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Everything posted by creekbottom

  1. There are so many other aesthetically pleasing options out there besides that 'break the bank' marineland LED. That price is beyond stupid, I think. For that you could pick up 2 finnex fixtures with shipping!
  2. I've got a fugeray over a 10 gallon, it's a little too much light but it grows plants no problem. The fugeray comes with moonlights as well. It's a slim, low profile fixture with sliding adjustable legs. It's LED so no bulb replacement. I have T5HO fixtures of similar size and finding bulbs may be difficult and I spent about the same amount of money, with no sexy moonlights! The spike moss and Fissedens love it. The crypts are growing great as well as the Anubias. Even the Downoi is happy. The Ray 2 is a more powerful light, for deeper tanks or higher light environments, and comes in different configurations so you can get the spectrum(?) you want, for salt or fresh water. The only thing I'm not clear on is warranty. When I purchased my light directly from Finnex it was understood that they would offer me no warranty on the product. There must be a mysterious force at work in Canada that makes the performance of LED lights dubious :eh: Not sure if this guy is offering warranty or has actually made a deal with Finnex. The disclaimer at the bottom of his website would lead me to believe that the American Finnex will not honor any warranty on a Canadian fixture. But this is just my speculation, the Force must be stronger up here! And I've officially been watching too much Star Trek... Damn you NetFlix!!!
  3. They are great lights, I love mine, it's so sleek and sexy! He is also bringing in other Finnex products, not just lights. I know this because he actually answers his emails! lol.
  4. I have since talked to Finnex, maybe 2 weeks ago. Something to do with customs and they can't or won't ship here for the time being. Tigs, good idea about what plants or level of light. I usually like to go somewhere around medium, although I know if I use a sunblaster it's going to be more than that. Using Cainechow's ingenious coat hanger solution I can get it above the water, and then use floaters if I need to. The up side is that those lights aren't crazy expensive like a real aquarium light is. Laurensdad - Have you been able to find those 20" bulbs. I have a couple of those fixtures and the only place I have been able to find them is from Odyssea direct.
  5. There may be an opportunity for me to upgrade my 10 gallon planted tank to a 20 long. It's very exciting and I hope it happens. I've been looking around at lighting options and hoping to keep the cost reasonable (I'm cheap.) I would LOVE to get a finnex fugeray but for some reason finnex won't ship their lights here anymore, and the 30" is a little pricey. What are you using over your 20 long with plants? I was also looking at a sunblaster or the equivalent from Lee Valley but 30" is right in the middle. Do you over or under size the length?
  6. I have a 20 tall and I need to get the chili rasboras out. Predictably, they hang out at the very bottom of a densely planted tank. I'm going to use the pop bottle fish trap I'm just not sure what to put in it. I have flake food, NLS pellets, algae wafers, Hikari shrimp cuisine, frozen mysis shrimp. I never see them eating cause they never come to the top. Ideas?
  7. If that's a sunblaster light... How did you get it to sit on top the tank? Those lights are great but I just haven't been able to find a way to put legs on it.
  8. I have salvinia on top my tank. It takes a little longer to propogate, and doesn't have a long root system, maybe only half inch. That's been my experience so far.
  9. Pretty much, but I'm not adding any extra ammonia, that's all coming from the ferts. Just doing water changes....
  10. Weeelllll..... This tank is a bit of an experiment, maybe it's going a little south right now lol. I put a layer of SmartCote pebbles on the bottom of the tank, covered with sand. After further thought I think my cycle is established and working. There is just so much ammonia, that would explain the 0 nitrite but high nitrates. Surprisingly, the pond snails haven't noticed anything! That ammonia test was blue, notice the API chart only goes to a very dark green. Cockroaches and pond snails...
  11. What does it mean when you have off the chart ammonia, NO nitrite, and crazy high nitrate? Good thing this is still fishless. I've tested my water change water and it's at .25 (surprise!! need to use more Prime) but I've also seeded the filter with biomedia.
  12. It comes with the sensor. However, you have to provide and sacrifice at least 2 power cords. One to power the box and another to power the heater. There are quite a few vids on youtube about using this thing, mostly for home brewing setups. It's actually a fairly small box, 3x3 inches or so. And it has memory so it will remember your settings if there is a power failure.
  13. I haven't seen the Finnex locally but Amazon will ship them to your door. If you want to get your nerd on you can pick up something similar on ebay. It's called an STC-1000. You have to do some wiring but you can hook up a heater plus a fan or chiller to control temp. Just make sure to get a 110V model. If I can wire this thing, almost anyone can.
  14. I've heard of that happening, fingers crossed I never get one of those tanks lol.
  15. I think it really depends on the light fixture. I have a finnex and it's great, although I can't find what wattage the LED's are so that you can compare to a Beamswork.
  16. I didn't think a cherry shrimp tank could be sexy... then the sax broke in. Nice tank.
  17. Thanks for the numbers guys. I have about 700psi, for some reason my first thought was they gave me a barely filled tank. I don't know why I thought this, maybe I was expecting the gauge to read 3000 lol.
  18. No no... what does your high pressure gauge say when you hook up to a new bottle?
  19. I'm wondering what the pressure in my tank should be after a refill? Oxypro was super easy and great people to deal with. I've just got a 5lb.
  20. I've never had a problem growing anything I wanted in Edmonton tap water. You could also look into a substrate that will buffer your water so the pH comes down. I've experimented with Optisorb and capped it with sand. It brings the pH down to the low 7's, right in between the high and low pH tests in the API kit lol. It has a high CEC and its crazy cheap!
  21. I've gone with salvinia. Like it so far, growing pretty fast too.
  22. You can always boil the wood to kill anything that might cause brown fuzziness. Whenever I've done that I've never had anything grow, when I forget all kinds of things start to grow!
  23. That is a good option, but how does it work for refills? Oxypro is one of the few places that will look at a five pound tank without laughing, seems like. I picked up a 5lb from a member here tonight for $90, thanks Timmy!!! And I don't have to worry about hydro testing... ever.
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