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Everything posted by BettaVishVish

  1. great shot & nice looking fish! Would you share the technique how you took the pictures?
  2. According to the tag..it's Hemianthus callitrichoides. I can't remember the name of the taller plant. The plants (HC) grow so far, except ..I now see more roots coming out. For the plant that is now floating, I had re-planted it probably 3 times in 3 weeks. Not really sure what to do with this. This is just my first try..I'll definetely try again using the proper technique Hopefully this picture is a little bit clearer:
  3. I did start 3 weeks ago, but didn;t use dry start method for many different reason...including "I better do this now..or never" reason Attached is the picture where the plant is now floating because the roots are not planted well. I've been told if I use dry start, this 'floating' plant will not happen.
  4. arghhhh!! I'm so jealous! Nice shot!! :thumbs:
  5. yes this step by step process is very helpful I have a better idea now how to do it Thanks!!
  6. Nice set up. I like the base too. Did you build it? Is the base also a storage? I can't really see from the picture if the base is 'openable'.
  7. if you're in Calgary and willing to sell the rocks..let me know.
  8. @jcgd: cool...Thanks for sharing. You can leave the picture here, it gives me a boost to continue on the plan when did you get the plants from Pisces? cause I did't find HC there..maybe you got them all before me hehe. I'll check again this week What kind of substrate you're using?
  9. @jcgd: thanks. I was thinking about that.. but still haven't decided yet still need to do a research for that.
  10. thanks for the link and suggestion. Lots of things going on in the last couple weeks that made me had to put this on hold. I should be back on this again in the next week.
  11. Well..it's my break so I draw this as a start . Hopefully my set up turned out much better than what it's in this picture -roll- Btw..I hope you guys can guess where the fish are
  12. Ok that's good to know. I'm actually planning to do it using the dry start method cause that's what I read so far. I just need to start shopping now..
  13. thank gBoysc2. What kind of substrate you're using? Where did you get it? I haven't thought about the light yet, I'm taking a baby step here . Do you have to wait or you can plant the HC as soon as the substrate is settled? How long the HC will start growing? I assume i shouldn't fill the tank with water until couple weeks or until the HC spreads...correct?
  14. nice..! I like the wood too
  15. @bfm: why everything is in Edmonton?? .. maybe I should drive to Edmonton @fcg: thank you for your advice. I'm open in any suggestion. I also had upgraded the lights. @ubr0ke: thanks for the encouragement. I'm excited! My main concern right now is where I should place the 2 bettas & 2 ottos I currently have in Edge. I only have 1 5gal fluval Chi that already has 1 male betta in it. If I'm doing the Iwagumi, it'll take months probably until the tank is ready. I was thinking to put the female bettas in Chi and put more plants where at least they can hide from each other. I'm hoping now that i can find someone willing to 'adopt' my fishes soon. In the mean time, I am hunting for the rocks and substrate
  16. I ended up spending my sunday afternoon reading this thread from the beginning to the end hehehe... Nice works! :thumbs:
  17. I haven't checked the Big Al's lately... so I guess I should check it again. Sorry.. what is Pj's and where ? about the HC ... how did you plant it? Any ideas why they 'melted'? thx.
  18. I have the rocks..but I think they're too small..so I haven't found the rocks that I want yet. Do you have pics of the rocks? thanks.
  19. I've been thinking and dreaming about this for sometimes...I secretly admire the Iwagumi aquascape but don't know how and don't have time to start it. All I know is ... I'll do this someday. Well..this month, it'll be a year I have the Fluval Edge set up, and it's time to convert it to Iwagumi tank :smokey: . Hah..sounds very ambitious doesn't it? considering I'm just a new kid in the tank Has anyone try this before? Any advices, warning, suggestion.. etc that I should know before I start? One of the plant I am interested in is : Hemianthus callitrichoides (HC). Any leads where I should find them (the good one)? thanks so much.
  20. can't wait to see the result :smokey:
  21. That's very kind of you. It's really great to do something that you're passionate about and shared it to other people (kids). Any story from Calgary? Someone want to start?
  22. I have new bettas !! Last week a friend of mine gave away 5 bettas. I keep 3, and the other 2 were for my friends's daughters. It's a cold night when I delivered the fishes..and a bit a driving & scheduling , etc. However, it's worth of the driving and time when I saw the little girls's eyes lighted up & their big smiles. The girls happy and I'm happy too having the 3 new bettas after losing my beloved betta last week. I am thinking, maybe.. if a betta can excite kids and give them an enjoyment, why can't I (or we) do this as community in this forum. Well...I don't have lots of bettas nor that I know how to breed betta or expert in setting up a tank. I just think maybe someone in this forum would like to start a project for example, setting up a small tank for an unfortunate kid or a non profit organization. Then you can share the ideas here and what items,plants,fish etc you need. Let people here in the forum help you build the tank and make it happen. I don't know..I just throw this idea. What do you think?
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