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Everything posted by Ruadh

  1. Well heat in the tank is no problem. There's two, one at each end, both work fine and the temp only drops about 12 degree after lights out. I've got 7 different types of Barbs in the tank as well as a good shoal of Scissor Tail Rasboras. So far it's only affecting the Green Tigers. I've lost several over tha last few months but this is the first time I've noticed the white bars. Lost another one while I'm writing this. I was watching the fish swim around while I thought about my writing and he swam out of the plants and floated to the top of the tank. Picked him out by hand and put him in the freezer so maybe I can find someone to look at them. After they die, the white marks fade quite fast, maybe thast's the bacteria dieing? So far Ive found the following meds recommended: bleaching powder chinese gall aureomycin terramycin levomycetin bicillin biomycin P permanganate basic violet K hydrochloride Is it any wonder we get so confused? I found an e-ddress of a fella in Ag. Canada who I'm going to write to and see if he can help.
  2. Has anyone had the mis-fortune to have experience with this? In the last three weeks I've had 2 tiger barbs die from what I'm sure is this. It starts out as a thick white bar down the length of the back on both sides of the dorsal fin. Then within a day or so it spreads all over the fish and they stop moving and die soon after. I spent over an hour searching and found a small amount of info, enough to diagnose and recommendations for four different drug treatments but I thought I'd go to the masses for experiences before I threated the tank. This thing moves very fast so I need to treat the whole tank. Rick
  3. Not a real loofah. They are actually a gourd. The seeds are removed and the shell is dried out. Rick
  4. Loofa or whatever it is? That's the one!!!! Now, can I put it in a F/W tank or will it rot?
  5. Can anyone tell me the name of the natural "sponge" that looks a lot like lotus root used in Japanese cooking? I think women use it in the shower to ex-foliate. Is there any reason I couldn't use it in a fresh water tank? I'd like to use it for hiding places for small fish in a big tank with Barbs. Rick
  6. PM me Vi and I'll go get them for you tomorrow. Rick
  7. IMHO Rena is the way to go as well. One thing you might want to consider, as you are cleaning a goldfish tank. You might want to use a larger filter like the xp4. The only differance between a 3 and a 4 (from what I can tell) is one more filter stack.
  8. Further to the feed idea, can duckweed be dried out and used as a feed supplement for barbs?
  9. Right on Thankx Jason That sets my mind at ease.
  10. Thankx Werner I'll give messing around a try. I just wasn't sure about the negative results would net.
  11. Hi Jason, Werner. The tank is an Oceanic 175 gl. It holds about 150 actual gls. If I double or even tripple the KNO3, will that put the potasium up too high? This is what I'm afraid of doing. If it goes up too high, even 50% changes won't bring it down.
  12. I need to raise the N’ate level in my planted tank and need advice on how, please. Tank specs: PH = 7.8 right now I have the CO2 turned off. When it’s on the PH = 6.8 maintained by controller. I’ll be getting a new bottle of gas tomorrow. GH = 20 Raw tap water = 15 KH = 7 Amm = 0 N’ate = 0 – 5 ppm N’ite = 0 Phos = .5 I use the EI method and do a 50% change on Sudays. I use KNO3 for the potassium (about 20 – 22 ppm) This also gives me about 5 ppm of N’ate. What can I use to get my N’ates up to about 20 ppm? My Java fern is quite black due to low levels of N’ate according to “The Planted Tank”. I haven’t registered on there, I prefer to use this Alberta board. What say you all?? Thankx Rick
  13. Hello John I would recommend that you check with Natures Corner before you buy on the net. They are a supporting vendor here and if you let Jillian know you're on this board, I'll bet she'll give you a good deal. They can also sell you a tank of CO2 as well. Makes it a lot easier to get filled. Rick
  14. Read the post Toadie I didn't say to get HVAC, I suggest getting in anHVAC contractor to do an assaement. HVAC is what they call heating contractors. The assesment suggestion was bassed on a profesionals opinion, not someone whojust thinks they know.
  15. I think you are about to treat the symptom and not the problem. I have a tin basher in my family who does plumbing and heating. I've asked him about your problem and he says that a problem that prevalent is most certainly air circulation. I would advise that you get a good HVAC contractor in there and do a survey of your ducts and circulation as well as the outside air exchange. If someone in the past has been mucking with the dampers on the ducts your system probably needs to be re-balanced. You should, properly, have one complete change of air volume in the house every hour. It will only get much worse when the cold weather really hits.
  16. Lucky you. Nice pics Thankx
  17. No body knows???? I am no expert but i think the idea is to have gravel that is quite large, pea size or a little larger then as the eggs are dropped they fall into the gravel where the other fish cant get them. if you have a pair the male should be there at the time the eggs are dropped and he should be doing his job. now the eggs might be safe in the gravel until you go to clean the gravel, or till they hatch and swim up and out into the mouths of the other fish in the tank.. not sure if i am much help I have no experience with spawning tiger barbs at all, i do have about 8 of these mad little racers in my 80 gal tank:) later matt Hi Matt I don't want to have to re-scape the tank I want to use, so I thought I'd use the 'egg crate' and raise it off the bottom an inch or so. That way the eggs will fall through and the big fish won't be able to get at them. Hopefully, that would save the eggs till I get home and take the big fish out. Thankx for answering. Rick
  18. We need to know the brand and version of the filter. Where did you get it? How big is your tank?
  19. Any bay window I've ever seen on houses under construction are pre-fabbed off site and just nailed onto the outside of the house. A 125 Gal. tank weighs more than one of those "Smart Cars", would you park one of those in your window? If you meant 'in front of the bay window' then I see no problem, however 'in' the window, no.
  20. When a Tiger Barb drops her eggs, are the eggs fertilized on the bottom or just as they're being dropped? I was thinking of using "egg crate" on the bottom of the breeding tank in order to save more eggs from being eaten before I get the adults out. Thankx
  21. Not that it's relevant, but front windshield glass can be cut. I've done it several times for chopped tops on hot rods. It's just very very difficult to break both sides without getting a travelling crack.
  22. Ruadh

    Cracked tank

    Any glass shop can cut a piece if you want to replace the pane yourself. Myself, I would take it in to a place like Aqarium Illusions that is in the business of building tanks. That way I'd be more sure of the repair being done right. You owe me $.02
  23. The glass I have is about 1/4" thick, but I have a nice big sheet of it so it should be enough for all my tanks. My father might know how to cut glass, he is a handy man afterall. I think the glass is the shatter proof stuff too like the stuff they use for car windshields, will it be harder to cut if it is? If this glass is the type used in car windshields, it's laminated and is difficult to cut. If it is what folks call "shatter proof", that is, the type used in the car side windows, you won't be able to cut it at all without it shattering. That type of glass is tempered and shatters into l;ittle pieces when broken or 'cut'.
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