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Posts posted by Ishkabod

  1. It wasn't a 50/50 it was a raffle for the LED light set, Fluval EBI shrimp tank and an Eheim Filter with all the profits going to the Aquariums for school program. Congratulations CursiveDuck on the wins. Did you go buy a lotto ticket like they suggested?

    I'm glad people had fun and congrats to all the runners.

    I hope there will be another bowfront in the fall auction for me to bid on.


  2. I accidently got about 4ml of vinegar in my Fluval Edge aquarium :poo: and I don't know what to do :cry: . I've started a water change but i'm worried about the fish shrimp, snails and plants not to mention my new L046 plecco :unsure: . If anyone has any experience with this i'd appreciate imput because i have no idea what to do and what to expect. Should i do a number of water changes and risk stressing the fish or just one or two or leave it as is.



  3. Good luck and about the snails. I was going to give you some and you can have a few if you still want them. My snails don't eat plants. I have them in a planted tank with some delicate species and they don't eat or even nibble on the plants. My snails come from someone who imported them right from their sourse in the wild years ago so there is no cross breeding which might be why the other spixi you have do eat plants. That or they are mislabelled.

    Good luck


  4. What size are you looking for? Any ideas on what kinds of fish you would like to keep. Would you like plants? Me personally when someone says a large tank i automaticly think 200 gallons or more. Kijiji is most likely your best bet when it comes to complete setups. If you don't know what you would like might i suggest hitting the aquarium stores(i reccomend specialty stores where the staff is more likely to know what they are talking about) If not then maybe post some questions on the site regarding stocking or health or tips and tricks to get it established fast and then you can get that post in the equipment classifieds section.

    Good luck


  5. From what i remember on shellies. The parents keep them safe for a while. I'm fairly sure that if you have a bunch of extra shells nearby and in a group elsewhere you should be perfectly fine. Once they babies are of a good size and have picked their own shell you can scare them into it with a net and easily remove them later. Good luck


  6. I had a great time at both the auction and the workshop. I think the best move i made all day was working in the kitchen. Sure i walked... Limped away with only 2 Hydor cannister filters, 1 bag of female bettas and some snail crack but my Spixi snails did much better than i ever imagined THANKS DAN. Having no cash i had to be careful with my bidding and not get to even close to over i still had lots of fun and i'll more than likely be found in the kitchen again next auction just to be on the safe side.

    I'm glad everyone had a good time. Those bowfront aquariums WOW :drool: If i had the cash i'd have paid 100$ in a heartbeat congrats to the one who walked away with one.

    Maybe i'll see some of you again in calgary.

    Have a great day


  7. They had some really rare and interesting fish there today. I can't remember the names but the apistos they had were amazing. The moss they had on the wood in the display tank is unlike anything i have seen before and the setup is just ideal. They have some nice and different shrimp, some stunning guppies even if you don't like guppies normally these ones are ones to check out for sure. They QT all the fish in their tank before sale. It really is a nice setup. To give an example as to the cost of the dry goods there. Prime... $12something for NOT the 250ml but the larger 500ml bottle. I thiink i have seen it on sale for maybe 15.00 at the least and that was a few years ago and prices have gone up since then. They are getting new stock and today nearly all the tanks were filled from what i could see. They have assasin snails at 4 dollars each too. As for the knowlegabe staff well yes they are and the plants are amazing too.

    That is all i'm going to say about the store other than the grand Opening will happen After they get the saltwater section up and running.

    Have a great day


  8. I have NEVER even heard of anything like that before. That is really weird. Was the fish scratched at all? and after falling off the fish did they go after them again? I have an idea as to what might (more like a guess that is as likely as anything) I don't know much about shrimp and this is based off of 2 things i know about shrimp. They eat small things, fish can have paracites and aparently fish slime is very nummy for pleccos and some other fish so maybe shrimp too?? Hmm something to think about but not tonight as the auction is tomorrow... shoot TODAY and i need to get up earily to bag fish and get there for before 10am... I need to have a shower and hopefully have time to eat too so goodnight.

    Thanks for sharing


  9. I can't wait for tomorrow and the rainbowfish and betta talks. I'm still hoping to find a leed for my friend in Malasia on a betta for me but so far no luck.

    About the plants your bringing. I would like a smaller moss ball for my Fluval edge and i need a slightly lower light forground plant. Let me know what you can bring and i'll try and pay attention and buy them when they come up for auction i only hope it won't be too expensive.



