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Everything posted by phoenixn7g

  1. I found a few tanks I like around. The only issue is the lighting. The Tatra Half Moon 10 gallon tank has LED lights... ewwww and the ten gallon tetra started kit I am looking at, the maximum wattage for lights allowed in the tank is 15 watts/ lightbulb. Something about melting tank lids otherwise. I was hoping to get a used tank off of kijiji or here, but no one seems to have anything worth my while/ cheap enough. A brand new ten gallon starter kit is 44.99.... so I may be better off buying new Oh well! Here are the plants I am looking to get: Alternanthera Rosaefolia ( High light, but may be fine as long as I am dosing with excel) Hygrophilia Polysperma Anubias Barteri Vallisneria Rotala Indica Bacopa Carolina and possibly some Creeping Jenny For tank stockage I am looking at A lyretail guppy or molly and a school of 6-7 raspboras. Maybe even an ottocat later on...
  2. Ive had some plants before, note the some XD I am looking to start a FW tank, under 15 gallons. For substrate, I was looking into Flourite, and seeing as its not a big tank, I have been told one 7 lb bag would be sufficient. For plants, I was looking into some vals possibly, anubias barteri, anubias nana, marimo balls when I can get some more..... and a few others that I cannot remember the name of right now X.X How much light should I be aiming for? With the "kit" I am looking at I'll be getting 1.3 watts per gallon. I KNOW that is not enough, but what do you suggest when it comes to little kits that have built in lights in the hood? How do I get more light? Do you suggest me ripping off the hood and replacing with a different light entirely? I was also considering dosing with excel, which I do not have experience with. Do shrimp clean alage off plants? or ottocats?
  3. phoenixn7g


    Oh yeah! Super happy I love it so much *Squueee* I'm still trying to find a non tank though, I'd rather not buy one new cause that gets expensive. Looking to do a planted nano, tyring to find the right lights atm, and the right tank I guess if I am going to be buying one. I know what plants I am aiming for allready and I am intending on stealing some foam from work for the filter, so it'll super fast seed XD I am looking to put a school of maybe some neon cardinals if we can get them in, maybe a few amanos or ghost shrimp. If not, phoenix or galaxy raspboras and maybe one show guppy Ive seen some really nice snakeskins around at a few LFS's, but not work. Or maybe a threadfin rainbow as my show fish.... hmmm... SO MANY OPTIONS XD
  4. phoenixn7g


    Hey everyone! I am back now I had a 135 gallon, 6 ft long brack tank, which I then downgraded to a 90 gallon tank. Unfortunately, I had to get rid of it in our last house I now have the opportunity to get another tank * yay me!* As long as its under 60 ish gallons. I now also work at my LFS, not telling which one! I am definitely learning alot, and it is a great place to work. We can even refuse sales at this place I was looking into getting a nano tank, which I may still. Just a little 6 gallon with some rasboras and maybe one guppy XD I really am starting to love the look of schooling fish and may go with a few schools of galaxys, phoenixs, maybe even some cherry barbs or neon cardinals if we get those back!
  5. I would say you are only going to find mostly gobies. Possibly some shrimp.
  6. Due to unforseen circumstances I may have to get rid of my brackish fish! There are 2 dragon gobies Falkor and Fumble One Archer fish- Scruffy One American Flag Fish- Shrimp 2 Bumble Bee gobies- Yin and Yang Im just out here looking for a possible home for them. THIS IS NOT A FOR SURE THING YET. If I cant find an experienced brackie with a big enough tank, they will go elsewhere for a temp rehome-ment These guys are my babies and I do not want anything bad to happen to them. If you may be interested, pm me. Name Area of city you live in ( If I do give them up I would like to be able to come see them) Brackish tank gallonage How long you have had your brack tank set up Filtration on the tank Current tank inhabitants I know this sounds like alot, but I want to make sure that if I do have to part with them, they go to a great home!
  7. Rule of Thumb IMO is 5 wpg. So 5 watts * 20 gallons= 100 watts. If you are really that concerned do 2 50 watts, but I think one 100 watt will be fine unless the tank is like 4 feet long.
  8. Thats cause really theres no place to ask them. If there starts to be more and more questions about brackish then we can start to think about adding another forum. But so far there has been hardly any brackish questions and not many people keep them. I also dont' think its the lack of a brackish forum that holding back people from asking questions. I used to keep brackish and was quite able to post my questions in the oddball forum. I also think another reason alot of questions arent asked is because of the lack of activity on this forum. No offence but Its not a big forum with more then 50 people online at a time.
  9. Thats cause really theres no place to ask them.
  10. Yes and no IMO. If you guys dont want to have one thats fine.
  11. We need a brackish forum for those brackies to talk about their fish, tanks and many other things. I think this site would get much more of a response and beomce livlier if a brack forum was added. Its the only reason why I dont visit here everyday and instead opt to go to aquaria central.
  12. Sweet! Mine are such cute boys (?) one is super affectionate, the other has entered maturity
  13. Yeah. personally I have an xp3 and it is a beautiful dream so far.... its a 175 rating on a 130-135 gallon tank. I cant wait to take it apart again!
  14. There is no brackish forum here so I guess I will introdue here. I am an oddball. I keep 2 gsps, one of which I am attempting to sell due to agression >.< I have 2 dragon/ violet gobies... my babies. I also have 2 bbgs and some ghost shrimp and nerite snails. I have a 135 gallon 6 ft long tank that is my pride and joy currently Thanks for looking!
  15. Hi. Im new. Im mostly apart of AC online... Im always lurking there.... I currently have 2 dragon gobies, 2 bbgs, 3 zebra nerites and 2 gsps....
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