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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by Diane

  1. Anyone gonna try the brick thing on all four corners?? haha I think I will pass on that one!!
  2. they were on at petsmart also.. cheaper then what you can get them shipped off ebay.\\ might be cheaper at boxing day sales..such as big al's if you want to wait in line
  3. Good luck.. anyone have any thoughts... I think my infestation came from frozen bloodworm,(frozen food),, and I have seen some articles on it any thoughts?
  4. If you have callamanus by what I understand you are wasting your time.. as your worm is a nematode if you cannot get levamisole you cab try fenbrizanole (sp) or I think praziquantel there is a jungle foods anti parasite medicated food but my fish wont eat it
  5. When I get the levasole and treat my fish according to the website I stated earlier I will report the success rate
  6. http://www.loaches.com/disease-treatment I have had some angelfish with a callamanus infestation for some time. I believe it started over a year ago with some convicts I purchased and has spread through many of my tanks. I have had some trouble with my bottom feeders dying and some mysterious fish deaths and some fish not growing and dying off. I have found by research that internal parasites are strongly linked to mystery deaths. In searching I have found it hard to get a cure for nematode worm callamanus. I discovered a webpage on loaches forum, and I would like to share it for any other people with the same issue. I believe Black Mumba had the same problem with her fish a time back. I ordered some levasole HCL from VetMED .( <a href="http://www.vetmeddirect.com/Levamisole-Sol...gm--pr--0160131" target="_blank">http://www.vetmeddirect.com/Levamisole-Sol...gm--pr--0160131</a> ) and hopefully it all works out.
  7. The best place to bye fish is from one another on here ......if available I find I have had no fish losses... and there is no stressfull travel
  8. New life question The thera A food is an non medicated anti parisitic food..will it just lessen the chance off parisites or can it actually treat parsites? such as the jungle labs food claims too., but none of my fish will eat it:)
  9. Can I have african dwarf frogs (small aquatic frog) with angels and a large pleco and upside cat fish>? and not be eaten..
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