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Everything posted by Spinalcore

  1. CT male finally is doing his job of taking care of the eggs. At around noon on Friday September 10th he started embracing one of my CT females and actually put the eggs in the nest on his own. This was my 3rd attempt with him. On the first 2 attempts he ate all of the eggs. They are currently hatching as we speak. This is my 5th attempt at spawning Bettas and only the first 1 has had any success. (2 survivors) This attempt is just to get him to figure out what his job is. He is working away trying to keep putting the ones that fall out of the bubble nest back into it. He is keeping really busy as they are starting to drop faster than he can pick them up. My GF and I are hoping that we can keep more alive this time, and end up with some to sell/part with. It looks like it might be a small spawn as both parents are rather young. I will be keeping this post updated with the progress of each spawn that I have. I hope to have good news about this spawn over the couple of months. Update on Spawn 1: There apears to be 1 female from this spawn. I am unable to sex the other survivor yet. I will post on that as soon as I can. I hope to have some pics of the young ones up soon for you Smokey. I will be trying to post a couple of pics of the tanks that I have setup. 1 of my Female Betta, Zebra Danio tank and my Female Guppy Tank(All Prego). (I don't Have any male Guppies at the moment )
  2. Pisces in Calgary has had quite a few female Crowntails in aver the last month. No males though. I picked up a Blue one and a Green one this past week and they had 10 or more left when I was in to get the Green one. In the last month I have picked up 4 CT females there. 2 Red Cambodians, 1 Blue and 1 Green. I'm just waiting to see if the one that was picked up for me by my GF is a ct as well. It is supposed to have a Brownish body with Red and Blue fins. At least that is how she was described for me. The GF wasn't able to tell me anything else about it. She is rather knew at identifying them. If you are interested in the CTs you could always take a quick look in there.
  3. Updated list of My Bettas 1: 1 Pastel VT/CT Cross Male (Same one as before) 2: 1 Blue CT Female 3: 1 Steel/Red Butterfly CT Male 4: 1 Red Cambodian CT Female 5: 1 Royal Blue/Red Butterfly Female 6: 1 Green CT Female 7&8: 2 2.5 month old spawn from 1 and 2 (Both appear to have alot of Blue and red as well as the crown's fin traits)
  4. Welcome to the forum. I have been viewing your forum since about April or May.
  5. I don't beleive that there is anything against posting links to other sites on here. I have seen lots of people doing it with no comments against it. I personally say "If it has any info that will help someone else out then why not do it.
  6. Spinalcore


    Yes I have checked it out. There is alot of good info on it. Thanks for the link. Bettas are my favorite fish.
  7. From what I have heard Even in a 100 gallon tank the males will find each other and fight. But that is only hear say. I am planing on trying that in a 250+ gallon tank to see if that works. If you do try please let me know about the result. Every betta has a differnet personality so while some are down right deadly putting them with any other fish others can be put with other males in larger tanks and just chase and flare at each other without even nipping. The females are the same way. So what works for 1 group might not work for another.
  8. Spinalcore


