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Everything posted by guardian167

  1. Nice setup man! Sorry need a plant ID, is that star grass on the left hand side of the tank? :well:
  2. So many replies already, awesome! Thanks! Liquid fish fry food is an interesting idea, is that a commercially available product? I was thinking of getting some frozen brine shrimp, yet I am worried about the salinity? How did you crush pallets/flake food into powder form? I have a lot of flake laying around but they are too big for my baby fish. I though of using a food processor to do the job but I need to add water. I don't think it will work. Approeciate your expertise. I use a pestle and mortar, some people use a pepper mill or coffee grinder. Thanks Jason, It must take you a long time to grind them into powder form by using a pestle and mortara. i am hoping to use equipment of some sort to do the job. Mortar and pestle is definitely the civilized way to go, what I have been doing is just hammering the Hikari pellets inside its original packaging, pretty strong plastic I tell you!
  3. I found the amano shrimps to be super good at taking care of hair algae, hope that helps
  4. I am bad, haven't really checked the parameters since I finished cycling... 20% water change every week is all I do, I guess I am just lucky so far... the only casualties I have so far comes from the temperature swings during those really hot days in summer... 27+ doesn't work with the oto and the furcata
  5. Picked up one of these guys at the LFS recently, tried feeding it some crushed Hikarib shrimp pellets but most of it ended up in the filter :S I have been noticing increasing substrate scraping so it's a sign it's not getting enough food, any ideas?
  6. Hey all, joined here a little while ago, but finally putting in my first post! Started a Fluval Flora about a year ago, current stock includes: neon tetras, orange phantom tetras, oto, SAE, rainbow furcata flower shrimp, ghost shrimp and a couple Amanos. Overstock? Probably! But no issues so far (knock on wood!) Pics to follow once I figure how to post them!
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