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Everything posted by Marian

  1. Thank you guys for all your suggestions, Rotala rotundifolia is the one I am trying right now, probably will give Alternanthera one more try in future.
  2. I would like to ask you guys about your experience with growing red plants. I used to have Alternanthera rosaefolia, nice red plant, but it died pretty quickly. Now the only red plant I have is Ludwigia palustris - kind of mix red-green plant. I would like to try something else, would you recommend plants like Alternanthera reineckii, Alternanthera splendida, Ludwigia repens, Rotala macrantha? What's the key to grow plants like these? Marian
  3. I can recommend Amecas... never seen hair algae in my tank.
  4. I would say definitely Congos. I had Congos and Anubias before Amecas came in my tank, and same thing happened with Anubias leafs. Once I even cought them "inflagranti". I have many different plants, but they like Anubias only. I just feed them little bit more and they don't touch new leafs or eat just the tip of leaf.
  5. Marian

    Hello everyone

    "Privet" to all slavic members of AA. ;-)
  6. Thank you all for your nice comments. :thumbs:
  7. Marian

    Hello everyone

    See Freshwater Photography - My 45G ;-)
  8. June 2007 October 2007 May 2008
  9. Hi all, I used to have aquarium since teenager, after 20+ years decided to look closer to aqua plants. I've got a 45G tank with Hygrophilas, Amazon Swords, Anubias, Vals, neon tetras, a few sword fish, flying foxes, congo tetras etc. (sorry about my English, it's still my second language and probably always will be) ;-)
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