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Everything posted by interpolantics

  1. what kind of rock are you using? Where did you get it?
  2. Hey there, I have a 15" RTC. Mine is currently eating floating pellets as well as shrimp. I have also noticed that mine eats the algae cakes. Don't bother with blood worms....
  3. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/160878791809?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 purchased this for my 180 gallon on my fx5. Recommended flow for the UV is 500 GPH, which is roughly what the fx5 would be after media and hose length. Technically you can run a 13w on your tank but it takes days to clear up a tank due to the slower flow rate. This would work for algae. keep in mind 36w is needed on a 180 gallon to kill parasites! When you can see through 6 ft of water without a problem id recommend this guy!
  4. I recently plumbed my 180 gallon and went to plumbfull in the NE close to big als. They had everything needed.
  5. Im actually using the same concept on a 180 gallon and it works great. They are hard to come by in calgary if you are looking for a canister type. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/4000-Gallon-Pressurized-Pond-Filter-Koi-Fish-Pond-/160442168129?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item255b193341 I bought this one of ebay for $160 and it comes with a UV. Easy to clean. Might be easier to get the filter new and find a used mag 9 pump on kijiji as they do show up once in a while.
  6. Also where do I get the blackworms?
  7. Hey guys, Thanks for your input. I'm running a modified fx5 that now holds 12-13L of ceramics rings in my 180 as well as a 13w UV. Ive never had one problem with ammonia/nitrate/nitrite as I was keeping a full stocked frontosa tank. I use something called "tankbuster" from pisces that is basically benefically bacteria used for ammonia spikes. I do around 30% water changes 1-2 times a week depending. Just with the two pups I dont imagine there will be huge ammonia spikes? I was tossing around the idea of using a rubbermaid container under the tank filled with conditioned tapwater instead of using my waterchanger. Let me know what you think!
  8. Im getting two motoro pups here on the weekend. I heard that they do not respond well to any sort of chemicals. My question is, how well do they respond to ammonia remover and carbon? Im wondering if I should load up my fx5 before they arrive.
  9. Do you know when you will be getting more golden nugget plecos?
  10. I recently bought a breeding pair of jag cichlids but they have not bred in 5 months. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestions. I have tons of slate and flowerpots and they are the only fish in my 75g.
  11. Hey everyone, I was wondering if anybody had some feedback for any of the external aquarium heaters? Im thinking about buying!
  12. Hello all! I have been keeping fish for 8 years now and I only now found AA!
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