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Everything posted by McTurtle

  1. Thanks for the comments. So today was what seem to be my monthly trip to the LFS. 4 tiger barbs, 3 nerites, 2 pygmy corys & a female betta. The five green tiger barbs (4 I bought, plus the one who I had in solitary due to fin nipping) are all in the 40 gallon. There seemed to be some scrapping to start amongst the barbs, but it looks like they've settled it and don't seem to be bothering the rainbows or neons. They do seem to enjoy eating the plants. I really like how the 40 gallon is shaping up. I still have some more sand to add and some more scaping to do. New photos today. I tried to get some shots of the guppy "mutts" that are almost mature. There are some interesting looking boys. I need to find homes for them soon if anyone is interested... I couldn't get anything in focus so I'll have to do another photo shoot at some point. I'll take pic of them and my betta girl when I have more patience. 65 gallon is growing in fast from my last plant clean up. I have 4 cpd fry! woot! I've only ever had one at a time before, so something is going right. I think the adults are liking the baby brine shrimp I've been hatching for them. 40 Gallon breeder: Guppies CPD Betta
  2. If you're going to start off with a lot of light & CO2, the best advice I can think of is to make sure you plant as heavily as possible right off the bat. You can always change the plants out later, but without many plants to start off with you will grow algae. +1 Dry ferts are also a score, especially since you're looking at a large tank. Maybe think of how you're going to fertilize/ how much water you plan on changing each week. Having a water delivery system, even a pump to go from bucket to tank makes life much much easier.
  3. Welcome to the forum. You have a planted tank with 3 goldfish? You must have plants of steel! My goldfish destroys any plants I put in his tank.
  4. Thanks for posting the customer service number. It looks like I'm going to need it. My new 2215 seems to have come with a faulty/ leaking double tap connector. Is it just me or do the recent connectors seem to be made out of cheaper/ poorer quality plastic?
  5. McTurtle


    Hello & welcome to the forum.
  6. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Maybe I'll have eggs to hatch! -ham-
  7. I brought home earthworm sticks today and the corys are all over them... and they are all over they corys! I almost panicked because I thought it could be fungus. Nope... earthworm sticks are apparently very "fluffy"/ dissolve and stick to them. Anyone ever have this happen before? I'm hoping the food will be washed off as they swim around...
  8. Dear Santa, I would like some pygmy rainbows for my 40 gallon tank and a new home for the columbian shark and pleco who are currently in there. I would also like a stand for that tank so it doesn't have to sit on the floor. Oh, and some more heaters would be good.
  9. Congrats! Fry are so exciting.
  10. I bought a 40 gallon last night and it came with fish. One is a silver tipped/ Columbian shark and I think he will need to be rehomed for sure as a 40 gallon just won't be big enough for him. There is also a humbug catfish, a rainbow shark, one green tiger barb, 5 neons, a pleco that I haven't ID'd yet and 2 other fish (one is probably a barb and the other may be a danio, but I have to take pictures and figure out what they are.) I'd like to have rainbow fish in this tank. I think maybe the neons can stay, but I'm not sure who else would be compatible. I feel bad for the lone green barb, so he either needs buddies or to find a new home. I'm not a huge fan of plecos and I'm afraid this guy is going to grow up and suck the slime coat off my fish or eat them. Is a 40 gallon big enough for rainbow fish? It will be planted. I'd like to have a few if they're happier schooling. I'm thinking maybe 5 rainbows, the neons (I might add to the 5 I currently have to a school of 8 or 10) and the humbug catfish. The substrate is currently smooth pebbles, but I'd like to put some eco-complete in eventually. Any ideas/ suggestions?
  11. Seems like they have a lot of personality!
  12. Welcome to the forum. /wave
  13. Otocinclus might be an option if you're looking for an algae eating fish... or a nerite snail - also awesome at algae removal...
  14. Thanks. Wild is where it normally ends up. I have to keep on it or the duckweed creeps back in. Fortunately I now have Frank (the goldfish) to eat all the duckweed I can throw in his tank.
  15. Thanks! I find it really peaceful, except on "trimming days". This turned into more of a journal than a normal thread.
  16. Frank seems quite happy in his new home. He's figuring out that people mean food and is starting to be happy to see people instead of being nervous and swimming away. He's losing his black colouring which I guess is pretty normal. I hope he keeps his black moustache, but only time will tell. The plants seem to be growing faster than he eats them, so that's a pleasant surprise. I still need to get a backdrop for his tank, but I doubt he cares. Previously
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