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Everything posted by fishforme

  1. Good Morning, My Dad has offered to make me a stand for my 33 gallon tank and has asked for plans on how to make it. ( he has no experience with fish/tanks but is an excellent wood worker ) Is there a web site with plans or do you just figure them out on your own. It is a simple enough concept but would just like to help dad out with the demensions and sizes and such. I would prefer a stand with shelves and doors underneath to hide all my fishy equipment. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Andrea
  2. Thank you for the heads up - we have Edmonton water out here in Vegreville, I knew it had chlorine but not chloramine too. I let the water sit in pails overnight as the chlorine is supposed to evaporate off, not sure if it is the same for the chloramine. I treat the water about 10 mins before I use it. The Aqua Plus has instructions on the bottle to double the dose for chloramine treatment. Is it possible to overdose this stuff? I am afraid I do not treat the water properly as I use one capful for every 5 gallon pail of water and have 20 gallon aquariums. My fish, shrimp and turtles seem very happy with this water as where we moved from the water had iron, uranium and a variety of other uglies in it and the ph was about 8! No wonder I lost alot of shrimp. I have heard alot about Prime and will give it a try.
  3. Hi, Just finished my weekly water changes and am almost out of water conditioner. I usually use Nutra Fin Aqua Plus but found an old opened bottle of Tetra Aqua Safe when I packed our house to move. It does not show an expiry date and I can not remember when I bought it. It does have an ugly smell to it but maybe that is normal?It is about 3/4 full so would be a shame to have to throw it out but if it kills my fish that is obviously not good either. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas to share?
  4. I have an Aqua Clear heater, rated for a 10 gallon but I have been using it in my 20 gallon and it works great, keeps temperature and I have had no problems. Just a bit confused at it says that it is submersible but then it has minimum and maximum water lines on it and says not to go over the max. mark. Well, while fumbling to find the light switch the other day I accidently pushed the heater into the water, past the max. line and halfway up the plastic protecting the "brains" of the heater. It did not short out or nothing of the sort. I unplugged it and left it for a day, there was no condensation in the tube or any other signs of damage so I plugged it back in and it works perfect. Why does it say completley submersible if it can not go all the way under water? I see pictures of people with thier heaters in the water close to the bottom of the tank and the cord running up and out of the tank, no problems.
  5. I am breeding guppies, trying to get more yellows and blues at the moment. Would also like to successfuly breed red cherry shrimp but that is not going so well for me.
  6. Hello Everyone, We just moved to Vegreville and everyone is settling in just fine. Included in our family are 2 - 20 gallon planted tanks - they are both full of guppies, one cory catfish, several assassin snails that I only see now and then, some unwanted pond snails and my beloved Red Cherry Shrimp. We also have 3 betta boys and two red eared slider turtles named Nena and Marty who live in a 29 gallon tank. As soon as my Dad makes a stand I will be setting up a 33 gallon community livebearer tank.
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