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Everything posted by Baos

  1. Baos

    low oxygen

    Low oxygen solved. And odd as it is the waterfall on the left side and a bubbler wasn't enough to do it on their own. Oh and don't forget my modified waterfall that I changed back to a standard eheim as well as the powerhead that didn't cut it. The whole surface is in a constant agitated state kind of like simulating rain. I can actually watch the oxygen bubbles diffuse. I've got 5 sprinkler heads in total and have plans to add 2 more. They are powered by the 1100 utility pump that was available for $30 in the equipment section. I've noticed a ph change at this point and I havn't seen too much co2 bubbling from my substrate. perhaps I was saturated? Oh and I continue to have to dose about a cup of nitrate/week of the generic stuff I got from natures corner store. I barely have a detectable nitrate level
  2. not a member yet but it'll be my first meeting so I'll see how it goes.
  3. I've had an idea of taking bamboo and using it to create an aquarium background. Straight wall of bamboo. The piece I have seems to grow well submerged.
  4. I think I'll come this time. Do I need to bring anything? Entrance fee?
  5. submerged plants have their own problems like lack of co2. Find a plant that can grow with the aerial advantage(above water) which will give it the free co2 available in the air. I have kept bamboo and some houseplants in pots in my tank just by leaving the bottom dipped in.
  6. Seems a little late for a post on this topic. But banned plecos? I googled and found the following list http://community.livejournal.com/ljaquariums/31270.html
  7. Water changes or find a plant that works for you... like duckweed
  8. Ok, I've seen this complaint a few times maybe on other boards. Anyways since I don't see anyone else with the same problem I'll have to draw a conclusion based on my own expirience. Straight from seachem prime and excel both have the ability to reduce oxygen levels. The fact is my oxygen levels were already low. It's possible that some dieing algae also added to additional oxygen reduction. I'll probably attempt this product at my next water change and expect no further issues as I've handled my oxygen deficiency problem.
  9. Oh there is some plan for an aquarium application. One thought is that you could have one light and then pipe the light to where you need it and divide it up among x aquariums.
  10. I remember there was a post discussing sulfur plasma lighting(I can't find it right now). Time to drool because I believe they're for sale! http://www.chameleongrowsystems.com/store/CGS-SG-VI_MJ13_V7.html
  11. I'd just like to collect some data on this subject as I may be on to something. Anyways if this is you could you please list what other chemicals or water parameters you may have had in your tank at the same time(within 2 day period). Also filtration, plants, and if the plants died off a bit or did well.
  12. Can recommend some fish or donate one that could help with a snail problem.
  13. Most culture kits that I'm aware of use an extract from coconuts. Easily purchased on ebay. Able to grow from a single cell or combine plants.
  14. Once under control it shouldn't linger. salt seems to aid in the regrowing of fins. It sounds like your fish experienced some form of stress. Can you be specific as to which tests your ran and which test kit? Also what temperature does your tank run at and who are the tank mates? Any power failures?
  15. Heres one with the high detail turned on. Unfortunately I pick up every spec. Need to learn how to photoshop
  16. That picture is set for super macro and I can only do it if the target is about 1" in front of me. In the other pictures the fish are actually on the far side of the aquarium.
  17. Someone had babies! I found this one wondering the tank.
  18. Set my iso to 50, Decided to try the flash half way through. Here are my results! The monster that lives in my soil Mom and dad in front of the kids! Just proud moma!
  19. I'm just trying to learn how to take better pictures so I can more easily share things I notice. I have a female if she'd stop getting angry at me with the camera who's just outstanding. I was having some trouble with reflection on the glass due to being close to an outside window. I used no zoom at all actually. I told the camera to auto adjust focus based on center item(I don't quite understand the manual focus because it pops up a weird black and white window in front of the view). I also found a setting called 'av' which automatically adjusted my shutter speed for the allowed light. I cropped the picture in photoshop and added some brightness to the otherwise color flushed picture. Unfortunately I lost the blue tips on the fins. My water is also filled with lots of tiny bubbles.
  20. It's an hp photosmart r817. You can get them cheap off ebay these days. I bought a broken one off ebay for $30 and swapped parts with one that was in my house fire to get it working again. For regular everyday use it takes great pictures for the amateur. However aquarium wise is still a work in progress.
  21. I believe iso speed was set to 400 on the top one and 200 on the bottom one.
  22. There is one missing from the list. I havn't made it there yet so I'm not sure of the name or location. But it's close to the yellowhead and 97st.
  23. Not sure if we already have this somewhere. If we do I sure don't know where it is. Anyways i recently went looking for a store based on information I obtained only to find out it had moved and wasn't anywhere near the location I was given. Just think it might be a nice idea to have a list of all fish stores that we can maintain and update as locations change.
  24. Thanks to Strayner to explaining to me a little bit about the shutter speeds. Turns out my camera has an active light meter that tells me if I have sufficient light for the fast shutter speed. My Centurion. I view them as a yellow convict though they breed less. This is the butterfly L52 I got from Harold. You'll notice it doesn't have it's stripes here and instead has adapted a chameleon colour.
  25. Thanks a ton strayner that actually helps a lot in explaining to me exactly what I was doing in manual mode! I originally bought this camera after testing out every model in three stores and finding it's clarity in motion the best. I hope I can get the same luck in the fish tank =)
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