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Everything posted by BettaSlave

  1. Oh, no problem :) Marble is perfect. Going to go look today, see what they have...

    Good luck with that melano boy you have... he's gorgeous! What kind of parasite does he have?

  2. Hi Sierra,

    I saw your post in one of the posts in the betta/gourami section, and I've noticed that you go to the PJ's on Calgary trail too- I'm wondering, have you seen any cellophane/white/marble females there? I'v been looking for one forever. (Doesn't matter how far back you've seen one, if you've seen one... if they got them in once they can probably ...

  3. Seriously? Dragon coloring? I should have went, I really need a dragon :/ I saw that HM melano, I was contemplating getting him... I'm sorry about his parasites :/
  4. Sorry to barge in here, but PJ's on Calgary trail sometimes has some nice bettas... don't know if you're looking for males or females, but sometimes they have some plakat females, gorgeous doubletails, the occasional delta, and even rosetails. Coloring ranges from the regular mutt/mismatched mix of colors, to solid melanos, dragons, marble cellophanes, dalmations, butterflies, etc... The deltas and rosetails are more expensive ($15 and up) but they don't charge you for the colors. Doubletails are $13.99, if you like that variety. Unfortunately, there are a few health issues, the majority of which are very easy to treat- ich is not uncommon, but parasites, in the many fish I've purchased from that store, are scarce.
  5. Just curious, did you get a PM from me? I'm not looking into breeding her, but if I did, it would probably be with another male (not the giant.)

  6. My boys love Hikari Betta Bio-Gold. New Life Spectrum is also one of their favourites. I've never had a betta turn down Hikari though.
  7. Yep, I am breeding a ct to my dragon pk I am looking for a ct dragon girl but so far I have seen no ct girls whatsoever and I go into pet stores at least once or twice week... But thanks
  8. If you breed a plakat or veiltail to a crowntail you'll get combtails (Which I aboslutely adore.) i know what I'm in to, with all the feeding fry and finding homes and all that
  9. As some of you may know, I recently purchased Peanut, a Red Dragon PK, from a breeder. Once he settles in, I plan to breed him with a crowntail female. Does anyone have any young female crowntails for sale, or know of any pet stores that get them in? I've phones Pj's Pets, Petsmart, Big Al's, and many other stores. Aquarium Illusions told me to phone next Tuesday, and if the bettas I'm looking for are on the list, they'll have them in by Friday. Also, I'm not looking to buy any bettas from big breeders (e.g Canadian Aquatics, where I bought my little PK) because of the cost of shipping. I have a budget this time. So, if anyone knows pet stores that currently has any female crowntail bettas in, or have bred any crowntails and have females (preferably a sold red, blue or green) for sale, please PM me or reply to this thread. Thanks!
  10. Here he is- Peanut Purchased him from an excellent breeder, and boy, is he a character! He started zipping around right when I put him in the tank, and started flaring at Veles, my veilteil in the tank beside him. It's funny- Veles is HUGE and Peanut is a teeny little thing. Veles makes Peanut look like a shrimp
  11. Really cool fish... I love your flowerhorn.
  12. Awesome fish, I especially like your leopard!
  13. Beautiful fish, love your arowana.
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