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About Yeaulman

  • Birthday 09/15/1979

Yeaulman's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Where is a good place to get the ceramic rings?
  2. Someone said that B & I aquariums sometimes is slow. If coming from out of town and he said the tanks were ready.... they were not even built yet. Has anyone ever had this kind of service or problem? I am a little leery.
  3. I am looking for someone who manufactures tanks at a reasonable price. Looking for a 90g with black trim and black silicone. I know the black silicone takes a lot longer to do but its worth it in my mind. So if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great... Thanks
  4. I had bought a tank from Gold Aquarium in Calgary a few years ago and was told that the tanks were made in Calgary. I was wondering if anyone knew the phone number or name of the manufacturer? I have a simple custom request that I want to know if it can be filled or not.
  5. Here is a whole list of them if you want some for your tank from ebay. They have larger ones for larger tanks... http://home.search.ebay.com/diffuser_Fish-...Z1QQsacatZ20754
  6. I am coming to Calgary mid febuary, does anyone know where I can get some Eco Complete? I need 2 bags. I am also looking for some specific plants, can anyone suggest where to possibly look.
  7. I have 65w over a 10g tank and I dont find the high light washes out the color. I do believe that the older the shrimp, the redder she will get.
  8. I'm adding a scwd to my 90g
  9. I am looking for the tubing diameter.
  10. I was just wondering what the ID of the XP3 tubing was. I cannot find it anywhere online.
  11. Ok so I have a chance to get a 2 x 36W PC retrofit kit that I would like to run on 2 10g tanks. Would this be too much light or will the 2 x 13w kit that I picked up from ahsupply.com work well for my setup?
  12. The reason I am asking about all this is cause I have a 45g tank that is starting to get hair algae in. Someone said by raising the CO2 to 30ppm and all the other fertilizers what I stated above, and trim the affected leaves, it should go away on its own. Has anyone eles ever had this problem?
  13. Ok here goes one more question. I am looking at getting a glass and ceramic diffuser for my 20g soon to be planted tank. Will this disolve the co2 completely or should I just make a reactor with a powerhead? The diffuser looks like this: Anyone ever use these before?
  14. I am not using the hagen products for fertilizer anymore. I am using products from Greg Watson. KH2PO4 KNO3 Traces Those are the products I am using now.
  15. That is correct about the Plant Gro. But do my numbers sound right for the right ppm? NO3 and K to about 10-20ppm, my PO4 to 0.5-2.0 ppm, and Fe to about 0.1ppm? I have also made an inline CO2 reactor hooked up to my Fluval 304 and its breaking up the bubbles quite nicely. Do you suggest doing it that way or making it the reactor with a powerhead like above?
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