    Welcome I'm glad to see another betta fan on here. I currently have 2 Males and 3 females and my GF has the 2 males and 1 Female. Even my mom has 3 males and wants me to try bredding her's for her now that I have started breeding mine. I have to agree that planted aquariums are great all of mine are partially planted. More plants to come as I get my hands on them. I currently Have Java moss and fern, Cabomba, Wisteria, Duckweed and Some kind of Val or Stag.
  9. Welcome What colors are your Guppies?
  10. Welcome. Those are some nice sized tanks. I am currently running the following 3,5,10,10,15,40,40 I also have a 20 long and a 74 that are coming over the next week as well as a couple 150+ that I am working on building. I also have various Betta containers as well. A wide variety of fish from all over the world. (Asia, Africa, Central and South America)
  11. Here is my post that I made a couple of months ago that I followed for the first spawn and it seems to work the best out of 5 different methods that I have tried. Betta Breeding post I hope that this will help you. I will email you the files that I got from the breeder about breeding them as soon as I can.
  12. Update: It has now been over 2 months and I have managed to keep 2 alive from the first spawn. (That is apparently better than most people seem to do for their first few spawns.) Most people seem to lose the first 3 or so. The second spawn apears to be gone. I gan only see the Guppy fry which are smaller than the betta fry when I put them together I have been checking on them daily and there don't apear to be any dead fry on the botom of the tank. They all just disapeared. I have 15 guppy fry in the tank that had the bettas in and they are still there and doing great. The 2 from the first spawn now have visable twin rays on their Tail fins and the larger one has the rest of the fins having defined rays coning out nicely. They both have alot of red to them with blue fin outlines and the smaller one has a blue sheen to the body. Pics will be coming in the next week or 2.
  13. I would just try with the light and air running in it. Is it close to you other tank(s) and do they have a pump running on them? If so just use the one pump and a multi way valve to spit it and run it to the 10 gallon. That way your water doesn't go stale on you or get too much build up on the surface water.
  14. Jay sorry to hear about your loss. The prices of most of the plecos are what keep me from having them. The most expensive price that I have paid for fish is $25 for a pair of reallynice Crowntail Bettas for breeding directly from a breeder. Other than all of my Bettas my Africans were the most expesive fish that I own at $2.00 each. My 4 fancy Guppies that I have now only costed me abou $4.00 for 1 male and 3 Females. most of my fish have been free or up to $1.00 each. I'm kind of paranoid of having anything more expensive than $10.00 a piece. I also don't have the money to pay more than that for a fish.
  15. I had 1 Tank sitting in the sun for a couple of days (just make sure that it doesn't get too hot there) and then used a clean tank to hatch then once the fry were free swimming I transfered them to the tank that was in the sun. The best way to do it would be to fill the sun tank with a couple of inches of water to get the algae started. Once the fry are free swimming you just add them to the algae tank. You need to make sure that you have a good amount of oxygen in the algae tank. Or you can use a jar to get the algae started then just add the jar water to the fry tank at the free swimming stage to start the algae. I discovered the algae thing by accident when my male started to eat his fry and I pulled him out into a betta kit container and he spit 8 of them out in the new container so I had to move him again and left the other one beside the clean tank. I thought I had lost them but wasn't sure. The next thing I knew I had these fry eating the algae that I let build up. Feeding them infusoria seemed help build up the algae as well. I am still experimenting with this algae thing to figure out all of the details on how I grew it so well in the plastic tank.
  16. Is there anyone else in this group that is trying to breed bettas or knows of anyone personally that is? If so what types and colors are you working with?
  17. Update: I pulled 3 bettas out of the tank and put them in a 10 gallon wild guppy\endler tank the first spawn has 3 survivors that are now 7 weeks old and they have their horizontal lines showing nice and dark but no real color coming out in the bodies. Their fins are getting a nice dark coloration to them. I will be trying another spawn in a couple of weeks. There are a few more in the 5 Gallon tank that are from the second spawn and a few guppy fry left in with them. I also have a pregnant neon swordtail and a few pregnant feeder guppies\endlers
  18. I put a few guppy fry in the tank to the other day and now I have 8 or more betta Fry that I though that I had lost swimming around with them. I had read somewhere that it is a good way to get the bettas more active and to eat more. I guess that it does work. Because there are a few of the missing bettas swimming around and growing.
  19. Welcome, what species of fish do you keep?
  20. It looks like there are only the 3 from the first spawn left. I am planning on setting up another pair for spawning over the next week or 2.
  21. Hopefully I don't find an affordable price before I have my other tanks built.
  22. I wish I could afford a small colony or even just a pair atleast. You are really lucky.
  23. The First spawn still has 3, the second spawn appears to be lost, and the third spawn the male ate all of the eggs while I was at the hospital getting looked over after an accident on Friday.
  24. I have to agree even my African tank has Java Ferns. My other tanks all have a few live plants in them as well, even my Betta fry and breeding tanks do.
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