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Everything posted by pensfan84

  1. Here is my first try at a planted tank.29 gallon bio cube community tank.its about 2 months old.java moss is nice but you sure need to stay on top of it.
  2. thanks I am new to the shrimp hobby.they sure are pretty prolific breeders.i have so many that are at different sizes now in my tank.
  3. How about this one?it is darker brown with a light strip down the middle of its back.have about a 6-10 very big females that are ready to give birth soon.
  4. what kind of crystal shrimp is this?thanks http://rs177.pbsrc.com/albums/w230/pensfan84/Mobile%20Uploads/image.jpeg?w=480&h=480&fit=clip
  5. thanks for all the information.will help me out with my decsion about getting a pair of them.
  6. I am thinking about trying to get some jaguars.How big do they get as a adult and what other fish can i put into the same tank.Also will they kill off any other tank members if they do get to a breeding stag.would a 40 gallon tank be suitable to try to raise and breed them in.do jaguars require a tank with plants in it or are they more suited for a tank with bigger rocks in it.any info would be very much appriciated.Thanks
  7. Thanks for the information.I am going to pick one up also.
  8. pensfan84


    Hello,I just joined up last night.I have 3 freshwater tanks going at the moment.My biggest is a 77 gallon half filled with a mix of tetras,2 algea eaters,some snails,betta,2 firebellytoads,2 firebelly newts.My other 2 tanks are a 40 gallons with gold fishand others for my son.And a 10 gallon with a few fish for my daughter.I have been a tank owner now for about 30 years.would like to get into saltwater tanks in the near future.
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