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Everything posted by jasonfeltham

  1. Yeah i just opened an account on photobucket for now, i think i can figure out the flickr based on that if i need to. This is the first forum i've ever joined/perused.
  2. Re: Big Al's... WHHHHAAAAT?!?! I'll be checking that out!
  3. Here I am, from Calgary (Newfie transplant). Been keeping a 36 gallon bowfront since September of last year. First 'serious' aquarium, meaning I spend an excessive amount of time watching it, cleaning it, pruning it, rescaping it, restocking it, loving it. Have transitioned through a lot of different fish, have added and removed gold tetras, guppies, siamese algae eaters, plecostomus, harlequin raspboras. The tank was too chaotic. Guppies especially, I think there were 50 guppies at one point. I'd sit down to watch and be constantly distracted by the guppy frenzy. Anyway ended up giving away most of these fish... Currently have (in no particular order of importance): 8 celestial danios 8 rainbow furcatas 2 adult male guppies (born in the tank, hybrid from FS purchases). 4 banded kuhlis 3 black kuhlis 1 dwarf gourami 3 sparkling gouramis 4 amano shrimp ~ 100 red cherry shrimp A few juvenile guppies that escaped the net during the last purge. Really happy with the tank right now. So much to watch. Just started shooting pictures as well and finding a lot of fun there. Also learning the plants and pruning, composing the scape, etc. Looking to add more kinds of shrimp, perhaps some blue pearl or yellow. Not concerned about cross breeding or hybrids between yellow and reds... Excited about joining the forum, sharing some photos, getting some tips. I have a feeling there will be another tank soon... Thanks!
  4. Also need to wear a black shirt so no reflection in the glass next time!!
  5. Just started shooting my tank. It's in a south facing window and gets some crazy nice light during parts of the day (if I open the blinds). Using an early nikkor 55mm, apparently a favorite for shooting aquarium fish back in the day, and one of nikon's sharpest lenses. Loses some sharpness due to the curved aquairum glass and water I think, but happy with several shots. Celestial danio looking heavenward (my favorite so far) Frogman Headstand Amano a mano Grumpy Gourami Sunlit Shrimp Backlit furcata Kuhli loach
  6. I tried posting some photos from my flicker account but it said the extension was not allowed on the forum? No idea what that means. "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."
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