2 runs 24/7, lights on 12hrs per day, fertilize once a week, A small air pump comes on 1hr after lights out and turns off 1hr before lights on. Water parimeters are Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5ppm, Ph 6.8-7.0, Am I good or do I need to adjust anything.
  5. It doesn't really matter if it catches on fire. It will eventually fall into the tank and the water will put it out. :smokey: haha, that sucks since water can sometimes worsen an electric fire. This is true that water can worsen an electrical fire. But if you have a GFCI plug it will throw the breaker before that happens.
  6. Are we having trouble reading our own spelling lol. If you have kids you can make out what anybody is trying to say or spell.
  7. I have one of those units in my garage and has worked very well without any problems for years now. All I did was wire it inside the housing and used 3 wire heavy duty outdoor extension cord, runs about $2.00 a foot available at any local hardware store. If you are still leary about it you can pick up a little green book called electrical code simplified, $14.00 to $16.00 depending on where you buy it.
  8. I thank you all and very much appreciate this. The road to recovery will be very long and slow as this is the second time in 2 years for the same shoulder. Thank you again Mods, Admins, and Members.
  9. Have'nt fed this tankl in a week, All that is in there is a healthy portion of java moss and a couple peices of driftwood with some starter plants on them. ( Anubius & Bolbitis ).6 or so shrimp, can never find them all at once, 15 albino guppy fry. I also got tired of picking them out and started crushing them but they just keep popping up by the hundreds it seems. Next option is tear down the tank and start from scratch. In any case thank you all for the replies.
  10. Hello all, I would like to pick the brains of all the cherry shrimp farmers out there. I have a 10gal tank w/cherry shrimp & albino guppy fry as well as the culprit I would like to get rid of, SNAILS. I tried everything from picking them ouy by hand to puting zuccini in the tank,even sunk a breeding trap with food in it. Still over run with snails. I would like to know if dwarf loaches or rather if the shimp & guppy fry will be ok with the loaches. Any info will be appreciated.
  11. Thanks for the info. Have lots of water flow and good current,ferts, and light. Thanks again, Time to go play Dr. Jeckyl.
  12. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Be careful on this one, Frost levels go down 4 to 8 feet in AB. Your weeping tile may freeze up during the winter months. 1.5" abs pipe on a 5 degree angle to the nearest storm sewer might be a better option. 4. If your house was built in the last 5 yrs. Your garage floor is an average of 4" thick standard 20 to 32mpa duramix blend resting on 4 piles 8 to 12 ft deep, It is also anchored to the grade beam of your garage that also sits on piles an average of 4 ft apart, You should have no problems with the floor. 5. Not to sure of this one, But if you have an existing panel in your garage you can run a sub panel 60% of the panel allready there. eg. 60 amp panel you can add a 40 amp sub. 6. Shoud'nt be a problem, I would try to keep all electrical at least 3 ft away from the gas line just to be safe.
  13. I have a moss ball close to 3" in diamiter and was wondering if they can be divided without any problems. Would like to make 2 out of 1.
  14. I had the same problems with a/c filters when the power went out or just after cleaning. Picked up some new impellers and all problems were solved. Unlike a car engine that stops in one of 3 spots when it is shut off, A filter motor is magnetic and stops on the same spot every time you turn it off. If your impeller is worn the magnetic field is partialy broken and the motor will not restart until sufficent contact is made. ie a flick with a toothpick, give it a smack on the side etc. Worst case the inside of the motor itself may be worn.
  15. I have also started new heavily planted tanks with full fish loads and had no problems.
  16. I will be there. I've been working on this for 3 days now and only have 5 things together so far. What's with the orange T-shirt thing.
  17. I would'nt worry about the teleposts, When a new home is built the teleposts sit on a 4ftx4ftx8" thick pad. Also depending on the home builder you will be lucky if your basement floor is 3" thick, and it's only standard 20mpa concrete and most placers lay it down so wet that it self levels, So now you have floor that may only have a 5 to10mpa rating. Trust me I operate a mixer truck and I see this kind of thing every day. Sorry if I added any stress to your life.
  18. A well compacted base of sand and crushed rock 3" thick , 3/8 rebar laid and tied in 24" squares, and 25mpa concrete about 5" thick,( 2x6 boards for forms ) will hold twice that wieght without any problems. You will need 1.5m of concrete. Average cost per metre is around $220.00per m. depending on mix design. But anything less than 3 metres you will get nailed with a min. load charge. So you will order 1.5m and pay for 3m plus costs of heating sand,aggregate,cement powder and water unless you will be pouring in the summer months. Or you can mix your own with a small mixer and 5gal pails for mesure, 2 rock 2 concrete sand,1.5 portland cement and enough water to make it workable. You will have to make sure you have enough material and work very fast to avoid cold joints. (weak spots). Hope this helps and good luck on the build.
  19. Only fresh water here. Used to have 22 tanks running, But with renos and a rotator cuff reconstruction a week away I now only have 2 tanks up. Both planted one 72 and one 55. I don't count the 5gal w/crayfish and a 10gal cherry shrimp.
  20. An eggcrate divider works really well. I had one in my tank seperating a male and female flowerhorn. They bred like flies, just laid a piece of smooth slate 10x10 under the divider so they both had a spawning site to clean. Had to pile lots of big rocks on both sides of the divider though. Male was about 10ish inches and female was about 8. Without the divider they would beat the crap out of eachother. Also a small submersible fountain pump at the bottom of the tank on the males side to create a current over to the females side works very well. It increases the chance of more eggs being fertilized.
  21. I have ph readings of 7.5 to 7.8 and I can't stop my jungle from growing. It would probably do a lot better with a lower ph though.
  22. I use a resun AE-806 canister filter rated for a 140 gal tank and a A/C 500 on a 55 gal planted tank. Also have a Boyu EFU-45 canister with built in UV sterilizer rated for 180 gal tank as well as the filter that came built into to the canopy of my 72 gal planted tank. The water in these tanks is crystal clear.
  23. Came home from work to a not so nice Christmas gift. 4-Queen Arabesque plecos 2-Wild caught clown plecos 3-small clown loaches 3-Green River Kribs All croaked and stiff as a board. First thing was test the water, Amonia-0, Nitrite-0, Ph-7.4, Nitrate-5ppm. The only survivors were the plants, some snails, and 6 shrimp. Have no idea as to what they died from. Maybe the xmas spirits scared the life out of them. It would'nt have been so bad if it was cheaper fish.
  24. I started out with 6 and within 3 months I had 4 tanks infested with them. Snail hunting loaches are keeping them in check. I have some in 2 tanks that range from itty bitty babies to a couple I have seen at 1" long. Don't know what breeds faster, Flies, Rabbits, or MTS.
  25. Thought something was funny with the pair hiding in the cave for the last week. Hit the opening with the flashlight just to find a nice big clump of wigglers. (100+)
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