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    Saskatoon, SK

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  1. FYI the fry will not eat until their egg sacks are completely gone,
  2. about 1 week, water changes daily.... did some more and it took a week in a tub outside with water changes... cures faster with warmer water ie sitting in the sun...
  3. Just an update on my tank. The rocks are doing good, no more leaching no weird side effects. Takes about 1 week of soaking in a rubbermaid to get the leaching out but then good to go. Here is a vid of the tank with my acei's in there and a egg tumbler with a bath of fry Only thing is the rocks are rough and as you can see some of my fish have scratches on their sides from rubbing into them accidentaly.
  4. Hi all just wanted to post a vid I took last night of my tank. SO far all i have is some PS acei Black Tanzanian or also known as acei itungy and a egg tumbler with 21 or so fry. Looking to get some more fish from Harold soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnLg-Bs7Na4 Cheers, Jason
  5. anubias is a good hardy plant, just leave it in the little cup and expect it to be moved around but it should survive. I have one with some acei itungi and they peck at it but they can;t get a bite out of it.
  6. I now have 5 acei in the tank and the ph has stabalized to around 7-7.5, that's with a 8h wait between tests... the fish seems fine other than being a little stressed since the tank is still cycling but they seem good So all in all it probably took about 2-3 days underwater to stop leaching ph... any extra rocks I make I'll stick them in a 5 gallon for a week before adding to the main tank. FYI I did do a bunch of 50% water changes for a few days in a row.
  7. I've heard of people using it for their diy backgrounds... So far seems the PH went up a bit.... no fish yet so not sure if anything lethal is leaching but I do see what looks like mold leaching off of it... rubbing it with my finger it seems like it's a cloudy type thing.... seems to be like calcium type stuff... never did regular cement before so not sure if regular does the same... I have some older ones and some newer ones.. the older seem to have stopped this process the newer ones are just starting to leach. I'll let you know when I get a fish in there how they do... the PH though did not jump very high.. stayed below 9 and is now around maybe 8.0/8.2 I heard others have used hydraulic with success and only a few days leaching time vs weeks/months. I'll post if fish I add die off haha hopefully they don;t, waiting for my ammonia to drop down before I add some. Jason
  8. Hey guys and gals just thought I'd post a shot of my new tank setup. Custom stand build and diy rocks made out of plastic cups and styrofoam covered in Hydraulic cement with black cement die. I'll be putting in hopefully some african cichlids, mostly peacocks and haps and maybe some yellow labs, not sure yet. Cheers, Jason
  9. also for something less real "" you can take your clay pot or whatever you have and put silicone all over it and roll it in sand or whatever other substrate you want so it coats it all over. I've seen some backgrounds for tarantulas made this way with dirt/wood pulp type stuff. Otherwise you can do styrofoam shaped and then covered in hydraulic cement and then painted with durolock to seal the cement, just need to mke sure it's heavy enough to sink. Jason
  10. I finally found some, went to the dollar store or dollar + store or whatever there called. They had some whales eye shells as well as some other ones I was looking at, also got some small purple clam shells for the substrate and a bag of larger clam shells just for fun. All in all about 10$ for 30-40 shells so I am super happy Thanks for all the help! Cheers, Jason blue world sea food or something like that. Its in the same mall as "the brick" near southland dr s.
  11. Possibly but it might be too restrictive for the water to flow through, I;d suggest a sponge as in from a filter Cheers, Jason
  12. Awesome thanks everyone I'll check all those out! Cheers, Jason
  13. Hi all, wondering if anyone knows of a Canadian online dealer of shells for shelldwellers. Or does anyone know if cichlidbreeding.com ships to Canada? I tried to make an order but it did recognize my address. Online dealer or local places I can find shells looking for shells like escargot, whales eye, turbo shells etc etc. Cheers, Jason
  14. Dito on the above reply. I used to have gravel, that is driveway gravel or some sort of largish gravel in the tank.. the babies after getting away from the mother would hide in there... just have to be carefull not to move it around also you could just place something else in there that would do for hiding places for the babies once the mom releases them. If you strip the female wait a week or 2 before doing it, then the babies should be large enough to be on their own and also make sure you cover up the filter's intake with a piece of foam or something to they don;t get sucked up Jason
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome I'm orignaly from Nova Scotia and have bred cichlids before. Want to have a small setup to tied me over until I can get a giant tnak or 5 haha. Looking to put some multies or another type of shelly in there Jason
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