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  1. is doing guppy breeding for special projects in school.

  2. I used to use breeding traps til my fry were at least 3/4 inch long. Then I put a two week old fry in the big tank just 2 experiment. it got really beat up, but the next fry I put in got ignored! I had no problems from then on
  3. Hello Do you have cycle? if you do and the tail rot isn't bad, dump it in. It will only spread if your other fish have a open wound.
  4. Yes, your swordtail will not mate with any other species but swordtails or platies. you can tell they are ready whem shiny spots appear in the gravid spot. this is a pic of a female guppie's gravid spot.
  5. do they look like pinecones? if they do it is dropsy, they will die soon. the best thing to do is euthanize them and COMPLETELY change the tank, scrub it squeaky clean. It's happend to me sadly once they look like pincones, there isn't any cure. catch it WAY early and maybe you may heal it, separate from other fish and dump Cycle in with it.
  6. sweet, you could start a buisness, thats a rare fish
  7. Yes, I am just crazy about Guppies! How many do you have?

  8. Nice to find another guppy lover!

  9. Thanks! Thats very helpful cuz my pics are always yellowish in the background, maybe more light will help. I have a few pics in the section,"freshwater photography" a pretty new post if you're interested. One more Q- when i try and attach a pic it says file size used 900 something out of 1 MB, how do i fix that so i can upload more?
  10. There are some really great pics in the section, I'd like a few tips. i have a 7.1 mp camera and i down size the resolution but the pics still aren't very clear.
  11. my guppies have survived well in the breeding trap, but suppose i was transeferring her to a different tank, should i put her in now? or would she get stressed and deliver premature babies?
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