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Edmonton Moderator
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Posts posted by jvision

  1. It looks like what's sometimes refered to "Dust Algae", which I've read is a result of an imbalance between Ca/Mg and PO4. Is there a reason why you're using RO - are you on an acreage? If you're in the city, I'd just stick w. tap water (treated w. Prime, of course) and add your Macro and Micro ferts. Skip the fiddling w. GH, KH etc. Just measure you're KH out of the tap, and adjust your controller so that you'll get around 30ppm CO2 on the CO2 chart... or get a drop-checker, and adjust your controller to it.

  2. I've never used the 2073, but I find that most of those top-enter-top pump cansiters are all pretty much the same. Is there any air anywhere in the intake hose? That'll cause an airlock. Sometimes I give a suck on the output hose to get things going... your tank water is clean, right? :D

  3. Most South/Central American cichlids leave plants alone, but they dig... African Cichlids tend to be much more herbivorous and will eat most plants.

    If you're going with a SA/CA cichlid tank, get a few centerpiece plants going in pots (you can burry the pots to hide them if you want to hid them) - sword plants are great for this. Also, if you're going to have driftwood in the tank, attach some Anubias and Java fern to it - they'll do great!

    If you're doing Africans (Rift Lake), I've had success with the Java fern and Anubias jammed into rock crevices and driftwood. Valisneria could work, if you get it going before the fish are added.

  4. When you do 50% weekly WCS, there's no such thing at too hard water. I'd prefer all Tiger Val, so when I find some, I'll completely replace it all. If I would have been at the auction, I'm sure I would have made a few people disappointed when I over paid for a bag. ;)

  5. I sold off all of my Tropheus and started a Tanganyikan Community - a mix of Tanganyikan cichlids, some Syno. petricola and my L139 breeding group (there were already a couple of their kids in the tank).

    Here's the new scape:

    FTS left


    FTS right


    Alto. compressiceps checking out a new cave


    Some N. leleupi and S. petricola checking out the back caverns


    Cyps, Paracyps can comps. chillin in the shell garden - hoping to find some blue-stripe ocellatus for the shells


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