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gobies et al

Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by gobies et al

  1. It was a metal stock tank from Peavey Mart, a farm store here in Red Deer. I put a top around the edges to spruce it up a bit and to create a ledge over the inside edge. In 3 years, I have only had 1 Rainbowfish jump out.
  2. I am mainly using fast growing plants - Paradise Lily, Sword plant (?), Golden Pothos around the edge - inside the pond Anubias barteri - also in the bog Paradise Lily and Java Fern. I used pond liner inside a 300 gallon metal stock tank. Even new it would leak at some seams even though they were welded. The bog is constructed of 2x8 boards, lined with pond liner. PVC pipe goes from the pump in the pond (prefilter used) to the bottom of the bog. The down pipe connects on at 90 degree angle to a U shaped piping that has holes drilled in to the underside and ends capped. There is about 12 inches of washed crushed gravel (from Burnco) over the piping then about another 6 inches of sand over that (Play sand from Home Depot). I don't have a back flow prevention valve on, so I have the sand level about 2 inches below the usual height of water in the pond. There is 2 outlets from the bog to overflow into the pond. For that we used something from boating supplies for the bilge pumps to make a tight seal and some plastic tubing for actually getting into pond without too much splash. PM me if you would like more specific information. We also used this system for 800 gallon outdoor pond. Worked great! No green water! I could look out a window and see my fish from 20 feet away.
  3. I had Koi with costia infection, confirmed with microscope exam. I had to use Rid Ich at 1.5 x recommended dose to get response. Costia usually results in + + slime coat.
  4. My indoor pond started as an over-wintering pond for my Koi. When they were at 22-24 inch size (3 years coming into their 4 th year) I sold them as they were getting more difficult to move from outdoor to indoor and back again. The pond is 300 gallons with bog filtration at one end. The prefilter is near the end away from the bog. I added a Fluval 404 to increase the surface movement improving the aeration. The system could handle 3 Koi 22-24 in. each, 1 15 in., 2 pleco 9 in. each, and an assortment of rosy barbs and rainbowfish. The Koi were growing well at ~ 1 inch per month. Presently, it is housing numerous rosy barbs, rainbowfish, rosy red minnows, common plecos, ancistrus, yoyo loaches, dojo loaches, pineapple swordtails, gouramies, Spotted Rafael, Hero notatus, and Blue Acara juvies.
  5. Here is an excellent site on Java Fern: http://www.aquaworldnet.com/awmag/javaen.htm I have had Java fern for many years, indestructible. Mine has done better in low light. I have even had it out in my outdoor pond in a shaded area. Temperatures in the 50's didn't bother it. When it starts getting algae growth on it, I toss it in with my Rosy barbs. They clean it up and snack a bit on the roots too.
  6. I had it calibrated and tested at DOW by an instrument Tech. I have used a digital ph meter for several years. It needs recalibrating about every 6 months. I do check against color charts to confirm needs recalibrating. Love it though.
  7. I seldom use gloves, just as an added precaution trying to avoid cross-contamination with a quarantine tank. other than that + + + hand and arm washing.
  8. I purchased 9 Trichogaster trichopterus 16 days ago and put in my 20 gal quarantine tank. At the LFS, I didn't see any spots, but under my lighting I could see spots on 1. I started tx with Jungle Ick Clear immediately, thinking it was Ick, and continued the treatment (including 25% water changes) for the next 3 days, by the 4th spots were worse, so did 50% change and switched medications to Quick Cure. At 7 days total into treatment, noticed yellow cast to skin and fine and larger spots, changed diagnosis to Oodinium; increased temperature to 82 and turned lights off. Over the next 5 days, 4 died and euthanized 2. It's been 4 days now, no deaths, skin appears clear, 1 still hanging out near surface. Other inhabitants of the tank, 2 small Chaetostoma cf. thomsoni and 1 small Botia modesta (waiting to find more). The botia had been seen scratching, and the the other 2 partway up the glass but still hiding during this treatment. Questions: 1) Should I just euthanize the lot of them? They were intended to go into my 300 (except the Chaetostoma cf. thomsoni). 2) Is colonization a real concern? 3) I hesitated to use CopperSafe with the plants and unsure of effect of adding another chemical into the mix. I have not had previous experience with Oodinium or using CopperSafe (have kept it on hand). What would the best route to have gone when became apparent not treating Ick? 4) I expect to continue quarantine at least 4 more weeks. Is there anything else I should be doing? Thank you for any help you can give me.
  9. What a neat site!! Beautiful pictures!! I hope he increases the English content in the near future.
  10. This group may be able to advise: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/gobygroup/
  11. BooUrns How are you making out with your Dragon Gobi tank? I have a planted brackish Dragon Gobi tank, 55 gal, mostly sand substrate. Anubias barteri and Java Fern stand up well to the Gobi's constant aquascaping. I haven't tried using any requiring pots for root protection as wanted to reduce anything sharpish for him to bang into. I also use Amano shrimp, ghost shrimp, Orange Bee shrimp and Nerite snails to clean the plants.
  12. I have had Amano algae eating shrimp for about a year now. Initially my reaction was like yours, but I haven't lost any! They are really good at hiding. I thought a bunch had disappeared but found all when I was changing the landscape, removing wood and plants. Hope yours are just hiding out.
  13. I'll take some soon and post them. Gobies et al
  14. Hi! I got back into fish about 6 years ago, cold water fish (Koi and goldfish), outdoor and indoor ponds using bog filtration. I started branching out into planted tanks and subtropical fish, and further branching into anabantids and ciclids. Lots of research!! Presently: 800 gal outdoor pond -empty, to be dismantled this year, sold koi and goldfish 300 gal indoor pond -plecos, yo-yo's, dojo's, rosy barbs, rosy red minnows, Paradise Fish, Rainbowfish, Gold gouramies, Pineapple swordtails, Hero notatus, Blue Acara babies Bog with 30 gal water- male rosy barbs 55 gal -low end brackish - dragon goby, bumblebee gobies, sharptailed gobies, Indian glassfish 20 gal -cycled quarantine 10 gal -cycled quarantine 5 gal -fry tank, empty Gobie et al
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