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Everything posted by Wildechild

  1. I agree the tank is beautiful.. i am curious as to dimensions of the tank. Also i had to Quote Dianna Here as the little info says Carstairs.. and i Grew up there haha.
  2. I believe source aquatics is partnered with Bow Valley Aquariums They used to be, but are not anymore.. i was talking with Bow Valley Aquariums just the other day and got quite the earful about how they were no longer associated hahaha.. which was kinda funny cause i was all... I never would have heard of you if not for Source.. but anyway.. still looking for custom tank builder.. Also i Went Down to Elite today, but they were closed i was really hoping to take a look at their stuff.
  3. Thanks i'll be checking prices with a few places hopefully numbers i like come back at me.
  4. Wildechild


    Hi, I just stumbled across here the other night while looking for various aquarium supplies, i actually just posted another thread looking for recomendations on tanks, but figured i would say hi here as well I live in Calgary and have been keeping fish on and off for a while, I recently sold my 80g Bowfront setup complete with fish and all to make room (both in the house and my wallet) for a salt water tank.. i have always wanted a saltwater set up and figured now is as good of a time as any since i am done school and strictly working now.... anyway i currently have 6.5g Fluval Edge - FW with Neon Tetras and a few Guppies 30g - FW tank, houses Tiger Barbs, Cherry Tiger Barbs (i dont know what else to call them.. brilliantly red like cherry barbs but with the tiger stripes and attitude) as well as a Pair of Bristlenose Plecs who despite my not being set up to raise their young, keep on laying eggs... hahaha Just sold 80G Bowfront - Fresh water, had 6 discus, 8-12 Rosey Barbs (number range is because im not sure how many fry were in there hahaha) Rainbow Shark, 2 Albino Long Fin BN plecs, 3 BN plec, 3 yo-yo loaches and 4 Kuhli Loaches All tanks have live plants in them because fake ones just don't look as good. Here is a pic of the 80 i sold
  5. OK well first off, let me say Hi... HI ok so new to this forum, but have been keeping fresh water fish on and off for last few years and have recently decided to take the plunge into Salt Water...... (key dramatic music) I decided to go with a New Tank rather than converting one as i want a tank with a drilled bottom.. this has proven a little difficult to find in Calgary, although admittedly i haven't looked too hard. I have however come to the realization that my best bet may be to go with a Custom Built tank and Custom built stand to match (a lot of this has to do with the space i have to work with) and so i am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on where to go to get a Quality tank at a reasonable price. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Also.. so glad i found a local forum site for fish keeping.
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