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Everything posted by Krystle

  1. that was very helpful and well written, Hideo The first article on photography I've been able to read all the way through without my eyes glazing over :P Now I just have to save up for a camera.
  2. *comforts her fish and reassures them that they're all BEAUTIFUL :P* :grr: lol
  3. I've been using the Thera-A 3 mm formula for my 3 new ryukins since they're new and in quarantine and came a long way to get here... You can never be too careful, right? The rest of my fish are eating the regular NLS Goldfish 3 mm formula I can't get over how great it is to see Queen Latifah swimming around again! I'm going to have to pick up some of those wafers for my fry (they'll be hatching in about 3 days now )
  4. I had decided to switch my fancy goldfish to NLS a couple weeks or so ago, and I just wanted to pass on how well they're doing on this food since it's pretty amazing, actually! Fancy goldfish are always a bit of a challenge to feed properly due to the shape of their bodies and the resulting scrunched up GI tract makes them exceptionally prone to constipation and swimbladder disorder. in my collection of goldies I have some fish with "special dietary needs" lol. Princess gets very floaty at the mere sight of processed foods (pellets, flakes etc), even very high quality fancy goldfish specific sinking pellets I spent a small fortune on >.< lol So her diet used to consist of fresh fruit, veggies, shrimp, brine shrimp, bloodworms, etc and was a major P.I.T.A :P Queen Latifah has swimbladder disorder, and her needs are the same as Princess. Well, after switching to NLS, a *gasp* PELLET that all my fish including Princess and Queen Latifah have been eating exclusively, I've definitely noticed some changes Princess no longer gets floaty, and today, when I came home from running errands Queen Latifah was up off of the bottom of the tank and swimming around for the first time in months!!! The ONLY thing I've changed is their diet, and it's truly amazing what the change in nutrition has been able to bring about in Princess and *especially* Queen Latifah :bow: Not only that but I have 3 adult ryukins that are spawning regularly for me! Anyways, I just wanted to let you know how wonderful this food is working out for my fish! :beer:
  5. they sound gorgeous!! Where'd you find them? Pics please
  6. Actually, no...they get to make professional 'calls' on such things, and really, in this case, the gaming comission would need to do an investigation first. Ahh... See, this I did not know Meh, I just don't understand the double standard that exists with pets... If people breed pitbulls and fight them and other people gamble on the fights there really aren't any if's and's or but's about it, you know? It's cruel and sick and the authorities get called in and they get busted. But with fish, well they aren't fuzzy or cute so it's like it doesn't matter It breaks my tree-hugging little hippy heart lol. * :heart: gets along :heart: * EDIT: just wanted to add that this isn't directed at anyone in particular, in case it looks like it is, just a general observation of society in general that makes me sad.
  7. you could also do something like this http://www.goldfishconnection.com/articles...133&parentId=13 using a big rubbermaid livestock trough from UFA
  8. I'm coming late to this thread I guess, but honestly I have to agree with Hideo here. I mean, in this hypothetical situation the thread starter clearly said that the dude tells you he wants to buy the fish for some illegal betta fighting, and since the practice disgusts me, I would take the opportunity to bust his @$$ by selling him the fish and then calling the police and the humane society. I understand that some of you feel that the police may not care, but if something is illegal, then they *have* to act on it, right? Apathy disgusts me almost as much as animal abuse... WORD. It's ok to grumble about it on a forum but to actually try to set some wheels in motion would apparently invite only ridicule? I love the forums, and I'll grumble about mistreatment of fish in them as much as the next person, but things will never change for them unless we stick up for them in real life too, not just among fellow "fish-nerds" :P mmhm :eh: I didn't see that as a belittling post, however all your posts mocking Mighty Prawn for not agreeing with you could be construed as so, Froggie Anyways, just my opinion, and not meant to rub anyone the wrong way or cheese anyone off. I think the thought of fish being mistreated is a subject that tends to get us all a little fired up lol.
  9. You certainly aren't the only goldfish lover here Devon, it's nice to see another fancy goldy appreciater on the board :beer: I only keep fancies, I have 2 48 gallons, 2 20 gallons, 1 29 gallon, and a 10 gallon full of them I keep many different varieties, ryukin (short and long-fin), ranchu, crown pearlscale, oranda, demekin, and fantail, and many different color variations. My fish range in quality from pet store grade to high quality imported fish, but I love them all equally. We have a couple other members with a soft spot for goldfish, but we seem to be a bit of a rarity on AA If you're looking for a goldy-specific forum check out www.goldfishparadise.com.
