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  1. Rocks I don't know if you would want to get rid of all your algae.. :shifty: My Brichardis loved Beeding when there was a fair bit of Blue Green Alge on the rocks, I also saw the Fry grazing on this algae.
  2. Could it be that it came from a tank with High Organic solids??? Like maybe the osmotic pressure within the creature is out of balance. How are the gills, pink or red? I'm thinking of it like the fish is somehow bleeding..
  3. Gazoo


    Tx Yep Stability is my friend.. :beer:
  4. Isn't there a difference between the salt you add for treatment, and the salt to make the tank brackish though? I thought I had read somewhere that you must use SW salt, just in far less quantities, to make a tank brackish as opposed to just aquarium salt. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I could be way out to lunch here. You can use Kosher pickling salt, but do not use table salt, which is iodized. Basically the idea is that Freshwater pathogens can not live in a salty environment. Many of these will be affected if the concentrations of NaCl are above their threshold of tollerance. There is an article on salt within this page.... http://www.thekrib.com/Chemistry/ All the Best
  5. Gazoo


    OldTS ? or NewTS? What happened here? If it's an old tank, the move may have stirred up the gravel, releasing some ammonia and/or sulfur dioxide. The dead fish probably added to the ammonia. If Gazoo's water is fine now, that's what I'd suspect, as the biofilter should be able to take care of what the WCs didn't get. I agree with your assessment. I had done some planting recently as well as a deep gravel vacum. I believe if I had not disturbed the gravel as much as I did, I wouldn't have had these problems. Thank you for your Reply I think I got bit by this Boogie man http://badmanstropicalfish.com/articles/article55.html
  6. Kind of typical of lake fish as opposed to river fish ?
  7. Gazoo


    Thats the thing that hurts... I was actually using a cap full of Stability, and a 1/4 cap of prime with each change. Basically It had been about 24 hrs since the last 1/3 water change, which I've been doing weekly. I've been trying to be careful with the double filtration, etc. And its a fairly mature tank. I think I got bit by this Boogie man http://badmanstropicalfish.com/articles/article55.html Thanks for the kind words
  8. Gazoo


    Well I thought I'd gotten everything moved into the new place OK....Not!! In one of my Planted 35gal tanks I had a pair of Mature Bushy nose plecos, Ancistrus sp. 12 rummy noses, and about 100 Cherry shrimp. I've got the plecos and shrimp at the Fish Club auction about 3 years ago. For the last two years the Plecos have been delivering babies like clock work. Pretty much monthly. As I said, I'd recently moved, and my tanks have been set up for about a month. A couple days ago I went out and stayed a friend place, came home last night, and when I checked on the tanks; The male was dead, Female in distress, Babies floating belly up. And by the next morning the female and others were gone. I managed to salvage, a couple of inch long babies, and two Rummies. Strangely the shrimp seem unaffected. The salvaged fish seem to be doing fine in my other 35 planted tank I had done a water change previous to leaving that night, and I'm using Both a fluval 4plus in tank filter rated for 60gal and a aqua clear filter rated for 40gal I had about 8 intermediate sized babies and a freshly hatched clutch. I checked Ammonia and it was high 0.5-1.0ppm I've since done a 1/3water change. Currently now 3 days later One Rummy nose and apparently all of the shrimpin theaffected tank are OK. Oh Well Sometimes playing god hurts ( I didn't cry, Like I did when I lost the Calvus but I came close.....
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