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T Dawg

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by T Dawg

  1. There are several Quick Cure type products available that are plant friendly. It could be parasites or a host of other things, but many of the treatments overlap. Posting a pic would help. Since the fish is new it is harder to see unusual marks or behaviour.
  2. The new feeding ring I made seems to be working well. Some fish prefer to chase the food through the current and enough escapes to make them happy. There were a few fry that would never leave the top. Now all but one has ventured around the tank. We found a few tiny new fry exploring the tank. Now have no idea how many fish we have. The Endler males are getting more persistent in harassing the females. I know the S.O. is worried that many or all of the fry are girls but I hope that will better divide the time of the boys. The large female spent most of yesterday trying to hide from the gang. We did some feed testing on Saturday. I am now comfortable saying two wafers is more than enough for the 6 corys.
  3. Water change day has come again. The S.O. made a mistake and did not add prime to the new water. I threw in a double dose, the water was in for a minute before she realized so I am not too worried. I may fish out the old filter hat had been dumped in the 90 and toss it in to be safe. We finally got the airline re-buried and ship and plant base well placed again.
  4. If you do not have live plants or corys Aquarium Salt is a very safe general issue treatment. Although only one fish is clamping you should test the water for the usual suspects (ammonia, etc).
  5. I may need to do some fishing for advice. Our stand stood on wet carpet for a few days The bottom seems to have deformed. Now I do not trust it, and am trying to decide if it needs to be replaced. Sad as it less than three months old. I'll post some pics tommorow and post
  6. We started with a Hagan 18 gallon kit from Pisces, a stand from Wallmart, and a Tetra 20 air pump from Big Als. After the first month the heater started fluctuating temperature more than I thought it should and when I tried to wipe it clean the paint started coming off of the glass. I replaced it with a fluval and have been very happy. We used the original to heat bucket water after it aged overnight before we did water changes, and when we needed to use the bucket as a hospital area. In January the light died and we replaced it. I suspect something is off with the ballast as it can take a while to turn at times.
  7. The Corydoras are the extreme fish of the group. When they are active, they are really active. A few times a week they love to gather enmasse in the bubbles near the strongest current in the tank and have their own version of the x-games. Rolls, flips, and bouncing off the glass can be witnessed for hours. We needed to move the thermometer because I was sure they were going to break it. I joke they are going to strip the paint of the decorations because they seem to make frequent and thorough gumming of the ships. If there is not an x-game going on there is atleast one of them inching their way along the ship. The Cory’s are the largest fish in the tank by a significant margin, but they are very gentile with the other fish. I have seen a few times where one will approach fish that are being bullied and offer them protection. They are not aggressive, they just seem to use their body to shield the fish and offer it a chance to escape.
  8. The first fish we bought were male yellow fancy guppies, of which Fred was one. Once a week after we added three blue guppies and three red guppies. A few weeks later we started loosing fish a few at a time. After the first one I was talked out of returning them all, but it was hard after loosing fish here and there for what seemed like forever. We added a few Cory cats, but there fate mirrored the guppies. Finally in November all the corys dies within a few days so we were able to quit topping up the herd and give up on them. Instead we decided to try a few female guppies. The first two died right away, but of the second two one is still with us and the other passed in April. During this time we had a few births, but none of the fry lasted longer than a month. So today that leaves us Fred and Ginger. Fred is a little worse for wear, with is tail initially damaged by the aggression of other fish it seems to disintegrate from time to time on it's own now. When Ginger joined the tank she was the same size as Fred, but now she is nearly twice his size. He has given us a few scares, like the week he kept bobbing perpendicular to the tank top when he was not swimming and when his belly swelled up from indigestion, but Ginger has been consistently healthy. With just the two of them it seems like we should a few fish, but I want to hold off for now.
