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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Wackinator

  1. Thanks again guys, I'll be picking up some panda cories as soon as I get the chance and Firestorm the tank is a 20 gallon not a 33 so should I still bother with getting 1 Bolivian ram or is that too small? they'll only be sharing with cories, 8-9 cherry barbs and maybe one female betta. and I was just asking because I've had cories lay eggs in the past but I ended up giving all the fries away.
  2. oh I didnt know about the cories being sensitive to salt, thanks for that, and thanks about the Bolivian ram as well, my biggest worry was my cherry barbs ending up as a snack for them. Should I only get one or is it better to get a pair or something?
  3. oh okayy thanks for that lol, maybe I will add some panda cories as well, just one question, would adding two different kind of cories result in some weird kinda fish if they started breeding? or do they stick to their own type of cory? Thanks
  4. okayy thanks again, I should probably try it, if it doesnt work ill return it, and ill try leaving a message because I randomly see people writing down how mods can delete their thread but thanks again I really like albino and panda cories, and I've heard panda cories are harder to take care of and die easily so Ill stick with albino and I've already got 2 albino cories swimming around in my tank and wanting them to give some more to school with. but thanks for the confirmation of putting mollies in that tank
  5. Just one last question would it be alright if i added a bolivian ram? would they not work with cherry barbs or something? Thanks and I just need 2 know how 2 delete the threads/posts i started
  6. if i get a trio of swords, 1 male and 2 females wont the babies be eaten? wont that keep their population in check? They will eat the babies but depending on cover and how good the fry are at hiding they may not eat them all. Swords also get rather large with the sword's tail adding even more length. I don't' think a 20g will be enough space for a group of adults. thanks and Ye I think I'm going to go with something else and hopefully get a new tank for some swords! I got 9 cherry barbs, a couple of cories, probably going to add a couple of mollies and some kind of centerpiece fish
  7. thanks firestorm I will definectly look into the ghost shrimps cuz I really wanted to add some shrimps, for now all i got in the 20 gallon would be 9 cherry barbs (went and got some more today), and 2 albino cories, after adding plants to it i really want to add a black molly cuz i love how they stand out in a planted tank Thanks again
  8. wow nice, how many eggs did they lay?
  9. wow cant believe im gonna be missing out on this auction >.> exams >.>
  10. Hey thanks, ye i went and got 5 cherry barbs from pisces this morning (its walking distance from where I live and since I cant drive yet, this was too good to pass up) , they are in a quarantine 10 gallon tank that I set up a couple days ago and a pleasure to watch, my little cousin has literally been sitting and watching them for a little over an hour. and yes I can tell that I'm going to be waiting a long time before I find any koi swordtails but i'll wait and reserve a spot for them in my tank, though im not very patient so ill see how that goes. I am reconsidering mollies because one of my friend has a tank full of silver mollies and he says he only adds a little bit on salt in the water, they seem to be doing fine because his are breeding like crazy lol how many should I add without stuffing the tank to the max? I am trying to convert it into a planted tank so hopefully that helps. Thanks one more question how do i delete the threads I started? I started a couple earlier with stupid questions now that they have been answered iunno how 2 get rid of them. Thanks
  11. Thanks guys for that, saved me from spending money on shrimps, and convinced me from keeping the molly out of that set up anything else i should change? or replace?
  12. Starting a 20 gallon (hopefully planted) soon and this is what I want to keep in it 5-6 Cherry Barbs 3 Swordtails (hopefully koi if i find them) 5 Albino Cories a couple of cherry shrimps and MAYBE one black molly would that work? too crowded? should i replace something? just wanting to make sure because this wouldn't be the first time ive screwed up on stocking them properly any comments? advice? suggestions? bad jokes? Thanks
  13. if i get a trio of swords, 1 male and 2 females wont the babies be eaten? wont that keep their population in check?
  14. oh okayy so how many do you suggest for a 20 gallon if the only thing they share the tank with would be a couple of cories?
  15. I decided to go against the idea of angels in that tank, any suggestions for what else I could put in there with them without overcrowding the tank?
  16. Thanks and yes I remember seeing them at pisces earlier so that was one of the first places I checked, went there today but they said they wouldnt be getting shipments for some time because they just got a couple of shipments and a lot of them were swordtails, just not the ones I was looking for lol, and would I be able 2 get away with 3-4 swordtails, 2-3 angels(small) and a couple of albino cories in a 20 gallon? or is that too overcrowded?
  17. Hey, Just wondering if anyone knows anyone or anyplace that has Koi Swordtails, any help would be appreciated, and also curious if I could keep a couple of small angel fishes with them? I have attached a picture of them that I found on google. Thanks
  18. lol i just replanted it directly underneath the light today, it was in a corner before im hoping that helps because i have another one of this plant in my 10 gallon and it looks great in there
  19. lol thanks guys and ye thats one of the reasons i was trying to find out what this is so i can figure out why its like that
  20. heyy anyone know what this plant is? thanks
  21. Wow! nice tank, how big is it?
  22. ye there was no sign on sickness in his tank he was kept seperate from the rest of the gouramis which is why i didnt see it first lol
  23. ye lol i normally do qrauantine my fishes but only for a week or so and i didnt put him in straight into the 20 gallon i put him in the 10 gallon first which had a couple of guppies and some babies
  24. >.< oh lol well thanks anyways and ye when i went to pisces i was just about to walk out because they didnt have any good ones but then i went back in to get in a couple of guppies and saw this really awesome one so i got that one and its not that different from the one you sent the picture of cept yours has a lot more colour, how much did you get it for?
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