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About Kiatsu

  • Birthday May 24

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    web & graphic design, anime, manga, computers, photography, art, design, games, fishing, cooking, eating, sleeping, etc.

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  1. Thanks anyways, oh well... I guess I'm leaving them in the quarantine tank for now... or forever maybe. So far I don't see it on the other tetras and only 2 of them has it at the moment. I would go for salt for ick but we have catfish... I'll risk them if did that, that's why I went for medication.
  2. A week or so ago we bought 6 blood tetras from Aquarium Central. We didn't have a quarantine aquarium setup so we put them in the main tank. I noticed right away that all of them have that white part at the tip of their fins, I thought it was natural so I didn't really bother with it (found out just today that it's fin rot and we're treating them now with Melafix). A couple days after, we had an ick breakout. After a day of treating it with nox-ich, we noticed one of the tetras body has a white/grey cloudy-like structure inside it's body seemingly wrapping around it's spine, I panicked and did a little research online and well... neon tetra disease pops out of google... he ended up down the drain Another day in still treating the ich, I noticed another one has it, I immediately setup a quarantine tank and use a filter media from the main thank to cycle it. I put him in there. The next day, I noticed when I'm feeding them in the main tank that another one has it but it's barely noticeable (a little circular cloud-like thing inside its body). I research more on this disease and it seems like it's contagious to other species as well so I went ahead and put all tetras in the quarantine tank. I don't really wanna risk it. I read that there's no known cure for this, but I can't just wait for them to die there while doing nothing. Can anyone tell me what else I can do in this situation... I attached a couple pics here... Is there any other disease that might've causes this and I might've just mistaken it for NTD? (sorry my camera suck) Main Tank: Tested the water yesterday (a day after the 50% water before we did the treatment for ick). Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm
  3. Kiatsu


    Cool~ shrimps are really cute, but I think we'll stick to fishes for now~ lol~ We had a pregy platy before when we first started... but since we're new, doesn't know anything yet... we only asked the people from a pet store and we lost her~ As for the lighting, I'll have to go look one of these days. I haven't had the chance to do so lately. I didn't know we can get plants for free, that's awesome. I had to buy my plants from petsmart... they didn't seem healthy at all, but it seems to be ok with our tank for now. We only have a mondo grass and a couple sword. I don't know if our lighting is good enough because we only have a 20 watt flourecent for a 29gal... I'm using the hood from my other tank (30 watts) to add a little bit of light for a few hours just to make sure they're getting enough. And thanks for the link, I'll check that soon.
  4. Kiatsu


    I was thinking of doing the same thing. I want to have at least a couple types/shoals of corys when we get the big tank and maybe even try of breeding them. Also having one side/part of the tank topped with sand for the corys. Never really had any experience in breeding though so I might have some trouble with it. Never really hurts to try. (^,^) Also, we're in the process of adding more live plants in our tank, but I think the light that we have is just too low to have more. We're thinking of upgrading to LED... but I have no idea what to get yet.
  5. You're welcome XD

  6. Thanks for adding me as a friend~ (^,^)

  7. Just lurking around the forums... :)

  8. Kiatsu


    Thank you~ I saw Ick Guard on our LFS but I heard they're not meant for scaleless fish like catfish. I was looking for Ick Guard II but I couldn't seem to find them on any of the stores nearby, so I just went for nox-ich which was recommended to us. And no, I don't plan on stopping at 29 gal~ lol. As I said before, I will be sticking with 29 gal "for now"~ :P We gotta move soon, and so it'll be hard to have a bigger tank with us. We're planning on getting at least 55gal tank when we move to a bigger place, maybe a house (hopefully late this year or early next year).
  9. Kiatsu


    Yes, that's what I did to cycle my new 29 gal tank. Seeded substrates, plants, decos and the old filter media into the new one. Only took me about week to fully cycle it. Thumbs up for Prime~ I'm a fan of corydoras too, they are so adorable and looking forward to getting more panda corys soon. As for the snails, I had the same kind, it's just so hard to deal with after it got out of hand. so that's why we decided not to keep them. We gave a few of them away as well, and even tried to give them away to a couple stores but no one seems to wanna take them, so we have to put them down. I really sucks, because I really like them. And yes, whenever I see those baby snails, I can't help but to think they are sooo cute. I really wanna keep but, oh well. We don't want anymore complications in our tank. Lol~ I used to feed them twice a day when they were on our 10 gal tank but now, I feed them only once a day too. I figure it'll be okay with just that. Also, for those snails that doesn't reproduce by themselves, we thought of getting them but since we already have 2 otos as my algea eaters, it should be ok. I'll just have to work extra hard whenever we're doing PWC to removed extra algea. I scrub and rinse our decos at least once a month, sometimes twice.
  10. Kiatsu


    Thanks~! I think it needs a little more plant too before I added a couple rams~ Yeah, I'm not one to quit halfway and once I get into a hobby... it's so hard to break it. I think I'll be doing this for a long time. and thanks, I really hope so too. My fishes are a little stressed out because of it... Thank you. *crosses fingers* Yeah, me too... I hope that ich will go away asap... I used to have snails on my 10 gal but they just overpopulated my tank and they kept reproducing so I removed them before I transferred all my substrate from that tank to the next. If I have one or two that got away from that, I hope that nox-ich will actually take them out. I really don't want anymore "pest" in our tank~ I was relluctant on removing them before when it was still countable and I regretted it so much. (>.<) About that quarantine tank, I was thinking of using our 10 gal as one, but we're kinda busy atm especially we have to move in a couple months. To set up another tank or at least keep 2 tanks running at the same time right now is a bit too much for us. I'm still in the process of reading some information about it though and hopefully soon enough, we'll have one running as well. Thank you. I don't think I remember lossing any fish from ich yet either. This is the 2nd time dealing with it, and I guess I didn't really killed it off last time. Hopefully, I'll do better this time around~ ~Kiatsu
  11. Kiatsu


    Hi~ I got reffered here by bryancatfish (from pjspet). I heard this forum is quite informative and very helpful. I'm still fairly new to the hobby, only a little less than a year and still looking for more knowledge and information about everything. I started off with a 5 gallon tank and it was really hard. I didn't know any better, listened and took the advice of some LFS people (who doesn't know any better than me... lol) and killed off quite a few fish because of it (T_T).... Learned from mistake... and never trust most of them now and always double check/research online what I needed to know first before I do anything. Found out the hard way that smaller tank is harder than the bigger ones~ lol Upgraded to 10 gal a few months later and then... well, that didn't last very long either before we upgraded to a 29gal~ I think we're sticking with that for now... ( Still looking for a centerpiece fish for it~ We have... 4 guppies, 1 platy, 2 otos, 5 tetras, 1 dwarf gourami, and 1 left panda cory (will be getting more soon)... used to have more, and unfortunately we had no idea we have ammonia in our tap water and that might've been the case why a couple of them died... We are kind set of getting a couple rams, hopefully they'll get along with our peaceful community tank. Currently we're dealing with ich... again (~,~) just with the tetras, they're the newest one added to the tank. Everyone else is fine... Trying out that nox-ich that bryancatfish recommended. Hopefully it'll work out and kill off that annoying ich. Only using half a dose because of the catfish so it might take longer~ Wish me luck~ ~ Kiatsu (Kat)
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