  9. I wanted to get the 90 because I was tired of counting threads when dosing the tank and hauling buckets around the house. Once the tank was ready to go I found out I was mistaken in this understanding, but the timing was great. I had originally wanted Neon Tetras but we were steered to guppies with the 18, so this was my chance. like the small bright schooling fish in general. We trolled the LFS and we found two stores with them in stock or not in quarantine. One had extremely high prices, and the other had a few dead fish in the tank. Given the option I chose to buy all the fish that were still live from the lower cost option and ended up coming home with 10 Neon Tetras. Two died within a day, but the other eight are still doing well. For about a week they poked around the tank in little groups all on their own. A week later on April 16 they were joined by 6 Endlers that had been in the 18 since the spring Calgary auction. We acquired 4 male endlers, 2 female endlers, and a fry. It was great fun watching the male Endlers and the Neon Tetras school. I think the Endlers thought they were Neons. On April 24th we picked up 6 corydora should-have-written-down-typus-from-labelus from Riverfront. After they were added the Neons schooled with themselves more, but the male Endlers still join the pack from time to time. We transfered formerly baby Endler we got at the auction over to the tank as a small female. She was eagerly welcomed by the males, and a welcome distraction by the females. On May 13th we found a few fry in the 90. Sadly the first time they were seen was as one of them left the tank via the Python and the second fled in fear into the filter pickup. At least one remains, but there could be a second. Also on May 13th we transfered about 16 Endler juniors into the tank, left over in the 18 from the Enders brief stay.
  10. Welcome to our 18 Gallon tank journal, or as I call it Fred's house. Our first tank, and current home to Fred and Ginger our guppies. Fred is the one of the first fish we bought, and the only to have lived for the length of our involvement in the hobby.
  11. Welcome to my 90 Gallon tank journal. This is the largest tank in the house, and the most fiddled with. Currently we have eight neon tetras, six corydoras, seven endlers, and what we believe to be 17 endler fry.
  12. Needed to move the tank, so we pulled out some of the water and lugged it. We will need to do some remodeling, the boat and plant got disturbed.
  13. Had an eventful water change on may 12th. Long story short we needed to pull the carpet up and we may need to replace the stand. Will post more when done setting up threads.
  14. To deal with a flood we needed to seperate the tanks so we needed to hookup the Whisper 100and I figured i should post an update. The more I hooked up to it the quieter it got. It is still not that quiet, but it is not as bad as it was.
  15. Is that often enough to avoid the canister creating nitrates? One of the warnings I see over and over is that many aquarists will not clean canister filters often enough as they are still running well, but in reality are have a large build up of organic sludge turning them into "nitrate factories". My Rena manual prompts me to clean every 4 weeks, but that is also how often they say I should do a 1/4 water change so I only put so much stock in their guidance.
  16. We try to buy a little something at every LFS we go to. Last weekend was the great Edmonton Fish trip, we made it to 5 stores and bought a something at each, even if it was only sponge. I do find from time to time the small places have a great deal on this or that, or have an alternate or hard to find brand.
  17. In general I am not too worried about minor level fluctuations. The concern is the link to the feeding of frozen brine shrimp, making me wonder if there is too much being fed or if it is normal with them.
  18. I use mine as the handle for the top when it is not being used for cleaning. I love cleaning both side of the glass at once with it. I was failry happy with the price I paid. They do very greatly in price from store to store.
  19. Is your BBQ glenmore landing? Times? I am looking forward to the pond talk, perhaps a little member prodding...
  20. Glad to hear the critters were all fine.
  21. I grew strawberries and some plants in a rubbermade container on my balcony. Not that I have a real yard I seem to lazy. I have been trying to negotiat for a pond/waterfall but so far no luck. may have to play the puppy card.
  22. I think you underestimate the Canadian tire stack. The pile we used on Sunday was $25. I have two piles left, but they are lower demonination. I should charge a quarter to see the stack. Hey new fun raising idea, PT Barnum style sideshow. I'd bring Fred if I thought he would survie the trip, come see the amiazing tailess guppy. If I don't top up my tanks water soon my 24" plant will need a trim, I could sell a cutting.
  23. I should warn you I have some amazing plants. Granted they are plastic, but I think they could show well. I could also show an impressive stack of canadian tire money. Look forward to seeing the fry.
  24. It does. With one less adult, fry, and trying new foods(frozen shrimp cubes) feeding amounts is a likley source to investigate.
  25. Constipation seems to be the cause. Fred had a movement like none I have seen from a fish. Poor guy was all gooped up in his own waste and there was a lot of it. You could not even see his ventral fins under the mass. He seems happy and healthy once again. Another H too, but it is a family forum. Guess we need another female guppy before this one gets pestered too much.
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