  10. If you get the Sil Industries sand mentioned you really don't have to rinse it. I find that if you have enough flow in the tank that the sand will stay clean all the time. I just have a bubble curtain along the back wall. The fish love digging in it. I personally in the setup with the bubble curtain haven't had to clean the sand just stirr it every once in a while but the cichlids do a great job of digging and airating the sand

    Good luck


  11. Umm what about the imbalance, might i be right in saying that if you dose Ca to correct the balance that might help?? I'm guessing here. the other thing i can think of is that you could take your water in for a sample to one of the pet stores.

    Good luck


  12. sorry to hear about that I guess survival of the fittest even in a tank. Even if that means the dumb ones don't make it. It's interesting and i never would have thought the plecco would bother the rays but you learn somthing new every day. good luck with the rest of them.


  13. One last thing to add is you need to dose for the volume of the whole tank and not just for what you are adding to the tank. When i change the water in my tank i don't turn my filters or heaters off unless they are ones that are near the top of the tank. For my cannisters it gives me a good guideline as to when to stop draining the tank and this allows the heater to still be in the water far enough that it won't heat and crack when it comes into contact with water again.

    The directions on the prime bottle i read state to dose for the tank volume. I also am sure to have the python hose end secured into the tank with a glass lid so when the water pressure straightens it and flicks it up when you are refilling the tank it won't flick up and out of the tank as has happened to me when i first started to use the python. That or just slowly twist the bottom of the attatchment so that the water doesn't just rush into and out of the hose.

    Good luck


  14. I only see 2 inescapable challenges that come with the Edge if that is what you are set on useing(i know i did and i love mine)

    1. the area you have to get your hand into work with the plants and plant them and get the rocks going is very small.

    2. Lighting in the front, sides and corners is very inadaquite so i highly reccomend you add LED lights if this is what you really want to do it in.

    Other than that I have my Edge Planted and i LOVE IT. The lighting is continueing to be a problem but i hope to find some low light forground plants soon. I bought one of the LED bubble wands that they have at big al's and put that just infront of the opening of the tank top and it does an amazing job giving light to the plants and catching that blue blaze on the tetras.

    Here is a website i found a wealth of information on how to design and build what you want. It has detailed steps and pictures and diagrams to get the best possible aquascape of whichever type you would like. You do need CO2 and you can find a cheaper alternative From Fluval (you might find it online or can get it ordered in at your favorate store) It uses small co2 disposeable cartriges and i got the entire setup for 50 bucks.

    Good luck


    My link

  15. A UV filter wouldn't go amiss either in the QT tank and in the main tank to help the fish deal with the remainin bacteria in the water. I read one persons battle with TB in their main tank and even the worst off fish recovered quickly after adding a good UV filter to the tank. Mind you this was the typical one with sores and the like which you normally assosciate with fish TB.

    Phone natures corner store first since they are more than likely cheaper than big als. Just check to see that they have it in store before you head over since they are in the middle of a move to a larger location 3 blocks east.

    Good Luck


  16. I didn't think it would but every little bit might help. If it is as i suspect(the delivery person stole it back) then they would probably try this scam again and if details can be collected then the Police might actually catch them. Also if it is possibly gang related then who knows a raid on a house or something might cause it to turn up and they would then have some idea as to who has claim to the tank and equipment. You never know and more info is usually better.


  17. Florish Excel is great at killing Black Bush Algae but i'm not too sure about the hair algae. Brown stuff on the anubias you might try taking your fingers and rubbing it off the leaves. The Hair algae well that is something that i can't off the top of my head remember what the cause is. Try a google search.

    Good luck


  18. First report it to the police. they might not have much time to spend on the theft but if things like this have happened before they can easily find a pattern and from there track down the theif and friends.

    The fact that it was delliverd and they didn't bring it inside and then it was gone an hour later really seems fishy to me. Like you said it takes something special to move and load something like this.

    With everyone on here watching and aware of the problem i'd be suprised if it went missing for long. If you have dimentions of the tank and possibly a description of any scratches along with the light type and everything.

    Sorry to hear about this.


  19. Is the one in the second photo an apistogramma?? BTW i really like the looks of the tank. Good for you on the lack of algae in the tank. What about adding some upper level fish like some Neon tetras or Rasboras? that might help increase your nitrates enough so you don't get the mini leaves. According to my plant chart small yellow new growth leaves is actually severe nitrogen deficiency and more fish or fish food in the tank would help.

    Thanks for sharing


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