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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Bandi

  1. Well it has been day 6 with another batch of fry from the same parents. Lucky for me they are very prolific. Any way, I have lowered the temp to about 78 degrees, put the eggs (now free swimming fry) in a 10 gallon tank with a HOB filter (with the intake covered with a large sponge) and I have added some antifungus stuff at half strength. So are, the fry are great. Very few have died and they are swimming strong and energetically. I am feeding them infusoria for now and will switch to baby brine shimp soon. Thanks for all your advice, I'll keep you posted.
  2. Most people just don't get it! I love the hobby, after raising many different animals I have come to appreciate fish more than any because they are so quiet. People don't understand when I say raising fish is much nicer than raising baby lions. But in my case, I think we have crossed the line into insanity because people now come over and say we should open our house up and charge admission to see our aquarium in the prairies. 22 tanks up and running and still growing!!!
  3. Sounds like good sound practice and I will do the same with my mouth brooders when the time comes. These fry were from substrate layers, about 200-250 fry from one batch.
  4. The sponge for the bubble filter has been in use for several weeks before I added the fry, but perhaps the bio load was too great all of a sudden (there were a lot of fry), and an ammonia spike could have killed the fry. Good point. I sort of thought that frequent water changes would buffer any ammonia or nitrites spikes...so I never really considered the bio load capacity of the sponge. Thanks for throwing all this at me, it gives me lots to think about. Wow, there sure are a lots of things to watch out for. As discouraged as I am, I am trying to keep a stiff upper lip and perservere and not get defeated. Thanks for all your help!
  5. Yes, I did the water transfer from the parents tanks at first. I always add conditioner to my fresh water and let if sit over night with a heater in it.
  6. The pipette trick is exactly what I have been doing, so I was on the right track there. At least I did something right. And out of lack of anything else to do, I did lower the temp in the tank a few days ago. So my instincts were good there also.
  7. Thanks for the advice. Can I buy methanylene blue at theLFS? I'll definately give that a try. That could explain why the dead fry are fuzzy. I never considerEd that the fungus caused the death of the fry but that just might be the problem.
  8. Well I successfully syphoned about two hundred fry out of my 110 gallon tank (to keep the parents from eating them) and I moved them into my 7.5 gallon fry tank. They did really good for about five days. There was a small mortality rate of about 5 per day but I expected that. But this morning about 90 percent of the fry were dead and growing fuzzy on the bottom of the tank. Fry were free swimming and about 7 days hatched. This is the second time this has happened from two different parents of two different species...so I must be doing something wrong. This is what I have been doing... Temp: 82 degrees bubble filter in place bare bottom tank 30% Water changes once sometime twice a day, with aged, temperature adjusted water, careful to remove all dead fry and debrie on bottom. Feeding 3 times daily of finely crushed freeze dried baby brine shimp, finely crushed dehydrated blood worms, and finely crushed flakes. My attempt to raise my own baby brine shrimp didn't go well. Infusoria I have tried but it got too stinky and my husband told me to get rid of it. So what am I doing wrong? Please advise.
  9. Yup, I bought a whole bunch of them from Picese and they are breeding for me already!
  10. Fish from my various tanks. Enjoy!
  11. ya, I have used basters also, that might be the best. Thanks
  12. I had a couple of red jewels spawn..I was so excited until that very day, they ate all their eggs. But a week later they spawned again...so I was determined to rescue the eggs from becoming another meal. Usually the course of action is to remove the rock or wood containing the eggs and incubate them in a small tank. But, unfortunately, these guys spawned on a 3.5 foot peice of drift wood. So I removed all the fish from the tank, placed a air stone near the eggs and I can tell they are ready to hatch very soon now. My question is, can I safely siphon the fry out as soon as they hatch, or do I have to wait a couple of days until they are free swimming? I am worried they are going to get lost as they fall off the drift wood and into the gravel...this is a 120 gallon tank they are in. Any advice?
  13. I have two large parrots in my community tank. It houses, peacocks, electric yellow, calvus, rainbows, barbs, a frontosa, convicts, severums, a geo, and splendens. Mind you this is a 150 gallon tank. My parrots never bother anyone except the convicts who pick fights. But I really think every parrot has it's own disposition and tolerance level. But in my observation, parrots are on the slow side and their mouths can't seem to inflict injury even if they try.
  14. solved my problem...a 8 inch rhino pleco. He is so efficient I have to move him to different tanks each week. I love that guy!
  15. I recently bought a tank and it came with a 7 inch rhino pleco. At first I thought he was not much of a find but quickly and happily discovered what a fantastic glass cleaner he is. I researched them on the Internet but would be interested to hear any personal experiences anyone has had with these plecos.
  16. Yes, the tank came with all tubes, hoses, pump and bio balls to get it up and running, once we figure out how to plumb it back together. Hee. Hee.
  17. The tank is a 240 gallon. Thanks for the positve words on sumps, my husband and I are so over whelmed with all the connections we have already considered removing the overflow, plugging the hole and getting an fx5 or two. But perhaps we will bridge the knowledge gap and learn about this sump. But what do I do about the sump tank underneath? Do I need clean it? Can you give me some web links on info about sump set up and maintainance.
  18. I just bought a large tank with an over flow sump filter set up thingy...don't know squat about them. I have only ever had canister and HOB filters. The overflow compartment in the back corner is filled with bio-balls. they look all scummy...do I wash them? What do I need to know about getting the sump ready. I imagine I need to clean it??? The tank was set up and running until three days ago. Just got it home today. Any advice please...
  19. The fellow at the fish store told me this fish was some long latin name I just couldn't pronounce, let alone remember. But then a buddy saw them and said... Hap. Sp. 44. Can anyone confirm please.
  20. I got some from Thailand and was able to get some to hatch. After two days I put the fry in another container and fed them Artemia and Infusoria but so far they all just die off in about four to five days.
  21. Anybody have any experiences to offer about buying killifish eggs via the mail from overseas sellers in Thailand etc...? I would like to hear any success or non success stories you have to offer.
  22. So, can you knowledgable fish people help me choose a species that is a good substrait and algea cleaner (mostly concerned about the glass) and who won't get eaten by my larger fish namely my 17 inch knife fish. Also red devils, Jack Dempsey and Malawi trout among others.
  23. Thanks. So glad that gourami went to such a good home. Thanks Rudy for persisting and wearing my husband down into parting with that brute so he can have a better home. The others here are happier also as they are not so crowded now.
  24. still waiting for photos. Not fair to say you have such a beautiful fish without sharing him with us. Hey hold your horses I want to wait until he's settled in, he's a tiny bit upset right now from the move. I want to do a couple water changes and start feeding him so he doesn't look all sad and raggy. ok. Fair enough. I can wait. But be sure I don't miss your post.
  25. still waiting for photos. Not fair to say you have such a beautiful fish without sharing him with us.
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