  10. I was looking for it a while back and was able to find it here: http://www.bigalsonline.ca/catalog/product...05;category_id= I went in store (the edmonton location) and they didn't have that exact product in store, but I was able to get "Acriflavin Plus" which was made by Aquatronics, but I'm pretty sure Aquatronics medications aren't being made anymore... I don't think you'll find it at any of the big chain stores, since they usually are limited to carrying only a couple of specific brands of medications (i.e. mardel, jungle, aquarium pharmaceuticals) but maybe one of your awesome calgary fish stores will have it
  11. Well that went really really well o.O I was expecting a little more of a hassle, but there really was none lol. I came in spoke to David (the assistant fish manager since Michael had already left), and he me about my water quality. I told him it was pristine, and rattled off some numbers, he bagged me a new fish, did a straight exchange, and I decided to get another new one as well, which he gave me 20% off as well another excellent experience, these guys have really improved I got another black ryukin, and a matte red and white ryukin, named Wonton and Biscuit :heart:
  12. OMG. no way, that's not going to happen. I'll being in the fish, a water sample, whatever they need to see. I'll speak to the manager, I won't leave until I'm walking out with an equal value female ryukin. That's absurd! Michael Pham seems like a reasonable guy, I'm sure he'll be willing to give me an exchange. *edit* ok, I called and spoke to Michael really quickly, he said to come in tomorrow since he's not in today. He is a really nice guy so I'm sure everything will work out Plus he said he's still got some of the 79.99 ryukins so I'm hoping there will be one that catches my eye.
  13. they give full replacement if it's within 5 days tho, right? O.O I'll have 5 heart attacks right now if I'm out half my money on a fish that died within 3 days of purchase through no fault of my own!
  14. here's Daddy please excuse the awful pic, you can only do so much with a 20 dollar webcam lol.
  15. I paid 4.99 a piece, not too shabby, considering I've never seen them here in Edmonton.
  16. you're right! I'm newly converted Neil, you sell great food. Goldies definitely do still need fresh foods in their diet occasionally simply because they're so very prone to constipation and swimbladder, (that scrunched up body and deformed GI tract) but your food is definitely my staple pellet of choice So if anybody else with fancies asks you can tell them that from my experience they thrive and spawn on NLS Does anybody know if Cyclopeeze works instead of BBS cuz I really don't want to go through the hassle of hatching the little critters.
  17. thanks guys I'm so stoked and already moved Truffles, the bronze crown pearlscale to another tank, but don't know what to do with the white Ryukin... I have to move him so he doesn't eat the eggs, tho. Oh btw, I'm so excited over the eggs and their subsequent care I decided there's absolutely no way I can go t school today :P
  18. OMG OMG OMG LMFAO WOW well... While I was just doing the water change, I noticed something. They SPAWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right boys and girls I have a tung hoi ryukin spawn on my hands atm OMFG!!!!!!! That may have been what killed the blAck ryukn, the white ryukin may have chased her to death! OMG!!!!! Now to keep them from eating the eggs... Neil your food is GOLD!
  19. that's the worst part - is that it's such a mystery if I can pin it down, even if it's my fault, i feel better. But not knowing makes me very, very uneasy. I've gone over the symptoms (or rather, the lack thereof) and the possible causes of death and nothing matches up! For an 80 dollar fish this is very unsettling for me :cry: ph shock? no, no increased slime cost, no piping, no bottom sitting, nothing, no signs of distress whatsoever. poor water quality? no blood streaks in fins, no gasping or bottom sitting, gills are a perfect bright red, fins were full and erect... gill flukes? nope, fish showed no signs of them whatsoever and I had treated the water with prazi pro (which is very mild and doesn't harm the bio-filter) just in case since they were imported and pond raised anyways. I didn't spray anything in my room, there was no power surge, the filter wasn't off for any period of time that would have allowed for anaerobic conditions, and the filter in the tank was a VERY established sponge filter from another tank I keep running for quarantine tanks. see why I feel like banging my head against a brick wall? oh well. there's always the chance I'll fall in love with another fish at BA's or atleast get the refund, which is always welcome, especially around visa payment time lol.
  20. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok this is extremely weird guys! Samuel died! Samuel was the big black ryukin (named after Samuel L. Jackson, because yes, he really is just THAT black LOL :P) and I just woke up and found him on his side I have no idea what the heck happened! The fish were in a 20 gallon quarantine tub, never used for anything but, water quality perfect, infact they just got a water change yesterday with same temperature, PRIME treated water. The fish was active and eating NLS thera-A yesterday night??? All it's fins were erect, even now it's color is perfect, no external symptoms whatsoever, so blood streaks and I never once saw it gasp or bottom sit??? It's eyes aren't even clouded and the fish isn't stiff so I guess it didn't pass very long ago. I just bought them on the 24, so atleast it's within the 5 day guarantee I really loved him tho, too bad :'( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: *hauls out the python* emergency water change time.
  21. sorry to hijack - I' in love with the two little nerites I picked up and this question of breeding has been bugging me, so I went searching :P Here's the most specific I could come up with other than "you can't do it in an aquarium" http://www.plantgeek.net/forum/viewtopic.p...ighlight=nerite Anyone wining to take this on? *looks pointedly at Val*
  22. You should find yourself a professional photographer and have them take a picture of it for you. -Hideo pfft I'd settle for someone with a digital camera lol. All I've got is a grainy @$$ webcam Maybe next time I see Molino I'll bug him to bring his camera so he can take some pics of my fish and get him to snap one of the leg really quick too and LOL at gr8blade
  23. here's the tat for toirtis - I don't want to clutter up the thread with pics, so here's the link to my gallery lol btw do you have any idea how difficult how hard it is to get a decent pic of the back of your own calf? lol try it some time :P my gallery
  24. you missed the tattoo? It's on the back of my left calf I don't have any nice recent pics of it, hmm I'll try and take one later lol.
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